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Bachué, 15 street number 30-60


Colombia, 27 February 2020

Dear Gazprom OAO:

I write to you just to letting you know that I’m really worry because I found out that you
are the third company in the world that causes pollution to the planet your Percentage of
global industrial greenhouse gas emissions it’s 3.91% and these numbers are from 1988 to
2015, I mean in five years the pollution has increase and that definility it’s terrible and one
of the worst it’s the place where you want to do your production (Arctic) that matters
because producing oil from a region where ice is present for nearly two thirds of the year
could make cleaning any spill up… complicated. I really beg you to find another place or
another way to make increst you business because the you’re doing right now it’s not
healthy for anybody, take into account that pollution it’s something that we need and must
eradicate because our planet Earth it’s getting sick and sick with the time and this it’s our
fault. It’s not too late to start and make a change. I really hope this letter can make you
think and take conscious for what it’s the best for everybody.

I appreciate your time and wait for an answer.

Joan Sebastian Díaz Medina
Tel: 3112488312

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