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Name: Date: Period:

Free Speech? Or Is It?

With a partner, discuss the following scenarios. Are these situations protected by Free Speech
and Freedom of Assembly?
1. A large group of members of the Ku Klux Klan are parading through Waco. They have a
permit from the city and are not disturbing anyone but are chanting and have signs that
say hateful things about other races. Is this protected by the Freedoms of Speech and

A) Legal B) Illegal

2. A group of Middle School students gather in a public park and are protesting American
involvement in a war in the Middle East. They burn an American flag during their
protest. Are the students breaking the law?

A) Legal B) Illegal

3. A man protesting the sale of firearms goes into a gun store and hands out flyers to the
customers inside that say that owning guns is wrong. He is kicked out by the owner. The
man argues that he was practicing his freedom of speech. Are the owner’s actions legal?

A) Legal B) Illegal

4. A church that does not support abortion goes to a Planned Parenthood clinic. The church
member starts to verbally insult and push around people who are coming in and out of the
clinic. Are the church members within their rights of free speech?

A) Legal B) Illegal
Name: Date: Period:

Exit Ticket

1. In your own words in three sentences or less, explain why Freedom of Speech and
Assembly are important TO YOU?

2. Name at least two ways in which your First Amendment rights can be restricted in today’s

3. Would it make a difference if Emily, Jose, and Chris went into different students’ classrooms
during class time to have students sign their petition? Why?

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