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Bogota, 12 March 2020

Coca cola

Avenida carrera 45 n 103 60 piso 8



Dear Mr. Eduardo Pereyra:

The reason for this letter is to inform you of my disagreement regarding the management that your
company is giving to single-use products and the great wear and tear on the water resources of each
country where they are present.

Starting with the development of major health problems in people who consume the product such as:
diabetes, obesity and dental problems, passing through the rampant use of water to create their liquids,
which leads to problems of shortage of this resource in the most remote and needy towns who do not
have potable water and finally the production in large quantities of single-use products, of which most
will end up in our rivers, seas and oceans.

Finally, it is requested that you be more careful with the environment, that of all the millions that have a
profit, you can invest a part to supply drinking water to places where they do not have this resource.

Hoping to hear from you soon

Yours sincerely,

Harold Hernandez

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