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Name: Awake

Directors: Danny Blackstock, Glen Cheng, Stephanie Bourgeois, and Melinda Ng

Publication date: April 16th 2013

Starring: Cameron James Phillips

Plot: The voiceover informs the audience of the context of the film, which comprises of the
main character living in a post-apocalyptic world, and trying to find ways to occupy his time,
whilst wondering what happened to everyone else; including his Grandpa.

He said: I don’t know where everyone is

He didn’t know where everyone was

He said: I don’t know why I am here

He didn’t know why he was there

He said: I miss my family and my friends

He miss his family and his friends

He said: My car was fill with water and I can't explain why

His car was fill with water and He couldn’t explain why

He said: I’m starting try some new hobbies

He was starting to try some new hobbies

He said: I don't know how I got here

He doesn't know how he got there

He said: I just woke up alone one day

He said that He just woke up alone one day

He said: One day, there were flower petals on my nightstand

One day, there were flower petals on his nightstand

He said: I couldn't get out of my head

He said that He couldn't get out of his head

He said: This is the 93rd day that I have been alone

He said: Thats was the 93rd day that He has been alone

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