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CHS Portfolio

College Presentation
Date of presentation: 07/24/2019 Location or presentation: ​Santa Barbara, CA 93106

College(s) involved: University of California, Santa Barbara

What did you learn about the admissions process?

I learned that the admission rate is 32.8%.

List five things you learned about this college/these colleges.

● Average weighted GPA of 4.11
● 1376 average SAT freshmen
● Total enrollment 25,057
● 94% admitted transfers from CA community college
● student-to-faculty ratio

What are some reasons you might want to attend this college?
Some reasons why I would attend this college is because of its location and its psychology

What are some reasons you might not want to attend this college?
Some reasons, why I might not attend, is because it's so far from my family and it costs a lot to
attend. Another reason it's also competitive.

After having seen this presentation, are you planning on applying to this school? Why or why
not? ​Yes, I am planning to apply to this school because I really liked it when I first saw it. I also
liked its location.

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