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Task 2 - Writing

Ingles A1

Shirley Avendaño Avendaño Camargo

Código: 1082941207





Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia UNAD

Nota del autor

Shirley Johanna Avendaño Camargo, Escuela de Ciencias Sociales, Artes y Humanidades


Psicología Nacional Abierta y a Distancia UNAD
Task 2 - Writing

Paso 1: Presentación en el Foro

Good day

Partners and tutor

My name is Shirley Avendaño, I am twenty-eight years old. I am from the city of Santa Marta,

where I currently live with my daughter, mother and brother. I am a nursing assistant and I study

psychology at UNAD. In my free time I like to watch movies and my favorite sport is soccer. My

favorite program is nurses.

Paso 2 name is shirley avendaño

2.I am 28 years old,
3. I am a nursing assistant,
4. I am brown skin, long hair, dark brown eyes, I measure 1.60 cm
Name and age and occupation
Physical description
Activities in the morning 1.I get up at 4:30 a.m., prepare breakfast
2.and take my daughter to school at 6:30 a.m.,
3. Then I go to the gym and return at 9 a.m.
4. I check my social networks and the activities that will take place on
the day.
Activities in the esternón I work in the afternoon as a nursing assistant at 1 p.m. until 8
p.m., while I have free space, I develop my university activities.

Activities in the evening After my work schedule I arrive at my house at approximately

8:30 pm to review my daughter's homework and do the pending
work I have from the university.

Activities I like doing in my free In my free time I like to go out to eat, dance and spend time
time playing and watching movies with my daughter.
Task 2 - Writing

Paso 3

My name is Shirley Avendaño, I'm twenty-eight years old. I am from the city of Santa Marta, where

I currently live with my daughter, mother and brother. I am a nursing assistant and I study

psychology at UNAD. In my spare time I like to watch movies and my favorite sport is football. My

favorite program is nurses.

I am brown skin, long hair, dark brown eyes, I measure 1.60 cm

I wake up at 4:30 a.m., prepare breakfast

And take my daughter to school at 6:30 a.m.

Then I go to the gym and return at 9 a.m.

I check my social networks and the activities that will take place that day.

I work in the afternoon as a nursing assistant at 1 p.m. until 8 p.m., while I have free space, I

develop my university activities.

After my work schedule I arrive at my house at approximately 8:30 pm to review my daughter's

homework and do the pending work I have from the university.

In my free time I like to go out to eat, dance and spend time playing and watching movies with my


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