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Julie Lett

Kelly Stewart

University College

January 21, 2020

College Obstacles

In my first semester of college I have faced many challenges. I would get distracted by

my tv or phone, get lazy and procrastinate. After receiving my final grades for the semester, it

really opened my eyes on how I much I need to apply myself to my work.

One major obstacle I faced was being distracted by my tv and phone. Last semester I got

into a show called Criminal Minds. I would watch it constantly and for hours at a time. It made

me not want to do my work and when I tried to do work, I would get distracted. I would also get

distracted by my phone. It would only take one notification to get my mind off of my work and it

really took a toll on my grades. Now when I work on homework, I turn my TV off and put my

phone on do not disturb.

I, also, procrastinate. I would always put things off until the last minute. I would wait to

do them until a day or two before it was due. My work would be slapped together. I would never

go over any of my work to see if it was good or not. I would spend at the most 30 minutes on

something then turn it in no matter what it was. Now I know that I need to plan out my week

before things are due, so I have enough time to produce quality work.

The last main obstacle I have faced are my work hours. I would work up to 30 hours a

week and it would barely leave me anytime to do anything after work. I not able to have any free
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time at work to do any homework or classwork for my classes. It would only leave me an hour or

two to do anything after work before I would fall asleep. Since I haven’t been able to have

enough time to have anytime for classwork, I know I will have to ask for less hours so I have

more time to focus on school and my future.

My first semester of college really opened my eyes and showed me that I cannot have the

same mentality as I did when I was in high school. I need to focus more on my schoolwork and

less on my phone or watching tv.

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