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SECȚIUNEA B( bilingv)
Varianta A

QUESTION I (50 points)

Question I (50 points)

Read the excerpt below and write a narrative-descriptive essay based on your own
perception of the day America was discovered. (300 words).

After twenty-nine days out of sight of land, on October 7, 1492, the crew spotted "immense
flocks of birds", some of which the sailors trapped and determined to be "field" birds.
Columbus changed course to follow their flight.

Land was first sighted at two a.m. on October 12, 1492, by a sailor named Rodrigo de Triana
aboard La Pinta. Columbus called the island San Salvador, in the present-day Bahamas,
although the indigenous residents had already named it Guanahani.The indigenous people he
encountered in their homelands were peaceful and friendly

QUESTION II (50 points)

The following excerpt comes from an article published in a newspaper a few days ago.. Write a
letter to the editor of the newspaper, addressing the views presented and expressing your opinion
(agreeing or disagreeing with the topic). Use arguments to support your opinions. (250 words)

Are teens really not reading as much as they did in the past? Are teens reading, but in
nontraditional formats that are underreported? If surveys focus on book reading, what about
teens who do all their reading online or in digital formats? What about teens who listen to
audiobooks? If questions are only concerned with literature, how are we counting the many
people who read nonfiction, newspapers, magazines, and websites?

With literacy rates for young adults now higher than at any other time - 98 to 100 per cent in
nearly all European countries and rapidly increasing in the developing world - it seems
incongruous that there should be so much concern that teenagers are not reading as much as they
used to. And yet, it’s still a major issue in education throughout the developed world. But the
concern isn’t really about whether teens can read or not, but more about what they are reading
and how much. (

NOTĂ: Toate subiectele sunt obligatorii. Timp de lucru: 3 ore. Nu se acordă puncte din oficiu.
Clasa a X-a

QUESTION I (50 points)

 Task achievement (10p)
 Content and organisation (10p)
 Coherence and cohesion (10p)
 Grammar and vocabulary accuracy (10p)
 Overall effect (10p)
QUESTION II (50 points)
 Task achievement (10p)
 Content and organisation (10p)
 Coherence and cohesion (10p)
 Grammar and vocabulary accuracy (10p)
 Overall effect (10p)

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