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Name : Annisa Rosie Nirmala

NIM : B2019010
Major : D3 Keperawatan/2A

1. Why does the virus have two names?

- It was first identified in December 2019 and people called it the
corona virus, then it was switched by WHO by the name covid-
19.Besides COVID-19 which is a new type of corona virus, there are
also other types. These include Acute Respiratory Syndrome or
SARS, and Middle East Respiratory Syndrome or MERS-CoV.
Coronavirus is a large family of viruses with flu-like symptoms.
2. What are the symptoms of the virus?
- Corona virus has flulike symptomps liike: fever, coughing, sore throat
and difficulty breathing
3. What should you do if you suspect that you might have the virus?
- I should tested myself to get a result of the virus which out in 24 hours
(rapid test or blood test)
4. How is the virus transmitted?
- The virus transmitted from person to person like close personal
contact (shaking hand),
- from the air like a person who coughing and sneezing,
- touch the thing that contaminated by the virus then we touch our
face, eye, mouth and nose
5. Can you transmit the virus if you are not ill?
- Yes, we can transmit the virus, because the incubation periode is
about 2 weeks or 14 days, in that interval time we can transmit the
virus to other people
6. Can you get the virus again if you have already been infected once?
- Can usually not be invected again because the virus will be
recognized by the person’s imune systems
7. How dangerous is the virus?
- The mortality is 2% and it’s depend on age and medical situation.
Number of infected is exactly high, but mortality is lately lower
8. Is there a cure for the coronavirus?
- At the momment, there’s no cure for coronavirus. The doctor will only
treat general symptoms such as fever and lack of oxygen
9. Is there a vaccine?
- There’s still no vaccine against covid-19. WHO still trying to develop
and search for vaccines to prevent spread throughout the world
10. Does wearing a facial mask help against contracting the virus?
- Unfortunately, people can still contracted the virus even they wear
face mask. However, mask can prevently people from spread this
virus to the others. More important to wash our hands regurarly and
thoroughly in 20 seconds with 7 steps.

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