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Lily Baughan

28 January 2020

(Salisbury) MD - Lily Baughan, 21, is a graduating senior at Salisbury University. Lily is

majoring in Public Relations with a minor in English. After graduation, she plans to become part

of a political campaign as the PR specialist.

When she is not at school, Lily lives in Pasadena, Maryland with her parents, Doug and

Jo, and two older brothers, Jacob and Joey. She also has a chocolate Labrador named Emma. In

her spare time, Lily enjoys watching scary movies and listening to music. Her favorite films are

Harry Potter and Scream and her favorite music to listen to is classic rock. Her favorite bands

include The Beatles, Led Zeppelin and AC/DC.

Lily also has a passion for art and creativity. When she was younger, she wanted to be a

fashion designer, a signer and a baker. When in high school, Lily also attended a local vocation

school, Center of Applied Technology North, for the Baking and Pastry program. She planned to

graduate high school and attend the Culinary Institute of America in New York but decided she

did not want to bake as a career. Now, Lily spends some of her free time painting; currently she

is working on a canvas full of all her favorite music album covers.

After high school, Lily attended Louisiana State University majoring in Digital

Advertising and minoring in Political Science. After two-and-a-half years at LSU, she transferred

to Salisbury University to be closer to home.

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