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Textural properties corresponding to visual perception based on the

correlation mechanism in the visual system

Article  in  Psychological Research · September 2003

DOI: 10.1007/s00426-002-0113-6 · Source: PubMed


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3 authors, including:

Kenji Fujii Yoichi Ando

Graduate School of Kobe University

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Psychological Research (2003) 67: 197–208
DOI 10.1007/s00426-002-0113-6


Kenji Fujii Æ Shinofu Sugi Æ Yoichi Ando

Textural properties corresponding to visual perception based

on the correlation mechanism in the visual system

Received: 2 May 2001 / Accepted: 22 July 2002 / Published online: 5 March 2003
 Springer-Verlag 2003

Abstract We present a set of texture parameters that the research on computational texture modeling with
correspond to perceptual properties of visual texture. texture perception and human visual system. The un-
For machine vision or a computer interface, it is derlying problem is how the human visual system
important that the computational measurements of characterizes salient texture properties. Several previous
texture correspond well to the perceptual properties. To studies have focused on the texture properties either
understand the mechanism of our visual system, it is through the study of perception or through computa-
important to know how we extract or characterize tional models. But the relationship between perceptual
information for texture perception. In this study, we and computational properties remains unclear. To
show that the autocorrelation function (ACF) analysis understand the mechanism of our visual system, it is
provides useful measures for representing three salient important to know how we extract and characterize the
perceptual properties of texture: contrast, coarseness, information to perceive textural properties. For many
and regularity. The validity of the ACF analysis was computer vision applications, perceptual consistency is
examined by comparing the calculated factors to the important. For example, it is necessary that computa-
subjective scores collected for various kinds of natural tional texture properties correspond well to the percep-
textures. The effectiveness of the analysis depends on the tual properties in an image understanding system or a
structure of the estimated ACF. When a texture has a context-based image retrieval system. Therefore, we
harmonic structure, the estimated ACF has periodical believe that this study contributes both to an under-
peaks corresponding to the periods of the texture. Both standing of the operation of human visual system, as
perceived coarseness and regularity are strongly related well as to computer vision.
to these peaks in the ACF. However, the estimated ACF
does not have a periodical structure when the texture is
random. In this case, the texture coarseness and regu- Previous research
larity are represented by the decay rate of the ACF.
Historically, textural features were computed by first-
order and second-order statistics of the image, such as
average and variance, or a co-occurrence matrix
Introduction (Haralick, 1979). These approaches were mainly driven
by the general texture model proposed by Julesz (1962).
In this paper, we present a set of texture parameters that Another approach was to describe texture as primitive
correspond to perceptual properties of visual texture. and to analyze it in terms of its placement rules. The
The purpose of this study is to bridge the gap between main deficiency of the structural methods is that they are
incapable of capturing or generating the randomness
K. Fujii (&) Æ S. Sugi Æ Y. Ando that natural textures almost possess. Since the 1980s, the
Ando Laboratory, Graduate School of Science and Technology, study of texture models has been based on the random
Kobe University, Rokkodai, Nada, Kobe, 657–8501 Japan field statistics (Cross & Jain, 1983; Mao & Jain, 1992)
E-mail: such as Markov random field or autoregression models.
Tel.: +81-3-33705160
Fax: +81-3-33706348 These models can describe texture by using a small
number of parameters. But these parameters are not
K. Fujii
Now at Yoshimasa Electronic Inc., based on the mechanism of the human visual system,
Daiichi-Nishiwaki Building, 1-58-10 Yoyogi, and therefore they can hardly represent multiple textural
Shibuya, Tokyo, 151-0053 Japan properties salient to the visual perception.

More recent texture models are motivated by the and non-directional vs. low-contrast and directional;
psychophysical and physiological findings on the early and granular, coarse, and low-complexity vs. non-
stage of human visual system. These texture models are granular, fine, and high-complexity. Similar experiments
based on the psychophysical evidence that two textures conducted by Cho et al. (2000) suggested that the di-
are often difficult to discriminate when they produce a mensionality of perceptual texture space was at least
similar distribution of responses in a bank of orientation four. They described four orthogonal attributes, namely,
and spatial-frequency selective linear filters (Turner, coarseness, regularity, contrast, and lightness.
1986; Malik & Perona, 1990). In most of the articles (e.g. The studies reviewed suggested that the important
Heeger & Bergen, 1995; Zhu, Wu & Mumford, 1998), properties of perceptual texture could be described by
texture is parameterized by the first-order statistics (e.g. using three or four independent factors. Among these
histograms) of a set of an appropriately chosen multi- orthogonal dimensions, the importance of perceived
scale and multi-orientation filter outputs. The applica- regularity or periodicity is emphasized in most of the
tion of these sets of parameters to texture synthesis has studies. Hence, it is desirable for a texture modeling to
been successful in generating a new texture that matches describe regularity. Actually, there are several studies
the appearance of a given sample. The main disadvan- emphasizing the importance of periodical structure in
tage of this method is the difficulty in synthesizing pe- texture modeling and synthesis. Francos, Meiri & Porat
riodic or structured textures. Another problem that (1993) decomposed texture spectrum into harmonic
remains to be solved is how to select a set of features to (periodical), evanescent (directional), and indeterministic
best characterize the images and how to integrate the (random) components for texture synthesis. Liu & Picard
output of many filters for further processing. (1996) extended a similar method for an image retrieval
Considering the effective computational strategy in system. Their methods treat periodical and random
our visual system, it is quite possible that not all the components separately and succeeded in representing
information carried out by the high-dimensional sensory many kinds of natural textures. Portilla & Simoncelli
representation is preserved for rapid judgments of nat- (2000) included local autocorrelation in their synthesis
ural textures. Furthermore, when similarity of more parameter to represent periodic structures in a texture.
than two patterns is under consideration, the task of the Also in vision research, the role of periodical structure
computational model is not only to determine whether has been examined. Uttal (1975) emphasized the impor-
the patterns are different, but also to specify how much tance of periodical structure in form perception. He
they differ. Therefore, after the initial linear filtering conducted an experiment of form detection with dot
stage, a more sophisticated process of information patterns, measuring the detectability of dot patterns
characterization and quantification is most likely in- masked by noise patterns. He found that the regularity of
volved. A number of studies used higher order percep- dots in a pattern increased the detectability of the pat-
tual features to explain the human judgments of the tern. The autocorrelation principle was applied to explain
similarities in the appearances of textures. Implied in this result. In his autocorrelation model, the periodicity
these studies is a suggestion that not only are perceptual of the signal is emphasized and the random noise is
features useful in judgments of complex textures, but minimized. As a result, only the periodical signal is
that the number of useful features is small. extracted and then perceived as a form. Recently, Ben-Av
For example, Tamura, Mori, and Yamawaki (1978) and Sagi (1995) presented an autocorrelation function
measured human discrimination performance with tex- (ACF) model for perceptual grouping. They used matrix
ture features and compared these measures with com- patterns of discrete elements to quantify the grouping
putational results. From the description in the literature law. The elements were arranged in arrays giving rise to
and from observations of the Brodatz texture album two possible perceptual organizations, either horizontal
(Brodatz, 1956), six features were chosen that corre- rows or vertical columns. In the model, the ACF was
spond to visual perception: contrast, coarseness, regu- calculated in vertical and horizontal directions. Percep-
larity, roughness, directionality, and line-likeness. The tual grouping occurred in the direction in which the
emphasis was on developing computational analogues of higher degree of correlation appeared. Their results imply
these attributes, but their approach had drawbacks. that there is a correlation mechanism involved in the
They only modified already developed computational process of perceptual grouping. They proposed a possi-
features and combined several features to have a close bility that orientation filters (e.g. Gabor filters) with long-
relationship to a specific property. As a result, this range interactions between them could be used for the
approach failed to clarify how visual properties are estimations of directional autocorrelations.
related to particular physical properties. Amadasun and
King (1989) carried out a similar study, but their com-
putational features had similar drawbacks. Rao and Purpose of the study
Lohse (1996) developed a classification method for
perceptual texture. Based on psychological similarity In this study, we tried to develop a set of measures for
judgments, they constructed a three-dimensional space texture properties that correspond to visual perception.
for texture classification. The three orthogonal dimen- We measured psychophysical scales for the textural
sions were repetitive vs. non-repetitive; high-contrast properties of contrast, coarseness, and regularity. These

three properties were chosen because they were found component. The perceptual mechanism of the MF pat-
important in the studies of texture similarity judgments. tern is still under discussion (Badcock & Derrington,
In particular, motivated by the discussion described 1989; Hammett & Smith, 1994), but it implies that the
above, we considered that the periodical structure and ACF is effective to detect the spatial periodicity of pat-
the correlation structure are important for visual per- terns. The ACF alone is insufficient to capture the
ception of texture. Therefore we analyzed natural tex- structure of many natural textures because the ACF
tures by using the ACF and extracted several measures does not contain the local phase information. Never-
to capture the periodical structure. The ACF may not be theless, for the purpose of quantification of salient per-
a novel and obvious method for texture analysis, but we ceptual properties, the ACF is still useful to represent
show that the ACF analysis provides useful measures for periodic structure and correlation structure within the
representing the three salient perceptual properties. The image.
validity of the ACF analysis is examined by comparing
the calculated factors with the subjective scores collected Factors extracted from the ACF
for various kinds of natural textures.
From the calculated ACF, we extracted four typical
features. Here we only considered the one quadrant
Autocorrelation analysis of natural textures
because the ACF is symmetrical. As shown in Figure 1,
the ACF decays from the origin to the outwards. To
Definition of ACF
simplify the calculation, we only considered two one-
dimensional ACFs along the x and y axes from the
The ACF of a two-dimensional texture pattern is defined
origin. We assumed that the properties of the two-
dimensional ACF are held in the one-dimensional
M1 N 1 ACFs. This is because most natural texture is considered
UðDx; DyÞ ¼ pðx; yÞpðx þ Dx; y þ DyÞ=MN ð1Þ to be isotropic, in which all orientations occur with the
x¼0 y¼0 same probability. Consequently, the ACF could be
assumed to be circular symmetric. Even for the aniso-
where p(x, y) is the input signal and p(x+Dx, y+Dy) is tropic texture, at least one of our directional ACFs can
the shifted version of the input. The analyzed image is hold the periodical structure. Below, we define the four
zero-meaned before the calculation to remove the DC extracted factors and then describe them in more detail.
components. ‘‘M’’ and ‘‘N’’ refer to the signal size in
horizontal and vertical directions. In this study, M = N (1) F(0): the autocorrelation at shift value Dx = Dy = 0.
= 256. Equation (1) is the correlation of the signal itself.
For computational efficiency, the ACF is computed as (2) d1: the displacement of the maximum peak in the
an inverse FFT of the image power spectrum. Usually, ACF except for the origin.
the ACF is normalized as (3) /1: the amplitude of the maximum peak.
! (4) de: the effective range of the ACF (defined as the
M1 1
/ðDx; DyÞ ¼ UðDx; DyÞ= pðx; yÞ =MN ð2Þ displacement at which the envelope of the nor-
x¼0 y¼0 malized ACF decayed below 0.1).

The denominator in equation (2) is the maximum value Only the factor F(0) was calculated from the two-di-
of the ACF and represents power of the image. After mensional ACF (i.e. denominator in equation 2), and it
this normalization, the ACF takes the maximum value is shown on the dB scale (10 log10F(0)). The other three
of 1.0 at the origin. factors were calculated by the algorithm as follows.
Because the ACF is mathematically equivalent to the First, directional ACFs along the x and y axes are ex-
power density spectrum, we can generally derive the tracted from the two-dimensional ACF. Then the max-
same information from both the ACF and power spec- imum peak values (except the origin) of both are
trum in space and frequency domain respectively. For calculated and compared so as to choose the more pe-
example, a vertical stripe pattern has its fundamental riodical one. From the chosen ACF, the displacement
Fourier components along the horizontal axes. The and the amplitude of the maximum peak are picked out
ACF of the pattern has periodicities that correspond to as d1 and /1 (see Fig. 1b). The value of de is determined
the reciprocal of its fundamental frequency. However, from the cross point of the envelope at 0.1 as shown in
there is a certain case in which the ACF differs greatly Fig. 1b. This is done by exponential fit to the ACF peaks
from the spectrum. When the fundamental component is above 0.1. When the given ACF has no peaks above 0.1,
subtracted from the stripe pattern (missing fundamental: only the initial decay range was fitted.
MF), we can still see the period of the fundamental The value of F(0) corresponds to the root-mean-
component (Henning et al., 1975). The frequency anal- square (RMS) of the signal, because the ACF was cal-
ysis fails to explain this percept because the fundamental culated from the zero-meaned image. Thus, it is assumed
component is absent. Instead, the ACF of this MF that F(0) corresponds to the perceived contrast. The
pattern is found to maintain a period of the fundamental displacement and the amplitude of the maximum peak

Fig. 1 A calculated ACF and

factor definitions. (a) Two-di-
mensional ACF of texture D3
in Fig. 2. (b) and (c) One-
dimensional ACF for the x and
y directions. By comparing the
heights of the maximum peaks
in both directions, we extracted
three factors from the ACF for
the x direction

(d1 and /1) are related to the periodicity of the image. the ACF factors. Our hypothesis is that perceived con-
The value of d1 is a reciprocal of the fundamental fre- trast would correlate with the ACF measure of F(0),
quency, and /1 is the strength of the harmonic compo- coarseness with d1, and regularity with /1.
nents. A large value of d1 means that low spatial
frequency is perceived, and also large values of /1 mean
that the image is more periodic. Therefore we assumed Data collection
that the strength of coarseness and regularity could be
represented by d1 and /1 respectively. Because the In Tamura et al. (1978), psychophysical experiments
effective range of the ACF is related to the height of the were conducted to establish the ordering of 16 texture
peaks, de might also be related to the perceived regu- samples based on the six properties. In the experiment,
larity. The values of d1 and de were normalized based on 48 human subjects gave their paired comparison judg-
the image size. The visual angle (degree) of the values is ment for all possible pairs of 16 texture samples. Sub-
calculated by applying image width (cm) and dividing by jects were required to make decisions according to the
viewing distance (cm). six properties, i.e., to choose the coarser, the higher
contrast, the more regular, the more directional, the
more line-like, and the rougher sample of each pair.
Evaluation of ACF analysis Note that these six properties have both extremes in
their concept, e.g., coarse versus fine for coarseness, to
For evaluation of the proposed analysis, we analyzed 16 give well-distributed results. The collected data were
textures from the ‘‘Brodatz texture database’’ (Brodatz, processed by applying ‘‘the law of comparative judg-
1966) that were used by Tamura et al. (1978). As men- ment’’ (case V; Thurstone, 1927) for constructing the
tioned before, Tamura et al. measured perceptual scales one-dimensional psychometric scale value (SV).
for six textural features including contrast, coarseness, They showed their subjects’ average scores as scales
and regularity, which are the features we are interested on one-dimensional distributions in their article. We
in. To examine the validity of the ACF analysis, the obtained them from the article by using an image
scaling of texture features measured by the ACF factors scanner, and re-scaled linearly between 0 and 1. Ana-
were compared with the psychophysical scaling. Then, lyzed texture set includes a variety of natural and man-
the subjective scores for the three texture properties of made objects (Figure 2). The analyzed data consists of
contrast, coarseness, and regularity were correlated with 256 · 256 pixel images with 8-bit (256) gray levels. The

Fig. 2 Texture set used by

Tamura et al., (1978)

ACF was calculated and four factors were extracted for The correlation between the SV of regularity and the
each image. value of /1 was also high (r = 0.86, p <0.01). But
several samples with values of log (/1) below –1 (left side
in Fig. 3b) showed relatively large variance from
Results regression line. The correlation only in this range was
very low (r = 0.35). This implies that regular-random
We compared the obtained data with our computed dimension can hardly be represented by the value of /1
results. The subjective scores (scale value: SV) for the alone, especially for random texture. Perceived regular-
contrast, coarseness, and regularity were correlated with ity was also related to the value of de, because of the high
the factors extracted from the ACF: F(0), d1, and /1. correlation between /1 and de as described in the defi-
Figure 3 shows the relationship between subjective nition of the ACF factors.
scores for each property and the ACF measures. The The correlation between perceived coarseness and d1
ACF factors are shown on a logarithmic scale because of was 0.70 (p <0.01), which is worse than the previous
its goodness for linear regression. Each point represents two results. There was also some discrepancy for sam-
the SV of each sample. Straight lines represent the linear ples in which /1 had a low value. This is perhaps because
regressions. We can see that the scores of the ACF d1 is strongly dependent on the value of /1. When the
factors are in good agreement with the subjective scores. ACF contains high peaks due to a high regularity of
In particular, the correlation coefficient was very high the image, /1 and d1 can be easily determined and the
(r = .89, p <0.01) for perceived contrast and F(0). As resultant value of d1 accurately represents the dominant
described above, the ACF factor F(0) corresponds to the period of the image. But when the image is random, the
image power. This is consistent with the previous studies ACF decays immediately with no particular peaks.
that found that textures with the same RMS are per- Consequently, the determined value of d1 might not
ceived as the same contrast (Mayhew & Frisby, 1978; reflect the period of the image. This problem is discussed
Tiippana & Näsänen, 1999). in detail later.

Fig. 4 The relationships between predicted SVs by means of

multiple regression analysis and measured SVs of contrast and

predictor variables. In our case, we tried to predict the

subjective scores by using a linear combination of four
ACF factors. To obtain the optimal model for any given
number of predictors, all 11 possible regression equations
were examined. The correlation coefficients and signifi-
cance levels were used to determine the goodness of fit.
For perceived contrast and coarseness, the best pre-
dictors were F(0) and d1. The other factors also had
some use, but their contribution was not significant. As
Fig. 3 Relationships between the scale values (SV) of textural shown in Figure 4, the higher correlation coefficients
properties and corresponding ACF factors. Each dot represents a were obtained (r =.96, p <0.01 for contrast, and r =.83,
scale value for each texture, and the straight lines express linear p <0.01 for coarseness). The partial regression coeffi-
cients of F(0) and d1 were .98 and .36 for the contrast,
.50 and .79 for the coarseness. It is considered that the
Multiple regression analysis perceived contrast and coarseness are represented
mainly by F(0) and d1. This result is consistent with the
It was found that the ACF factors of F(0), d1, and /1 result that perceived contrast is relatively high for and
could represent the perceptual properties of contrast, coarser texture. For regularity, only a single factor /1
coarseness, and regularity. But there remains some vari- was significant (p <0.01) in all combinations. Even
ance that cannot be explained by single factors alone. A though the other factors also had some contribution, the
portion of this unexplained variance might be due to the resultant correlation gained little by the addition of these
properties not being truly one-dimensional. Actually, factors.
high correlation was found (r = 0.66) between the per-
ceived coarseness and contrast. We used multiple
regression analysis to examine whether the plural factors Discussion
affect the perceptual properties. The aim of the multiple
regression analysis is to predict the behavior of a depen- In this section, the proposed ACF measures were com-
dent variable by using a weighted sum of independent pared with psychophysical measurement of three texture

properties. The results show that the ACF factors can be that the more the correlation increases within an image,
used to represent the perceptual properties of contrast, the more we can perceive the high degree of regularity
coarseness, and regularity. The correlation between for that image. Also, it is possible that de is large in
human and computational scores showed similar or coarse texture, and small in fine texture. In the next
higher levels compared with those found in Tamura psychophysical experiment, we used a set of random-
et al’s original results. It is surprising that these simple looking textures to examine whether the value of de
measures account so well for the subjective attributes of could represent the perceived coarseness and regularity.
complex natural textures. The remaining problem is,
however, how to improve the correspondence between
the ACF measure and the perceived regularity and Psychophysical experiment
coarseness for random texture.
As described above, the ACF for random texture The purpose of this psychophysical experiment is
does not have a periodical property. Consequently, it is twofold. First, we wanted to examine whether human
difficult to extract information related to regularity and subjects could detect small differences in the properties
coarseness from only the maximum peak of the ACF. and whether the results of the ACF analysis corre-
This is because we cannot guarantee that the maximum sponded to the subjects’ judgments. Second, we wanted
peak is periodic. In this case, the value of de (the to examine whether the ACF factors are useful in an-
effective range of the ACF, defined as a ten-percent alyzing textures with less harmonic structures. For
decay rate of the ACF) might be a parameter to rep- these purposes we used a set of botanical textures with
resent the perceived regularity and coarseness. If an a high degree of similarity between them and less
image does not contain any harmonic components, the harmonic structures. Our hypothesis in this experiment
value of de corresponds to the slope of its spectrum as is that perceived contrast would correlate with the ACF
shown in Figure 5. It is known that the power spec- measure F(0), and coarseness and regularity would
trum of natural images can be represented as a func- correlate with de.
tion of spatial frequency f and its slope b on the log-log
scale (i.e. P  f )b). When the spectrum is flat (white
noise), the value of de becomes very small (theoreti-
cally, de fi 0). When the spectrum has a slope (corre- Subjects Ten subjects (5 males and 5 females) participated in the
lated noise), the value of de becomes larger in experiment. Their ages ranged from 22 to 26. All had normal or
proportion to the value of the slope. It is quite possible corrected-to-normal visual acuity. With the exception of the au-

Fig. 5 Example of correlated

noises (256 · 256 pixels) filtered
with different slope (b = 0.5,
1.0, 1.5, and 2.0) of power
spectra (P  f )b) on the log-log
scale. Power spectra and the
ACF are also shown as func-
tions of radial frequency and
radial distance, because of their
circular symmetry

Fig. 6 The stimulus set used in

the psychophysical experiment

thors (FK and SS), the rest of the subjects were unaware of the Table 1 ACF factors for textures used in Tamura’s experiment and
purpose of the study. ours. Mean values are shown with standard deviation
Apparatus and stimulus The images were presented on a CRT
display under normal indoor lighting conditions. For the paired Sample set F(0) /1 d1 de
comparison judgment, each stimulus consisted of horizontally lo-
cated two texture pairs within a dark background. The viewing Tamura et al. –37.99 (2.78) 0.21 (0.23) 0.11 (0.1) 0.19 (0.36)
distance was approximately 100 cm, which resulted in each texture Present study –39.08 (1.61) 0.09 (0.05) 0.03 (0.01) 0.02 (0.01)
image subtending a visual angle of 6 · 6 degree. The sample texture
set used in the experiment consisted of 12 botanical textures as
shown in Figure 6. The pictures were taken by a digital camera and
were transformed into 256 · 256 pixel images with 8-bit gray levels. Table 2 Correlation matrix of the scale values of contrast,
All the samples were then analyzed by using the ACF and four coarseness, and regularity
factors were extracted. Compared with Tamura et al.’s texture set,
our samples had a higher degree of similarity. Consequently, the Property contrast coarseness regularity
extracted factors fell into a narrow range (Table 1). Furthermore,
the values of /1 were much lower for our stimuli. This means that contrast –
the structure of our sample textures was more random. coarseness 0.672* –
Procedure Subjects were given a brief explanation of the basic regularity 0.017 –0.363 –
concept of the three texture properties (the explanations were given
in Japanese, except for the names of properties such as ‘‘coarseness; *p <.05
coarse versus fine’’, which were given in English). Each property
was defined as an internal attribute of the image, and the subject’s
task was to compare the strength of each property for a pair of Results The results were reconfirmed by the goodness of fit
images. All possible pairs from the 12 images (66 pairs) were pre- (Mosteller, 1951), and the agreement of all subjects’ judgments was
sented to the subjects in a random order in one session. During a tested by the chi-square test (p <0.05). The correlation coefficients
presentation (10 s) they were asked to make their decisions about between the subjective scores for each feature are shown in Table 2.
the three properties separately and write down their answers on the We found the following:
check sheet, i.e., to choose the pattern that was coarser, had a (1) For all perceptual properties tested, the subjects’ judgments are
higher contrast, and was more regular. Before the next presentation reliable and there are certain underlying criteria upon which the
began, a 2 s interval was given. It seemed this would be a difficult tested subjects agreed. This does not mean that the same data
task for the subjects because they have to make three different were obtained for all subjects in the experiment. Individual
judgments in a short duration. But the pilot study confirmed that differences must be considered.
the subjects made as reliable judgments as in the case of separate (2) In the regularity score, a relatively high inter-subject variance
presentations for individual judgment. Following the training ses- was observed. There might be several reasons for this variance.
sion, all subjects had eight series of sessions, giving a total of 528 First, some of our subjects may have interpreted ‘‘regularity’’ in
comparisons for each feature. a different manner, or the concept of regularity itself might have
Data analysis The obtained data were processed by applying ‘‘the been difficult to define for the tested textures. Second, because
law of comparative judgment’’ (case V; Thurstone, 1927). This law there was little difference in material or appearance between the
was used to produce a one-dimensional scale value (SV) for each sample textures, the subjects might have difficulty in comparing
stimulus from the total matrix of superiorities collected from the regularity. Thirdly, each subject might have used different cues
paired comparisons. for the judgment of regularity. We specified regularity as a

property of the placement rules. But the variations of the ele- we assumed that regular textures have high-amplitude periodical
ments reduce the perceived regularity as a whole, especially in peaks in the ACF, and that the height of the maximum peak
the case of natural textures. As a result, it is assumed that the represents the perceived regularity. The results confirmed these
subjects perceived a high regularity of those textures for which hypotheses clearly. This experiment, however, failed to yield
we can describe texture elements easily. similar results. In Fig. 7c, we cannot see a positive correlation
(3) There was a high correlation between the SV of contrast and between the SV of regularity and the /1 measure. Rather, there is
coarseness (r =.67, p <0.05). This means that coarser texture is a trend indicating a negative correlation in the range of log /1
perceived to have a higher contrast. From these observations, below –1 (0.1 in real value). This result is highly related to the
we concluded that our experiment was valid for measuring difference in the range of /1 value. As can be seen in Table 1, we
human perception of textural properties, even though there used texture images that have quite low values of /1 compared
were some individual differences. It was found that subjects with Tamura’s experiment. As a result, the maximum peak in the
could detect small differences in the texture properties reliably. ACF would not represent the periodicity of the image.
Next, we compared the psychophysical data and computed In this case, as hypothesized above, we can use the value of de to
texture factors. represent the perceived regularity for random textures. We can see
in Fig. 7d that there is a normal correlation between the regularity
Figure 7 shows the relationship between the SV for each property and de with two exceptional cases. These two textures indicated in
and the ACF measures. As shown in Fig. 7a, there was a high Fig. 7c-d have values of log /1 above –1. This result can be inter-
correlation (r =.81, p <0.05) between the SV of contrast and F(0), preted as follows. When the value of /1 is low, de reflects the
consistent with the results of the previous experiment. The RMS perceived regularity. When /1 exceeds a certain level, however, the
power could be a useful parameter to represent perceived contrast perceived regularity might be affected by the harmonic components
even for the set of natural texture restricted in the narrow range. In in the texture. It is possible that our subjects perceived the regu-
Fig. 7b, the result for coarseness is also related to de. There is a larity in proportion to the value of de for the textures with less
moderate correlation, allowing some variance (r = .63, p = 0.053). harmonic structures, and to the value of /1 for the textures with
The perceived coarseness was also related to the value of d1, but the more harmonic structures.
correlation between d1 and SV was not significant (r = .56, p = As in the previous experiment, we applied a multiple regression
0.28). Most of our stimuli did not have a harmonic structure and analysis to examine whether the plural factors affect the perception
consequently, the determined value of d1 may not reflect the peri- of each property. We found that the factors of F(0) and de were
odicity of the image. As we hypothesized, the value of de appears significant predictors of the SVs of contrast and coarseness (Fig. 8).
more suitable to represent the perceived coarseness. The regression coefficients (Table 3) show that the SV of contrast is
As for regularity, the results were quite different from those represented mainly by F(0). Another predictor d1 in the prelimi-
obtained in the previous experiment. In the previous experiment, nary experiment is replaced by de. We could not find any significant

Fig. 7 The relationships

between the scale values and
ACF factors. (a) SV of contrast
and F(0). (b) and (c) SV of
regularity and /1, and de, re-
spectively. (d) SV of coarseness
and de. Arrows in (b) and (c)
indicate two textures mentioned
in the text. Each symbol shows
the SV of each subject

experiment were centered in a narrow range, but were

still found to represent the perceived contrast well. This
result means that the RMS power of the image is con-
sistent with the perceived contrast. The value of de cor-
responded to perceived regularity and coarseness. This
result is consistent with our hypothesis. When a texture
has a harmonic structure, the estimated ACF has peri-
odical peaks corresponding to the periods of the texture.
Both perceived coarseness and perceived regularity are
strongly related to these peaks in the ACF. For the
textures with less harmonic structures, like those used in
this experiment, the initial slope of the ACF would be
important. The value of de shows a degree of correlation
within the image: the more the textures correlate inter-
nally, the more the subjects perceived the coarse and
regular properties. The boundary of these two aspects
for the perception of texture periodicity was the value of
/1  0.1 in this study. The multiple regression analysis
revealed that the perceived contrast and coarseness
could be represented by a linear combination of the
ACF factors F(0) and de with certain weightings. It is
considered that the perceived contrast and coarseness
might have some kind of interaction.

General discussion

We showed that the ACF analysis provides useful

measures for representing the textural properties of
contrast, coarseness, and regularity. This study differs
Fig. 8 Relationships between predicted SVs by means of multiple from the previous studies reviewed in the Introduction
regression analysis and measured SVs of contrast and coarseness.
Each plot represents results for each subject
mainly in the following two aspects. First, the examined
textural properties were chosen on the basis of the pre-
vious study of texture similarity judgment (Rao &
combination of predictors to fit the SV of regularity. This means Lohse, 1996; Cho et al., 2000). Therefore, there is little
that the other ACF factors are not related to the perceived regu-
larity. At this point, we think that the best predictor of perceived doubt that the observed correspondences between the
regularity is de. textural properties and the computational features are
important for texture modeling. We provided physical
quantities to measure the perceptual strength of texture
Discussion properties. Throughout the paper, the validity of the
ACF analysis was examined by comparing the compu-
Considering the results above, we believe that the ACF tational measures with the subjective scores collected for
analysis is still useful for random textures. The value of various kinds of natural textures. Second, the proposed
F(0) corresponded well to the perceived contrast, simi- analysis is driven by a plausible mechanism in the
larly to that in regular textures. The values of F(0) in our human visual system. Results imply that extraction of

Table 3 Regression coefficients

of F(0) and de and correlation Contrast Coarseness
coefficients of regression equa-
Subject F(0) de r Subject F(0) de r
tions for SVs of contrast and
A 0.60** 0.50* 0.85** A 0.26 0.71** 0.80**
B 0.55* 0.48* 0.80* B 0.10 0.55* 0.58
C 0.79** –0.02 0.78* C 0.23 0.29 0.40
D 0.56* 0.47 0.79* D 0.49* 0.40 0.68*
E 0.57* 0.44 0.78* E 0.36 0.63* 0.78*
F 0.63** 0.44* 0.83** F 0.16 0.81** 0.85**
G 0.77** 0.32 0.89** G 0.09 0.43 0.46
H 0.86** 0.08 0.88** H –0.49 0.36 0.55
I 0.74** 0.21 0.80** I 0.05 0.75** 0.76*
J 0.73** 0.43* 0.91** J 0.15 0.70* 0.75*
**p <.01, *p <.05

periodical structure and correlation structure is impor- the full spectrum. Although this method was successful
tant for perception of natural texture. in calculating perceived regularity significantly, it seems
As has been previously established, perceived con- it did not work well for relatively random textures. It is
trast could be represented well by the image power. probably because the model depends highly on the pe-
Multiple regression analysis revealed that perceived riodical structure only. As our results suggested, it needs
coarseness affected perceived contrast. That is, coarse to consider both the periodical structure and correlation
textures had higher apparent contrast. The simplest ex- structure of the image to represent perceived regularity.
planation of this observation might be the contrast Because the present experiment was based on the com-
sensitivity function of human visual system (Campbell & parisons within a restricted texture set, it was difficult to
Robson, 1968). Human’s spatial contrast sensitivity is determine a single measure of perceived properties for
best at mid spatial frequency range around 2–5 c/deg (it both texture sets. Further research to clarify the visual
roughly corresponds to the coarse textures in this study). mechanism is needed for the development of a unified
If it is true for the natural images, the definition of model of regularity perception for both the periodic and
contrast should include the contrast sensitivity functions random textures.
of human observers. However, other studies suggested What we have done in this paper is to show how the
that perceived contrast is independent of spatial fre- ACF parameters can represent texture properties and, to
quencies as the contrast level is above threshold (Tiip- a certain degree, how human subjects seem to be sensi-
pana & Näsänen, 1999). This is called ‘‘contrast tive to the same parameters captured by the ACF. Thus
constancy’’. Texture images used in this study are we could not make a claim for the ACF mechanism for
probably in the range of contrast constancy, because the human perception. There is, nevertheless, convincing
subjects could discriminate each image’s internal pattern evidence that such a mechanism exists for visual pro-
reliably. If it holds, perceived contrast should have been cessing (Uttal, 1975; Ben-Av & Sagi, 1995). And what-
independent of perceived coarseness in this study. This is ever the mechanism, it is possible that humans do have
an interesting problem arising from our results, but is access to the correlation structure as extracted by the
beyond the scope of this study. ACF. We did not need to make assumptions about the
For representing coarseness and regularity, the ef- early filtering stage, but the existence of such a mecha-
fectiveness of the analysis depended on the structures of nism is obvious. Considering the orientation selective
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structure, the estimated ACF has periodical peaks that directional ACF could be possible. Also, the calculation
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