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Tiara Davis

English 112 – Issue Report Final Version

March 15, 2020

What are the pros and cons of genetically modified foods?

It can be argued that humans have practiced biotechnology for thousands of years (McCouch)

stating that “humans have practiced biotechnology for about 10,000 years, or as long as they have

practiced agriculture. For example, fermentation has been practiced for a while now. “an example is the

fermentation of grape juice to make wine,” is stated by (Kirkland) which backs up the claim that humans

have been practicing biotechnology for some time. There are other examples to back this claim for

instance yeast is used to make bread which is also the practice of biotechnology. Pharmaceuticals are

using the same technology to help extend the lives of people all over the world but when it comes to

genetically modified foods it becomes controversial. Even though humans have practiced these

biotechnology techniques for thousands of years. there is still a lot of debate and controversy worldwide

on whether genetically modified food is a good or bad thing for the world. Some places such as the

Zambia government has “refused GM-food aid from the US’s World Food Programme.” (Ashraf)

Starting with a definition of what food biotechnology is and why it first came to light is as stated

in (Kirkland) “food biotechnology is the use of living material to improve food production and food

quality.” To get an understanding of whether the reward outweighs the risk let’s take a look at why

genetically modified food is produced in the first place. The first genetically modified plants were

developed around the 1990s to offer a type of resistance to the elements and pests. Such as protection

against pests eating away at the plants and to better protect the plants from spoilage and diseases.

Environmental conditions can also pose a threat such as an extraordinarily hot and dry summer where

the crop yield might below. There is the chance that genetically modified foods can produce a higher
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yield while also increasing the nutritional value of the crops. Greater crop yield could mean cheaper,

more obtainable foods which would make it easier for the poor to get a quality food source.

The pros of genetically modified foods are pretty significant in the debate on whether or not

genetically modified foods are a good or bad thing. The one that stands out the most and is talked about

the most is how genetically modified foods can significantly help out poor and developing countries.

According to Nuffield Council on Bioethics “Genetically modified crops could help small-scale farmers in

developing countries. It also states in (Ashraf) That “GM crops do, in some cases, have considerable

potential to increase crop yields.” This could be beneficial to developing nations that could benefit from

the potential increase in crop yields. Biotechnology can help with world hunger and malnutrition such

as McCouch states in (Genetically modified food) that “the development of genetically engineered rice

to produce iron or provitamin A”, “has the potential directly to improve the quality of life for millions.”

By adding these much-needed vitamins to some developing countries that need it could be just what

they need to survive. Another source that backs this up is (Jorgen Schlundt, the coordinator of WHO’s

Food Safety Programme) he says that “by engineering staple crops to have increased nutritional value

in, say, minerals or vitamins – such as Golden Rice producing vitamin A GM crops, might even have a

direct positive impact on human health.” (Hagmann). Having this increase in vitamins in everyday foods

could tremendously help with malnutrition. The biggest advantage of GM foods is going to end up being

for poor developing countries to not only help increase crop production increases the amount of food

but to help with malnutrition in those developing countries also.

The cons of genetically modified foods are that there isn’t a lot of research done there seems to

be a lot of immediate testing done which has come back to be fine. It’s the long-term effects that are

more unknown. For instance, one set of data explained in (Evans) explains the potential for “kidney and

liver problems” as well as “negative effects in the heart, adrenal glands, and spleen. “A new study from

France also concluded that modified corn varieties “contain novel pesticide residues, that may pose
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grave health risks.” (Evans) Having the potential risk for negative health effects could cause GM foods to

banned around the world. The article also stating that the chemical roundup is found present in one

example of modified corn in the testing to have higher doses than what is toxic to humans. Genetically

modified foods can also trigger allergies such as using proteins from a nut in something like rice could

cause an allergic reaction from someone with a nut allergy. Another issue with GM foods is it could

cause people to gain antibiotic resistance making it harder to treat someone who is sick and needs


Another main argument in the debate on whether or not genetically modified food is a good or

bad thing is whether or not GM foods should be labeled as so. While most GM foods are not labeled as

having genetically modified crops in them. Some believe if the food is being altered in any way it should

be listed that it has been. Phylis Canion, who is a certified nutritional consultant, says That “if food has

been altered in any way, it should be listed on the label.” Then follows up by saying “that any food that

is adulterated, genetically modified, altered, irradiated or whatever, the consumer has the right to

know.” (Crowe) Some manufactures say that with the added cost and the unnecessary difficulty it just

doesn’t make any sense. While the Food and Drug Administration has determined that GM foods are

safe for consumption, some have been found to negatively affect specific organs.

To wrap up the findings genetically modified foods aren’t going anywhere there are both pros

and cons to this debate. It all comes down to a personal point of view on whether the pros of GM foods

outweigh the cons. There are good reasons why farmers shouldn’t produce GM foods but at the same

time, developing countries could benefit from the research. Biotechnology in medications have been

accepted for some time now, is it finally time to start doing the needed research and testing on GM

foods to help the world become a better place for all.

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Works Cited

Ashraf, Haroon. "UK Ethicists Say GM Foods could Help Poor." The Lancet, vol. 361, no. 9374,2003, pp.


w/199032824?accountid=10163, doi:

Crowe, M. (2013, Jun 10). Pro-con: Should genetically modified food be labeled? McClatchy Newspapers

Retrieved from


"Genetically Modified Food; Genetically Engineered Food could be Lifeline for Developing World."

Immunotherapy Weekly, Mar 12, 2000, pp. 14-15. ProQuest,


Hagmann, M. (2002). UN to help developing countries assess safety of GM crops. World Health

Organization.Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 80(4), 336-8. Retrieved from


Kimble-Evans, Amanda. "Genetically Modified Corn-Safe Or Toxic?" Mother Earth News, no. 239, Apr,

2010, pp. 16-17. ProQuest,

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Kirkland, Lynn. "Understanding Food Biotechnology: What Genetically Modified Foods are all

about." Family health, vol. 18, no. 4, Winter, 2002, pp. 19-19,21. ProQuest,


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