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6 questions you must ask

To measure yourself against the highly-esteemed qualities of

emotional intelligence, take this quick self-assessment to help you
evaluate your own emotional intelligence.

1. Are you usually aware of your feelings and why you feel that

2. Are you aware of your limitations, as well as your personal
3. Can you manage your distressing emotions well and recover
quickly when you get upset or stressed?
4. Do you keep your focus on your main goals, and know the steps
it takes to get there?
5. Can you usually sense the feelings of the people you interact
with and understand their way of seeing things?
6. Can you guide a tough conversation to a satisfactory
agreement and help settle conflicts?

Emotional intelligence is also critical in times of uncertainty. People are

scared and looking for answers. To help alleviate suffering, exercising
your EQ helps you understand or feel what another person is
experiencing from within his or her frame of reference, whether a
customer or fellow employee, as we face new realities together.

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