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Women empowerment, the great path

of Changing African narrative.

The status of women in Africa is varied across nations and regions. For instance, Rwanda is the only
country in the world where women hold more than half the seats in parliament, they took 51.9% as
of July 2019. This is a significant indicator of regional narrative change through women
empowerment, as a leader statements like reserve at least 40% women in all workforces around the
city I lead will be amongst my charter. It will boost women’s ability to become leaders hence
changing African narrative as discussed below.

By any means the above views will empowers women and it is obviously seen that through women
empowerment, Job creations and education system are boosted, hence changing African narrative,
I’m recommending fairness to all people especially my colleague leaders and to fight against
obstacles that hinders women to be trustful enough to become their community leaders. With you,
it is possible to change our continental narrative.

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