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Today’s Goal:
1. Please make sure you have the following items: Use RenStar data 1. Why talk about Lexile?
■ Ren Star Growth report
to identify trends in
■ Ren Star Diagnostic reports 2. Data Dive Protocol
■ Two highlighters: 1 green, 1 any other color Lexile growth to
Lexile Measure Workshop determine the next
possible steps for
3. Share out next steps
2. Form groups of 3 as you choose a seat.
Brooke Bern 3. Don’t forget to sign in :)
March 2020 2 3

Norms What are Lexile Measures?

Lexile Reader Measure Lexile Text Measure

We will...

Why track Lexile?

● Represents a person’s ● Represents a text’s
◦ Be present, solution-oriented, and open-minded reading ability on the difficulty on the Lexile
Lexile scale scale
● Determined by a test
◦ Contribute to discussions by both speaking and
Range: BR-2000L
listening actively

Lexile levels can be used to...

◦ Remain student-centered when making decisions ❏ Predict comprehension of texts
❏ Differentiate instruction
4 5
❏ Measure a reader’s growth6 over time
Why are Lexile Levels important? Why are Lexile Levels important? Why are Lexile Levels important?
1. Lexile levels tells teachers when they need to 2. Better reading skills leads to increased graduation 3. College and career readiness
scaffold or challenge students rates and success for ALL students (LCAP goals)

● 3,000 students who are poor readers drop out of school daily
(Readicide, Gallagher, 3).
Reader Measure =
Text Measure: 75%
● Independent studies courses rely on reading. Improved reading
The text is not too = progress toward graduation.
hard, not too easy.
● LCAP Goal 3i The Charter aims to increase overall Lexile
Growth for EL students.

● LCAP Goal 4.b The Charter aims to increase its graduation rate
● Independent reading range: 50L above or 100L below their level.
average of 58.15%, to meet ESSA requirements of having a
● Scaffolding needed for anything 50L above Lexile level.
7 graduation rate of at or above8 67%. 9

Phase 1: Getting Oriented with the Data Phase 1: Getting Oriented with the Data

2. Now look at your Diagnostic Reports

1. Take out your Growth Report to identify students
who grew, and by how much. ➔ Separate those who

Data Dive ➔ Highlight green if their Lexile increased

grew and didn’t into
two piles.

➔ Highlight or circle
➔ Highlight in a different color if Lexile decreased
any outliers in skill
areas - what scores
➔ Star English Learners
are noticeably
different from others
➔ Circle Students With Disabilities (SpEd) within the domains?

10 11 12
Phase 2: Discussion Rounds Phase 2: Discussion Rounds Phase 2: Discussion Rounds

Round 1: Observations Round 2: Questions & Hypothesis Round 3: Next Steps

5 minutes 5 minutes 5 minutes

➔ Share questions that emerge from the data.

➔ What are your next instructional steps based on this
➔ Take turns sharing what you noticed about the data: ◆ Also, what does the data not tell you?
➔ Share multiple explanations for achievement gaps you’ve
◆ What stands out? (what did you circle/highlight)
identified. ◆ Consider what is already working
◆ Don’t ask questions or make assumptions...yet! ◆ Try to find more than one explanation.
◆ Consider what MIGHT work

Avoid making assumptions, engaging in deficit thinking,

or blaming others. Instead, take a critical eye to our
13 system and our own practices. 14 15

Phase 3: Next Steps

➔ Choose three of your group’s biggest takeaways

Thank You!
and add them to the shared google doc for
today’s workshop:
LA East Shared Drive → Lexile Workshop Resources →
Lexile Workshop Pt 2 Takeaways

➔ Share out one of those takeaways with the

whole group.
16 17

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