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“Before Hon, Ble Additional District Judge Of Saket Court At New Delhi”

MAC No:__54_ of 2020

Pulkit Kumar ……Applicant
B-9, Amar Colony, Lajpat Nagar IV
New Delhi,


Raj India Ltd. ..……Defendant

A-226 Defence Colony,
New Delhi

Application Under Order XVII Rule 1 Of The Civil Procedure Code For Court To
Adjourn Hearing

Respectfully Showeth,
The applicant submits as follows:-
1. That in the above noted case applicant Sri Pulkit Kumar S/O Sri Archit Kumar has filed a
suit against the defendant Sri Raj Inida Ltd. for recovery of suit which is valued to Rs. 22,15,230
before this Hon, ble court on account of compensation for the injuries and disability which
includes mental harassment, loss of wages, and cost of litigation that are sustained by the

2. That today i.e 19th-03-2020, above noted case is fixed for hearing and the applicant is
unable to present before the Hon, ble court due to the pursuant spread of Corona Virus which is
a pandemic disease.

3. That the local hospital has asked the applicant to stay in quarantine for 14 days and stay
isolated for at least 20 days so that it could not spread to some other person.

4. That the plaintiff has returned from Dubai in the month of February and from that time he
was ill and had mild fever. So it is mandatory for him to stay isolated as per guidelines of
Government of India. However, for the convenience of the Court Counsel for plaintiff has
attached his medical report and self-quarantine order from Government of India.

5. That for the interest of justice, it is, therefore, requested to the Hon,ble court be pleased to
adjourn the hearing for another day keeping in knowledge of the applicant’s condition.

Dated: 18-03-2020
Through counsel
Adv. Salman Khan

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