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Student Name: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Student ID: ---------------------------------------. Course code: ------------------------.

Research Title

General guidelines:
1. The research should include from 10-15 pages.
2. Font type: Times new roman/Arial.
3. Font size: 18 for the title, 16 for the subtitles, 14 for the main document.
4. High resolution figures/radiographs.

Research topics:
The topic should be structured according to the following headings:

1. Introduction.
2. Aim of the research.
3. The main research document.
- Should cover every point included in the aim of the research.
- Should include illustrating figures/radiographic images/diagrams.
4. References (textbooks, journal articles, websites, …….).

If the research is concerned with a Case presentation

The following items should be fulfilled:

1. Case history (personal & medical history).

2. Chief complaint & history of chief complaint.
3. Clinical examination (Intra-oral & extra-oral examination).
4. Special investigations (laboratory investigations, radiographic examination,
5. Differential diagnosis
6. Final diagnosis

The case should include high resolution figures and/or radiographs.

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