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masha said that she spent her holiday in the south

2.she said that she had spent her holiday in the crimea last year

3.Boris said that he went to the south every year

4.He said that he was going to a health resort tomorrow

5.Ann told us that they hadnot came yet

6.She told us that they had arrived in st petergurg yesterday

7.i said that i had been in london for fortnigh's holiday

8.Nick said that he had never been to london.he thought he would go there following year

9.He said that he wouldnot stay with his friends too long

10.He told me tgat they were staying at the grand hotel europe

11.He said that they were leaving following monday

12.The clerck told tem that they could leave the key with the maid upstairs

1.Toms motrher told him to go to bad

2.Nellie told pete that she had never seen his toys

3.teacher told nick to gave her his record book

4.Ann told lena to looked at her nice kitten

5.Our grandmother said that we should go to the zoo the next day

6.the mother told pete to not forgot to wash his hands

7.nick told his mothet that he was doing his homework

8.Mike told the teacher that he had learnt a long poem

9.the men told the boys to not play in the street mother asked me why i didnt drank my tea

11.johnny told his mother that he had seen his friend at the stadium the day before friend asked me when had received yhat letter

13.the boys asked peter if he would football with them

1.Prince john asked locksley why he was shouting,an wanted to know what his name was

2.the teacher asked who had read ivanhoe,he asked us whom it had been written by? of the pupils asked the teacher of literature what novel they would read following year

4.the french man wanted to know if the river volga was in russia.

5.ann asked girls if they were they playing vollayball,she added that she hadnot known that they had
liked it

6.peter told us to not touch thoose photographs,and explained that they were still wet and we might
spoiled them

7.fread asked the boys if their friends ofthen came here,he wanted to speak to him firend asked me how i had managed to solve that difficult problem in such a short time

9.the teacher told us that we would wrrite apaper the next day

10.kate told nick that she had seen a new fiilm the day before,nick wanted to know if she had liked it

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