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The spread of Covid-19 with no letup proves to be supernatural as all efforts failed for

the vaccine. This clearly points towards a special pupose to help the mankind with an
alarm by One Almighty God as a blessing in disguise. In this information age, sadly, the
people have forgotten God and became divided and intolerant on the basis of religions.
On the other hand, with the help of latest informations, the people in the world are
much united in the field of technology, science, economies etc. for material benefits,
but neglected to use the information to unite the people on the basis of commonalities
of all major religions for the sake of universal brotherhood and for much needed peace
in the world. Therefore, the Most Merciful God united the humanity in the pretext of
Covid-19, so that all the people from major religions remember God and call for help
with mutual respect and tolerance by agreeing to at least on One Common Belief which
is the most important among all the major religions like Hinduism, Christianity, Islam,
Judaism, which says to worship only One God. There is only One God, worship Him,
Ekam Evadvitiyam, He is One only without a Second. There is no deity but God. LORD
our God is One. If all the people of major religions follow their religious scriptures
honestly to worship only One God with conviction and devotion, then this Covid-19 can
be defeated soon, and rest of the remaining differences between the people of major
religions can be sorted out easily.

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