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“Don’t roll it! Do not roll it in front of The extremely high mutation rates of Pump the hate breaks,
me! You know how I am about these viruses are not matched by any other will ya?
things” organism in the kingdom of life. The
high mutation rates of viruses, cou- Mutual Assured Destruction is a
“Dhruv, is this going to be like that pled with their short generation time doctrine of military strategy and
time you were afraid to toss a coin and large population size, allows national security policy in which a
because you thought it would create them to rapidly evolve and adapt to full-scale use of nuclear weapons by
two alternate universes?” the host environment. two or more opposing sides would
cause the complete annihilation of
“Yes, and that dice is a six-faced Who knows what it may evolve into? both the attacker and the defender.
coin” Viruses have a lot of scope, espe-
cially this one, if its high transmit- It’s possible you have an idea of what
“Firstly, you really need to stop re- ting tendency gets coupled with a a post-nuclear hellscape looks like.
watching Community and secondly, higher mortality rate. The death rate After all, post apocalyptic movies are
the way this year is going, I can hard- for the Marburg virus is as high as obsessed with that kind of world. But
ly imagine any realities that could be 90%, rabies holds the distinction of scientists and other nuclear experts
worse than this.” being nearly 100% fatal if untreated, care deeply about this issue too —
and why hold we have to a zombie vi- and their research shows that these
For a long time now, we have been rus, maybe it just needs a few tweaks movies may have been too optimis-
awaiting the end of the world. In- here and there, and we might all just tic.
deed, the promise of the end of the experience Resident Evil for real. A nuclear fight between New Delhi
world has been for quite a while the and Islamabad could cause a “nu-
archetype of all our promises. Every clear autumn”. Even a ‘small’ nucle-
promise made waits for a day, for the ar war between India and Pakistan,
last and final day, for the dead-line, could produce so much smoke that
which is in fact the day of the end of temperatures would fall below those
the promise, the day of the end of the of the Little Ice Age of the fourteenth
end. to nineteenth centuries, shorten-
ing the growing season around the
Rejoice in your grave, existential ni- world and threatening the global
hilists, maybe this life of no intrinsic food supply.
meaning will end and soon you’ll be
getting a lecture from Nietszche. The effects could get worse. The
lack of food would drive up prices
(Alexa, play ‘Back in black’)
They had a sloppy gait as they ap-
proached slowly. Their jaws dislo-
cated showing their torn tongues
and blood stained teeth. They
moaned as they smelt the blood in
the air and ate those who fought
pinned on the ground. Skin peeled
away from their bones and organs,
showing their black hearts.
for what sustenance remains. Surely Eric Drexler in 1986, is a journalistic rightly come to the conclusion that
there would be worldwide skirmish- shorthand for the hazards of nano- the only way to protect its existence,
es — and perhaps even more wars — technology or ‘self-powering’ ma- or to ‘not lose’, would be to ‘pause
over remaining resources. The situ- chines: engineering at the scale of a the game’.
ation could get so bad that we might billionth of a metre.
see another nuclear war as states try If that doesn’t scare you, consider
to seize control of remaining food this: It took less than 24 hours for
and water Twitter to corrupt an innocent ‘high-
ly filtered’ chatbot created by Micro-
The absolute doomsday scenario is soft, from a happy-go-lucky boi to
a “nuclear winter.” For that to hap- a genocidal freak. It was shut down
pen, the US and Russia would have immediately, something the smarter
to use about 2,000 nukes each, not AI programs of the future might note.
outside the realms of possibility
since combined, they have 93% of Pause.
the world’s nuclear weaponry, about
6 thousand nuclear warheads each Yes, this is the AI section you pre-
and a potential for much more, con- dicted. Don’t groan, just hear me out.
sidering they have had a historic
peak of hundreds of thousands, and Programmer and CMU PhD Tom
that too in the 1960s. Each country Murphy created a function to “beat”
would effectively take out the other games by watching the score. When “It is now 100 seconds to midnight,”
— and likely bring down most of hu- the computer did things that raised proclaims the latest annual bulle-
manity as well. the score it would learn how to re- tin from the Doomsday Clock. The
produce them again and again, ulti- clock, which maps how close we are
“It’s nanotech. You like it?” mately resulting in what amounts to to mass destruction, is at the clos-
a Super Mario Brothers-playing ro- est it has ever come to midnight. We
We won’t win, Mr. Stark. bot. The program can take on near- are—so they say—closer to the end
ly every digital game, and it doesn’t of the world than ever, but here’s the
Imagine, an unprecedented vast oil mind tweaking the rules to do so, thing: that little word “ever” is work-
spill occurs, and our greatest minds like when playing Tetris, the pro- ing awfully hard. The Doomsday
rise up to the occasion and develop gram would eventually just pause clock has been running for seven-
a cheap and reliable way to clean the game rather than continue play- ty-one years, seventy-one years is a
ocean and contaminated land mat- ing and lose, a tactic shared alike by long time, for a human. For human-
ter. The miracle fix is a nano ma- annoying cousins over the world. ity, it is as miniscule as the chance
chine, which feasts on the carbon of me retaining my sanity when the
based oil slicks. But through billions
Efficient A.I. programs, with access lockdown is inevitably extended fur-
of self replicating nanites, much like
to the internet and the ability to learn ther.
mutation when RNA replicates, an er-
extremely quickly, will conclude that
ror occurs and suddenly all carbonas humans, we tend to act against We have always talked about the end
based life forms are on the menu. things that pose a danger to us. If of the world: as long as there have
the world was to be evaluated by been people, there have been stories
The ‘grey goo scenario’ coined by ‘scores’, any worthy program would of where we came from, and how
that world ended, and prophecies of
how this world will end. Maybe there
is something comforting about the
idea of going all at once, not as pro-
longed humming of a piano but as
a conclusive, befitting chord struck
with resolve. Besides, even if there
was no tomorrow, are there any tom-
morows worth more than the yester-

What’s more
boring than
By : Sourobrata Dhar
Who would have thought you would in sheets with Nachos by your side, you want from life, set your goals,
be in the ‘Endgame’ watching Ma- binge-watching, spending endless give more purpose to your life, find
habharata, Ramayana on the couch hours on social media, sleeping your ‘ikigai’ and get to know your-
with your family? for 14-16 hours and still saving the self better.Start loving yourself for
world. By staying at home you are who you are. Solitude works won-
Kaha Moksha ke sapne dekhe thee, saving the lives of infants and the el- ders, trust me. Use this time to heal
yha toh Moksh prapti ho gyi… derly with weaker immune systems, and connect with yourself.
leukemia patients, helping all the
“It’s been a hectic day.” “I need a doctors who are staying away from Don’t be a crapehanger in these dire
day off.” their family members just so we can times. We are in this lockdown for
“I want to sleep all day.” “I’m stay safe. a few fortnights (hopefully), WW2
sleep-deprived.” lasted for 5 years. Be patient as the
“Yeh ‘bahar-ka-khana’ is harmful.” “ Wildlife is flourishing. All the oth- longer you have to wait for some-
I want some ‘ghar-ka-khana’.” er animals are having the time of thing, the more you will appreciate
“Lock me in a room with unlimited their lives, basking in the sun, get- it when it finally arrives.
internet and food, I’ll stay there for ting drunk, peacocks wandering
a lifetime.” the streets, pigeons probably won- When this is all over, we will come
“I can’t take some time out for my- der that humans have gone extinct. out stronger.
self.” “I want some me-time.” They are thriving. Mother Earth is
finally healing. So breathe in this fresh air, be
Ah, I want to die… thankful:
Well, how the tables turn... Don’t waste time contemplating For all the shoulder-nudges, not-so-
As a matter of fact, it is not frustrat- why I chose engineering, instead firm handshakes, warm hugs, class-
ing to live in lockdown with your help your parents with the house- mates (saanp excluded), friends’
parents. I know you are not craving hold chores, make them feel proud whinging, marking proxies, football,
for Puchka. I know you are not dying that they raised their children right. little fights, lovely seniors/juniors,
to meet your friends. I know you are Bond with your siblings, improve Chill point’s Cheese Maggi , DDUC’s
not missing those hugs, weekends. your culinary skills. chai, Nescii-2, Dwarka Sec-14,
I know you are not fighting with your teachers’ scoldings, McCain vale
siblings. I know you are not bored, Build a habit of reading. Start from uncle, ‘chilling’ with your squad.
depressed. Because now you have the basics.Make your curated play-
all the time in the world to self-in- list for your every mood.Scour the Enjoy the little things: the chirping
trospect, spend some quality time internet for some positive news, and of the birds, the smell of the wet
with your family, play indoor games share them with your peers. This soil, the barking of the stray dogs,
with your siblings, practice social lockdown will take a toll on your parents whining about you being
distancing, watch movies for the mental health, so positive vibes hooked on your phone, the slow
hundredth time. Gloomy enough? I only. mellow breeze and stars shining in
know, right. the night sky.
Talk to everyone from your contacts,
For starters, consider it as your take the initiative and ring them up, This too shall pass. And remember,
onus towards society. How cool is it may make their day. Work on your- we are in this
it that you stay in your bed wrapped self, explore your interests, what together!

Defusing India’s
COVID-19 Time Bomb
By : Vaibhav Sharma

The world is now quite unhappily and staff. Unable to treat or save der to “flatten the curve”. The gov-
familiar with the decades in waiting everyone, doctors have been forced ernment has taken rapid actions
“pandemic of our times”, corona- into the unthinkable: rationing care to limit travel by suspending visas
virus. It has made even the cities to patients who are most likely to and quarantining all incoming trav-
that never slept to come to a halt survive, while depriving those of ellers, with all international passen-
and has forced everyone among us healthcare whose chances are not gers undergoing Universal Health
to stay locked inside our homes. It so bright. Screening, helping limit the entry of
has spread to over 199 countries COVID-19.
all over the world and has pro- Talking about India, it has 23502
foundly changed the world’s view cases and 722 deaths as of 24th Another appreciable effort is the
of healthcare. And it has turned April. However, these numbers “Novel coronavirus” landing page
into a serious crisis which requires seem exiguous when India’s hu- on the Ministry of Health’s website,
immediate attention and has crip-
pled the world economy.

But before looking at India, let

us look at America. On the Glob-
al Health Security Index, a report
card that grades every country on
its pandemic preparedness, Amer-
ica, the shining pearl in the ocean
of countries, has a score of 83.5—
the world’s highest. Rich, strong,
developed, America is supposed
to be the readiest of nations and
the best of us. Unfortunately, that
illusion has been shattered. De-
spite months of advance warning,
when America was finally tested by
COVID-19, it failed and has now
become one of the biggest epicen- By : Devang Anuragi
tres of this disease.
mongous population is taken into which gives the numbers of phone
Taking a glance at other countries account. The government has helplines along with detailed advice
which already have had a major taken a slew of measures to curb and guidelines for all the citizens.
part of their population been infect- transmission of the virus, many Equally noteworthy are the various
ed by the virus, Italy and Spain of- of which have been effective to a public awareness campaigns. One
fer grim warnings about the future. certain measure. The nation has such example that has been laud-
Hospitals are out of room, supplies, been placed under lockdown in or- ed by the Director-General of the
WHO is the annoying yet essen- the National Institute of Virology ing the recommended health prac-
tial case of Indian mobile networks at Pune, has now been extended tices. And another important point
playing a 30-second coronavirus to 52 viral research and diagnos- to be noted is the fact that we must
information alert before the start of tic laboratories spread across the properly applaud the efforts put in
every phone call. The Prime Min- country. However, significant barri- by the medical fraternity as they
ister has shown leadership in mo- ers to confirmation and treatment are the ones putting their lives on
bilizing the heads of government still remain in place. Contact trac- the line to save ours. We need to
of the South Asian Association for ing hasn’t been conducted meticu- scale up our efforts in order to not
Regional Cooperation (SAARC) lously, people are fleeing isolation become the next epicentre of this
and that of the G20 to share re- centres, and while the WHO rec- dreaded disease.
liable information, best practices ommends a ratio of one doctor for
and support each other in fighting every 1,000 patients, India has one
this pandemic. Another appreciable for every 10,000.
and firm step taken by the govern-
ment to combat the outbreak is the Data shows that more than 99 per-
setting up of the PM Cares fund forcent of Italy’s coronavirus fatalities This talk by Bill Gates is
combating, containment and relief were people who suffered from pre- a must-see for everyone
vious medical conditions: over 75%
efforts against the coronavirus out- who is concerned about
had high blood pressure, about
break and similar pandemic like sit- Coronavirus because
uations in the future. 35% had diabetes and a third suf- here we are, and he was
fered from heart disease. This high- right”
The question that arises though is lights the need for the government
– will this be enough? to take steps to protect those most
vulnerable to COVID-19, such as
‘Imagine that you’re standing
on the shore and you’re watch-
ing the tsunami come in. If you
are going to just stand there
and watch the tsunami, you are
finished. If you can run as fast
as you can, you have a better

India is running, but not fast

India is still not testing enough Comparison of the outbreak With and Without intervention
people, having conducted the few-
est number of tests among the those with prior health conditions. Finally, stay safe, stay at home,
countries with confirmed cases of and together let us beat the Coro-
the coronavirus, at just 10.5 per India as a whole needs to work navirus pandemic.
million residents (South Korea, by harder, faster and more efficiently
contrast, has conducted more than in order to come out of this glob-
6,000 tests per million residents). al crisis on its feet and for that, it
In order to tackle this, the limited needs to learn from the mistakes
testing capability in India, led pri- of others. This requires everyone’s
marily by the apex laboratory at contribution, which includes follow-

Be Careful What You Wish For

By : Mansi

With so much time to kill in this pe- cept of Schwarzschild radius was.
riod of languor and boredom, ev- You know, in moments like these
eryone is perhaps thinking about you realise how big an impact mov-
the time when they were not in ies have on you, because all I could
college. As a fresher, it does hurt hear was Dr. Viru Sahastrabuddhe
that one-fourth of our college life telling me “Life is a race, agar tez
is over. From JEE, to this sabbati- nhi bhagoge to koi tumhe kuchal ke
cal, it has been a roller coaster ride aage badh jayega. ” It didn’t mat-
with each up and down teaching us ter whom I was talking to, every- who are passionate to learn, to help
something new about ourselves, one was similar and to not be like and to grow.
and about life. a “broken anda”, I had to study for
Then comes the D-Day. The first
day of your college life at NSUT.
You find yourself in a room full of
people who seem to be just as
smart and hardworking as you
are. Soon you understand that the
curriculum is not as hard as main-
taining your attendance. The atten-
dance paranoia is a real deal. By
There is no need for us to stress on 7-8 hours a day. Presumably, each the time you come to terms with
how important JEE was. We would one of us has a similar story. And this, the results for mid-semester
quite literally eat, breathe and sleep so, when it got over, it felt like we exams are out and that is a real
for that one exam and when that got were coming back from exile. It was eye opener because that’s when
over, the sense of relief was mag- euphoric. But when you’ve worked you identify the ‘snake’ in your
ical. JEE was all about hard work, so hard for so long, you can’t just batch. Before college, you would
dedication and concentration. From sit idle for a long time. You need trust everyone around you but it is
remembering that Phosphorus something to keep you going and only when you give your first exams
mixed with Oxygen gives us Phos- that is when the ‘college excite- in college you realise that there are
phorus Pentoxide to calculating the ment’ kicks in. You fantasise how 3 types of people: First- those who
angular acceleration of a cylinder perfect your first day at college will study throughout the semester reg-
rolling down an inclined plane with be, how you will meet new people ularly and know almost everything,
an angle of inclination 37 degrees,
you couldn’t have managed it with-
out working for 7-8 hours a day at
least. I still remember vividly my
first day at the institute for JEE. Af-
ter the first class got over, I looked
at the boy sitting on my left solving
trigonometry problems, that made
me dizzy, with consummate ease. I
looked to my right and the guy was
discussing how interesting the con-

Second-those who don’t study perhaps the biggest lesson learned

throughout the semester and then in the first year of their college life.
complete the entire syllabus on
the last day, Third- who say they When you leave school and en-
belong to the second category but ter college, you are given a clean
in reality are in the first one. Peo- slate to be the person you want to
ple in the third category are called be. Just one year of college can
‘snakes’ because they are the ones change us significantly as a per-
who would mock and distract you one would be learning graphic de- son. From meticulously creating a
from studying a week before the signing, someone would be plan- timetable for your studies, trusting
exam while they have already re- ning to launch his own startup. It’s anyone and everyone to identify-
vised the entire syllabus thrice. correct that you get exposed to a ing the hidden ‘snakes’, from being
million new ideas but if you haven’t protected by your parents to man-
Everyone in college would be do- figured out what you really want to aging your insecurities, the last one
ing something that makes them do like me, all this can bring out the year has transformed each one of
unique in their own way. Someone insecurities and the fear of failure in us and hopefully, we’ll keep grow-
would be learning to code, some- you. Managing those insecurities is ing with the passage of time.

Aman Jindal Atishek Om Pathak Pranay Kothari Vishesh Bhaskar
Devang Anuragi Himanshu Singhal Mansi Shashank Singh
Aryan Mannan Daksh Gupta Dhruv Atreja Kanav Dwevedi Manas Bohat
Manu Mritunjay Tabishi Singh Vaibhav Sharma Yash Sethia
Aashna Jha Advik Jain Muskan Sharma Sheersha Majumder Sourobrata Dhar
Urja Banati Vaidehee Thakur Vidushi Yadav
Anmol Garg Devansh Batra Manad Gupta Mayank Saxena Nishant Chahar
Pranay Bora Priya Chugh Srishti Bahot
Anuja Sharma Harshita Pasricha Kamalpreet Bhatia Kritika Anuragi Mimansa Bagri
Shashank Vishwanath Trishla Verma

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