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Section I: Listening In this section of the test, you will hear conversations an answer some questions about them. For each conversation, first read the situation and the questions. Then listen to the conversation. Answer the questions after you hear the conversation. Respond to the questions by marking the correct answer (a, b, ¢, or d) on your answer sheet. Read the example situation and question. Example Situation: Joe invites his co-worker, Joe, to go out for breakfast Jim Has to go home for breakfast Doesn't want to go a restaurant Is going out for breakfast Doesn't like Julie’s Cafe eoee Now listen to the example conversation. [EXAMPLE CONVERSATION] Now answer the example question ‘The answer for the example is ¢, is going out for lunch. Now, go on to page 3. ‘Situation 1: Mr. Hanson is asking Jessie about her classmates. 1. Paolo is __ a. in class b. at the cafeteria c. at home 4. in the library ‘Situation 2: Susan is asking Alex about his free time. 2. On the weekends, Alex a. works at a part-time job b. goes to the movies ©. takes clases 4. has a lot of free time ‘Situation 3: Jeff and Rosa are talking on the pone 3. Rosa . a ‘went shopping yesterday b. can go to the mall today . can’t go shopping today 4. doesn’t like to shop Now go on to page 4 ‘Situation 4: Mark and Sarah are talking about their habits. 4. Sarah : a. loves her karate class b. enjoys working out €. doesn’t cope well with stress 4. goes to the gym a couple every day 5. Mark : a, likes to exercise b, doesn’t like junk food c. is going to sarah’s gym d. is going to join a karate class Situation 5: Jan is telling Carlos about her day. 6, Jan was late for her interview this morning because __ a. the service in the café was slow b. she was talking to her father c. her bus didn’t come on time 4d. she didin’t have a watch 7. Carlos thinks . a. Jan may get the job b. Jan will definitely get the job c. Jan will probably get the job d. Jan definitely won’t get the job Now go on to page 5 Situation 6: Freddie is talking to Judy on his cell phone about a trip 8. Freddie, : a. wants to visit Australia alone b. has been to Australia once before c. is considering taking a trip to Australia d. has never been to Australia before 9, Judy says the best thing about Australia is the ; a. weather », people ¢. beaches 4, food ‘Situation 7: Victor is helping Stacy with her new cell phone 10. Stacy doesn’t remember_. a. how to turn off her phone ». how much her phone cost . where she bought her phone 4. why she bought her phone 11. Victor thinks his news will be a disappointing b. annoying cc. surprising . embarrasing 12. Victor has known Caroline ___. a. fortwo months b. since childhood . since college d. since February "Now go on to page 6 ‘Situation 8: Paula and Peter are talking about Paula's experience in another country 13, Paula took her first trip outside the United States ie a. before she turned 25 b. after she turned 25 c. when she turned 25 4. last year 14, Paula offended her hosts in Thailand by : 1. asking them to take off their shoes, b. taking off her shoes c. not taki off her shoes 4. going inside their house 15, Paula told Peter that you_in homes in Thailand. a. don’t have to wear shoes b. are expected to wear shoes . can get away with wearing shoes 4. shouldn’t wear shoes 16, Paula got sent to Bangkok a. to lear thai customs b. to open an office c. to visit Friends d. to teach english Now go on to page 7 Sitwation 9: Adam and Carmen are talking about going back to college 17. Adam is studying for a degree in a. history b. economics ¢. education 4. nursing 19. When Adam receives his degree, he will be___. a. 25 years old b. a Little older tan 25 ¢. a Little younger than 25 d. almost 40 years old 20. Adam is most worried about___. a. his parents b. the economy ¢. his bank loans 4. his career plans Section Il: Reading In this section of the Objective Placement Test, you will read some short passages and answer questions about them. Choose the answer that best completes the sentence. For each item, filin your answer on the answer sheet. Passage 1: What's your weekly routine? MIKI: | have classes every afternoon. In the mornings I workin the college cafeteria, | usually do my homework in the evenings. On the weekends | go out with my friends, 2. On weeknights, Miki usually. studies ‘works inthe cafeteria sees her fiends has classes Passage 2: An e-mail Subject: Back homel Hi Mandy, I just got back rom my trp to Spain. It didn't rain a all We ate at some great Spanish restaurants-delicious! | learned to do flamenco! It's a kind of dance, We went to the beach every day, and we went snorkeling lke todo this every year! Max 22. Max__. ‘didn't ke Spanish food as bore on his tip enjoyed his trip never wants to visit Spain again Passage 3: Do you have “Vacation deprivation"? ‘The average amount of time off in the United State is only 11 days a years. But in Europe, workers get 28 to 37 days off. Researchers say vacations are important for good health. They say the kind of vacation you take makes a difference, too. When people travel to sunny places, have lots of free time, sleep a lot, exercise, and make friends, they enjoy better health. 23, The article suggests that__. ‘2. busy vacations are beter for your health b. Americans need more vacation time c. Europeans don't like to travel 4. Americans take enough vacation Passage 4: Minor buns Leon Caplan was watching television when his sister burned herself in the kitchen. He immediately ran to the refrigerator to get some ice and butter for her hand. Did he do the right thing? What should you do for a burn? Many people think you should put ice, ol, or butter on a bum. Actually, these can damage the skin and make the burn worse. Always cool a minor burn as soon as possible with cold water preferably running water 24, Then main idea ofthis reading is to__. a tellastoy about Leon b, give advice about burns ©. describ types of burs 4. stop people rom buring themselves 25, you have a bur, the reading says you should _. ‘2. put the bumed area into the reigerator avoid cold water putoilonit 4 ‘ever put butter on it Passage. Have you ever flown a plane? Probably not. Butt you lke excitement and dont get stressed easly, you might want to try fying a jumbo jet simulator - the same one plots use in traning | haven't taken many plane rides, but ast ‘Sunday | decided fo ry a day at plot schoo. I's open tothe public on Sunday. | gota ful lesson on how to fy before | climbed into the simulator. Then th instructor let me take off, fy at 314 meters (3000 fet), and land, it was the ‘scariest 30 minutes I've ever hed “inthe sir- and totaly realist Lives life to the fulest ya plane! 26, dunbo-jt simulator _. ae real planes arerit open tothe pubic are something pilots use to learn to fly ari ke real arplanes 27. The writer_. ‘8. hasnever been on a place b. has taken classes at plot school bere has flown a plane has flown in a simulator ‘Passage 6: Someone you can lookup to: Cstina Morin. Cristina Morini an amazing young weman wth an inspiring slory. When she was 17, Christina went on 2 safari to Kenya wih her parents. During her tip she spent four days with the locl Sambury tibespeope, who were sufeing ‘hom a devastating drought afer several months without rain, and had very litle food. Christina wanted to help. She started by leeching art classes to the Samburu children, who had never palnted before. Ciistna was amazed at thele wonderful crawings, and began to think. if she made their pictures into note cards, would she be able to sel them when she went home, and raise money fr food? She bought samples of the children's artwork with her own ‘vacation money, which pald fortwo weeks worth of food for he tbe. Soon ater she got home, the Samburu pojact was born. Chrstha has been seling trbal art and crafs for several years now, wih all profs going to the tribespeope in Kenya, So far, she has been able to build adam, which was her orignal goal, as well as bul several wells, buy animals and fod, pay medical bil, and bul a crafts canter 28, Chistna wanted to help the Samburu tibespeople because __. 2. they didnithave an at teacher . they were suffering from a food shortage they didnt know how to run a safar trp they homes were flooded 28, Christina got her idea to sel the chitren's artwork _. after she was able to sel some ofthe pictures b. after she returned back home before she started teaching them art classes 4. after she saw pictures they painted 30, Christina's Samburu Project _. bought two weeks of food forthe tribe . lasted ust tree or four years ©. hasn’'tmade a proft yet 4. is stil making money forthe tribe 31. Christina's original goal was fo__. pay for medica bis b._. false money for a darn bull a crafts center go back and see the tribe again Passage 7: modern crimes: Image theft Personal blogging is the new form of journal wrting - only better because more people can read your enties online! Nowadays, most travelers are expected to post their photographs, in addition to their commentary, on blogs for frends and family to see. But imagine finding your vacation photos in an advertisement, copied from the internet without your permission. As ‘an amateur photographer, you though they were “just pictures," but someone else decided they had value and used them to make money. That person stole your property. 32, The atcle tls photographers how to ‘2. make money from pictures b. become a professional put ther pictures onthe intrnet . stop people from using their photos illegally 38, The writer says amateur photographers. ‘a. might not realize thelr photos are valuable . travel too much to worry about image thet shouldnt find image theft ustrating 4. can also use other people's pictures illegally 34, Everyone who uses an image without permission_. knows Ws legal b. willbe caught ©. is doing something egal @, shouldbe protected 35. One way of protecting your pictures is to__. give them value use software to change them . jin professional association die them onthe internet Passage: “The issue of climate change has been discussed in scientific and business circles fortwo decades. However, I's only in a recent years that there has been agreement that something needs to be reduce the carbon emissions that cause the global warming, and that businesses, as well as governments and individual citzens, must act. The main problem isthe rising level f carbon dioxide, which has been shown to warm the earth's atmosphere and which is stil ‘being produced for damaging quantities by power and motor vehicles. ‘What are businesses doing about global warming? 'A few forward-thinking companies are investing in renewable energy. reducing ther use of oll and coal, reoycing ‘more, and consuming ess in order to reduce ther carbon footprint. Although companies like these are preparing to lve in a reduoed-carbon world, most businesses have been slow in reducing their negate impact on the environment. What might encourage them to fay start changing their environmental polices wil probably be combination of legal, political, and business pressures. Laws on carbon emissions are ikely to be afected by changes in government policy. In the Urited States, lawyers {rom eight states have tried to sue some of the biggest power-producing companies to force them to reduce their carbon emissions. In addition, the effects of new weather pattems such as high winds, huticanes, fs, and foods fare making insurance companies look seriously at climate change, as they pay out more money for the damage caused by these events, Insurers are naw forcing companies to think of such damage as an important business ik. 36. The main idea ofthe atc is that _ businesses will have to be more environment-riendly n the future its the governments responsibility to do something about clmate change nothing has been done about cimale change there are some envronment-iendly companies 237. The article says that scientists and business leaders_ ‘2. have always agreed about the cause of climate change ‘have been talking about climate change for along time have never agreed about what causes climate change have not discussed climate change enough Eo companies are trying to be more envronment-endly. 2. Abetof b. Asmall number of Allthe major 4. None ofthe big 38, Companies might change their environmental policies _. ‘a. because it costs less to be environment-fiendlv b. because ofthe nice weather forpoltcal, legal, and business reasons to reduce their insurance providers 40. Insurance companies are interested in cimate change because 2, Its the right thing to do . the law says they have to be cits important to be environment-tiendly 4. it’s costing them money ‘Section I: Languge Use In this section, you wil answer questions about the use of English. Choose the answer that best completes the ‘sentence. For each item, filin your answer on the answer sheet, 41, My Friends and igo to the movies _weekends, a. every b. on ein a. at 42. How offen ___your father work late? ab b. do cae d. does 43. Jl didnt _ that skit because itwas expensive, bought b. buys e buy buying 44 Javier always eats ____frt, but he doesn't ike vegetables, a. much b. alotof many aa 45, A: Im a big baseball tan B: Really? a. Idotoo b. tean too &. Meneither 4, lam too 48. 'm interested ‘an art class next year a. In taking b. totake . attaking take 47. B: What’ the weather forecast for tomorow tonight? B:It___ tomorow night a. rains ». israining . is going to rain 4. rained 48. | went shopping yesterday a tent for my camping tp. a get b. toget © get 4. for geting 49. A: What do you do with your old clothes? B: throw them away, but my sisters give __to charity a. hers b. their her 4. theirs 50. A: What___when you broke your arm? B: 1 was climbing a tree a. are you doing b. did you do ©. were you doing 4. Doyoudo 51, When __college, I'l try to find a good job. a. [finish bm going to finish finish 52 t's terrible to lose your keys, but its __to ose your wallet. a. bad b. more bad ©. better d. worse 53. A: Have you ever been to china? B:No,__. a. Thaven't b. I've been cI didn't 4. mnt ‘54, When | was a kid, my parents always: mmado(ne)_ my homework before dinner. a. todox doing y X to a. didX 5. A: What are you doing tomorrow night? Do you want to hang out? B: Actually, __anything, I'd love get together a. Iwon't do b. Toan'tdo ©. met doing 4. don't do 56. m taking four courses and working part-time for my father, 80 add anything else to my Schedule a. would rather b. had better not ©. dontthave to 4, ought to 57. We need to find a car, a. that doesn't use a lot of gas b. who isnt too expensive ©. is totally reliable d. we both like it 58. f|___the chance, Id spend a year or two in Australia. My English would improve a lot. a have b. would have c. had 4. am going to have 59. A: Where did you buy your printer? B:| don't remember where _i a didibuy b. I bought c. Mibuy d. Ibu 60. Anna_an art class since September, and she loves it. a. staking b. has taken ©. took . has been taking 61. My sister is_of spiders a. scared b. scaring © scary d, scare 62. Several fights __earlier today because of severe thunderstorms. a delayed was delayed were delayed be delayed 63. When did Shane decide _to Seou!? moving to move moved move are held are holding held b. c. 4. a b. °. 4 64. Our city has lots of fascinating festivals. They ___all year round, and we try to goto as many as we can. a. b. °. d. were held 65. You can offend people by not. a, remember remembering ©. remembered é d. have remembered their names. st é had spoken © spoke 4. speaks IF Dennis had been inthe right place athe right time, his carear__. a. would take off is taking off c. has taken off DK would have taken off 70. Many people rein favor ofrasing gasoline taxes ___reduce the number of carson the road a. because wo SK inorderto we Coo Vo LORDS BE © sothat 9 Ge Soke 4. dust 6 Qecdo &

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