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March 12, 2020

To Whom It May Concern

It is my pleasure to write this letter in support of Tiffany Green for admission to the University
of Akron’s School of Social Work.
Tiffany was my student in my English 1010 (First Year Composition) Class at Cuyahoga
Community College in the Spring of 2018 and obtained an “A”.
Tiffany was an enthusiastic learner and made every effort to participate in class discussions and
work. She made valuable contributions to the many discussions we had in class. She managed to
balance work and studies very well.
Tiffany worked hard on writing her essays and did very well in her submissions, taking care to
edit her work carefully. She is open and responsive to ideas and suggestions. Friendly and
outgoing, she got on well with her classmates.
Given the chance, Tiffany will certainly do well in the field of Social Work for which she has a
passion. With her dedication and good work ethic, she will surely be an asset to your program.
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you need any more information.
Best regards
Cheryl D’Mello
Lecturer – English
Tri-C Metro Campus

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