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CHS Portfolio

Academic Artifact
Future career interests (if known):
Concert Photographer
Graphic Designer
Music Editor
Video Editor
Targeted soft skills you chose for this year:

1. Communication
2. Self Advocacy

Description of artifact/assignment:
It was a Module Test for algebra. It was 60 points and tests and quizzes are 55 percent of our

Why did you choose this as one of your artifacts/assignments?

I chose this as one of my artifacts because it was difficult and I wasn’t really prepared for it. I
chose it because I got 58.5 out of 60 and I wasn’t very confident in myself during that test. I got
so excited when I found out I didn’t fail and I actually did well on it.

What academic skills did you use that are specific to this artifact/assignment?
I used general knowledge from what I had learned in that class and I think I also had half a note
sheet to somewhat help me.

What general academic skills did you use (skills that would be used in any academic class)?
I used preparation, study skills, and memorization from a few topics that were going to be shown
that we learned in class.

Did you see growth in your targeted soft skills through the course of working on this
Artifact/Assignment? Explain.
I feel somewhat but not really that much growth. In the class, I have seen growth as I ask
questions when I am confused. I have asked others for help with a question.
CHS Portfolio

Provide an example of how these academic and/or soft skills are

used in a career in which you
are interested. ​I can use my soft skills with a career like communication. In the career
photography that I would want to do, I would have to communicate to get my name out there. I
would have to self-advocate for myself to put my name out there to boost my career.

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