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The new system is much faster than the current system and saves
teachers a lot of time by investing this is other activities,
Failures do not happen very often and are usually due to the wear
of the barcodes on the cards but they are easily solved so theres
not much deal with it, on the other hand this new system will save
much time not just for teachers but for students and other workers,
literally the system, literally, the system replaces the paper
completely, causing a lot less paper to be wasted per year and at
the same time improving an old and obsolete system.

The system is totally friendly user letting children from 10 years old
can use it because the system is very easy to understand and also
to use because the process people need to develop to register the
entry to the institution it very easy, The training that has to be given
to the people who are going to use the system is minimal since it is
very easy to use and a few days after using it will become a routine.

The system works in its entirety for what it was designed, in fact
according to the analysis made after implementing it most of the
users think that the new system works much better than the old
assistance system

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