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Chapter 8 - The Role of Non-Governmental Organizations in the Promotion and Protection of

Human Rights

United Nations’ Recognition of NGOs

 Article 71 of the UN Charter expressly mandates the Economic and Social Council to
decide for consultation with non-governmental organizations which are concerned with
matters within its competence.

The NGOs’ Role in the Drafting of UN Charter Provisions on Human Rights

 It was through NGO influence that the preamble of the UN Charter, reflected the
expression of the re-affirmation of faith by peoples of the world in the fundamental
rights and the dignity and worth of every human person by the member states, has
been formulated.

Some NGOs which are well funded give humanitarian assistance to victims of human rights

NGOs as ombudsman
 NGOs safeguards human rights and calling the attention of the government on violation
through periodic reports, public statements, participation in the deliberations
established by intergovernmental organizations.

Assistance to the Monitoring Function of the Philippine Commission on Human Rights

 The Philippine Constitution mandates the CHR to monitor the Philippine Government’s
compliance with the international treay obligation on human rights.

Development Aggression
 The result of the civil and political rights during the regime of President Marcos; these
are the repression of economic development of people due to industrialization and
construction of infrastructures, displacing large group of people from their homes.

Atty. Repuyan-Bañez’s order of priority

1. Right to life
2. Right not to be arbitrarily arrested
3. Right not to be tortured
4. Right to a fair trial
5. Right to food and clothing
6. Right not to be discriminated against
7. Right to education
8. Right to fair working conditions
9. Right to health care
10. Right to political participation
11. Right to freedom of association

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