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STUDIES IN JAIMINI ASTROLOGY Bancatont: VeNkaTa RAMAN MOTILAL BANARSIDASS PUBLISHERS PRIVATE LIMITED * DELHI MOTILAL BANARSIDASS Preface My interest in Jalmini was aroused over 20 ear8 280, when? was yet csllege student by « Kerala Brahmin Serologer who was practising ear my residence, What Strack me ost vas bis admirable analysis of the fourth owe ia my horoscope, aeordiag to Jaimni, supported by eloqueat quotations from the SUTRAS. He give me to understand then that the Sed and th. AGhyapas bad bees lost and that they were not to Be found citer in Mivocute fiend of mine presented me With «copy of Saimit Sates in Kannada script wbich also contained ihe original tutes of the Srdand 4b Adbyayas. The Kerala astologe was kind enough to daterpret the 3rd fod dh Adhyayes for my Beneft an Tam gratefl to him for this telp. Subseqoeotl he sifted Ni ofce and Tost, touch with him. Since then my intrest io Jaimintbesan to grow and pthered valuable information through my ‘seuss with Pandits who ured to rit my arantatber Inte Prot B Sueyanaais Rao. Thave with mea member of versions of Jeimiat io Devanagari, Keanada and Telugu seripts—most of them Containing Neclakantss somsmentaries. And the present ‘neste publics mainly boved upon "my “STUDIES done during the last Seen yeas. Oring probably tothe ‘earth of books dealing clearly with the plospe, and Scholars who have specialised in his, ‘cologial knowledge, J popular. Consequenty i ls aot posible to sy with what Segre of sucess the prscpls piven by Jaimin could be ‘applied to practical horoscopes.” But there Is no dovbt srhatsoever that when one the technique of prediction as {ven by Jnimini as been clearly grasped, consiserabie ccuracy could be aimed at. Tp thete STUDIES | have merely endeavoured to make avallabie in compact aad imple form the leading facts or concept of Jamin principles Certain aspects of Jalmiai such ae Dass, Ayordaya, eto, which have hitherto remained obscure, bave been deat with exhass tively and their sigaifeance bows. 1 0 n0! claim Srginalty. Bat I claim tobe te first in India to bave an exporltion of Taimint in Exglich with sulle TWshould be pointed out in conclsion that if this Work were o stimulate « more detailed sty of Jali, Iny abouts will have been amply rewarded, Bangalore, Pilayadasoni, BV. RAMAN. 20th October, 190, Preface to the Fifth Edition 1s with great plessure that 1 present herewith the ‘ih edition of my STUDIES INIAIBINT ASTROLOGY ‘The fourth edition went out of print 4 couple of year ago andthe bringing out of the fifth edition bad to be deayed due to my other preoccupation This edilon bas Seen revised and typosrapbical and oer errors bave been eliminated. Saimin bs eral spcil Tatars expecially bering ‘on longevity and. Dash Interpretation furlslng freak materia forthe resarch-minde’. The information given, Inthe Book hes been based on all the fowr chapters of the SUTRAS and. has been tested by me on several hororopes Ta fact at carly a8 1948, even before 1 brought out the St eition, [bad made predictions based Jatin fn the horoscopes of Hitler a0. Mottola which were ‘emarhably ule, Tam thashfl to Me. G. K. Ananthram for having brought out thi edition attractively hope tht astrologia!savants wil welcome this sew ition a they have welcomed all my other book. Contents (Chapter I-Praiminary Oberraton Jaimin and Paravats Dilfereaces Talis Absruseness Standard Horoscope (Chapter The Essentials Ex “The Karakat Karaka i ain Amatyakaraka Bbratrakara Matrokarake Gratharaka Daratarata Determination of Karskas Exceptions Minor Karakas Difereat Kinds of Lagoa Arudha Lage Hora Lagna Chapter—11 (Come) Varnadas for Other Rais. ast Stdnats| Ghat Lagna ‘Source of Scength [Nisbets or Adbana Lagat Sources of Ras Strength Paratara's Method ‘semakeraka Strength ‘Samardiogh's Method ‘Associaton strength Unsatisfactory Natore of Existing Methods oeetion or Aspect Strength Pravapaca Sirengts due to Lord Method of Finding Pranspada Surength of O34 Rasis Danes ‘Atmakaraka Disposition Strength Banya Sources of Planetary Strength Paka and Bhogs Rasis ‘Amst Bale Gola Moolstrikona Bala Brabina NNomercal Measure of asi Strength Except Te Lows Strength Selection of Brahma Moolatbrikons Bala Mabeswa ‘sav Bla Rudra Kendra Bala (Chater Lt Apect aad Arglas Drake Bala Reckoning of Aspects Sire Bale ‘Aspects ia Jain Total Rasi Stenath Range of Arpt Special Strength ‘Areas Exceptions Formation of Arzala Bence Arzala| (Chapter V—Dasas aed Bhakts Male Argalas ‘Kinds of Dasas Cousteraction of Arglas Choice of Daso Snifeunce of Areas Chara Dasa ‘The Order of Daas Chaper—¥ Contd) 40. Further Variations of isu Duration 81, Variations de to Dual Lordi. 82. Conjunction of Dual Lords i Own Rasi 45, Mare-Ketu Conjanction ie Other Sans 84, Satura-Rabu Conjunction le Other Signs 85, One Lord in Own Rast andthe Other Lord in a Difereot Rast 48. Dual Lords in Dilleent Rasis ST. ‘Mya in Chara Dasa 5. Duration of Sub-perids 39. Sthira Duss 0. Dasa Periods 91. Calealation of Sthira Dasa 92, Thrikona Dasa 30. Span of Torikons Dass 94. Stbcperiods in Thrikons Dass 96. Brabina Dasa 98. Niejana Sula Dasa 99. Niryana Pala Sule Dasa 101, Geaeral Observations 103. ‘Terms of Longevity 109 ne. ul 12. 13, he us. M6. ur us oo m1 6 12s. 126 im 8 2, Chapter V1 (Contd Ccateustion of Exact Longevity Method Two Method Three Observations alisha Vcc Conditions for Kaksha Veiddht Kakapa Heast Conditions for Kaksha Hest Rast Vide Rai rasa Remarks ‘The Ma Periods of Death ‘The Sab prog of Death ‘Certain Exceptions ‘Chaper VIE—Sudgment of Horoscone Preliminary Remarks Korakama Pysial Appearance (Character and Mind Floancal Prospects Health and Disease aucatonal Prospects Brothers and Sisters Marriage Combiastions Applicable to Women Caiiren oe. ir It va Chaper=V Contd ‘Yogas in Jaimini y Run vom ‘aa Fors (Chaper VIEI—Timing Events 143._ Geeeral Remarks 144) Natore of Reale Father's Death Mothers Deats 147. Native's Own Death Me te. 16, 131 159, 153, 136 15s, 156 19 158 18) Death of Wife Death of Other Relatives Caper 1—Semmary General Oberations Serta, Diteret Kinds of Lage ‘apects a Arla Ran Strengths Daves end Buia Lense Pere of Death Sadgag a Horoscope Timing Events " cHarreR 1 Preliminary Observations Selmi and Parasa “Phe Jamil sytem of Astrology upon which these sues vee based marks «definite departare from the SoudetSpararaiyor the general system of AolOg) canons sogve tought lain. cannot be malatsined ren ef Faimin! and Patasasae at complete valance powers her ot they ate two distinct systems. On the from oy it seen reasonable to roppose that aimia samy ofinoot of the gener] scheme ofthe at eel tence propounded by Paraara, fori. the works loti ence E Vedbayavans, frequent references, af OEP araee dio the specie and ditinct methodology 12 eyed by Jain. For instance, in Adbyaye , Pade 1 cmroyed eit nays thet Planets athe A, 2nd and 1105 Satra 5, Memeting body cane. Argalan, Paasara. simply fio a en is Hove asta, Sinlaly ithe matte confers Teeion of Asean, determination of Karaka, Secaeagne resus of Karskama, determination of eam rte looks asthough Parasara and Vsiddbe eee one Jn. This might tempt one to conslade Yarre fooera and, Vriddhayavana amos probably bave that Para Such a cuclasion would be snwarraated etane Parastra, being the progenitor of Vyase, could ee ed afer Jain. The source ofall astsolgie aaa tna is undoubtedly arasara. aisinimest

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