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Teresa Bielecka 1, Ewa Augustynowicz-Kopeć 2, Paweł Gonerko 3, Paweł Gruszczyński 4,

Maria Korzeniewska-Koseła 5, Maria Krasińska 6, Katarzyna Krenke 1, Joanna Lange 1, Anna Pankowska 7,
Marek Popielarz 8, Andrzej Pustkowski 9, Joanna Stryczyńska-Kazubska 10, Zbigniew Doniec 11
Department of Pediatric Pneumonology and Allergy, Medical University of Warsaw, Poland
Department of Microbiology, National Tuberculosis and Lung Diseases Research Institute, Warsaw, Poland
I Department of Pediatrics, Allergy and Pulmonology, Szczecin, Poland
Department of Microbiology of the Wielkopolska Center for Pulmonology and Thoracic Surgery of Eugenia and Janusz Zeyland, Poznań, Poland
Department of Tuberculosis Epidemiology and Surveillance, National Tuberculosis and Lung Diseases Research Institute, Warsaw, Poland
I Department of Pediatric Lung Diseases and Tuberculosis of Mazowsze Center for Lung Diseases and Tuberculosis Treatment, Otwock, Poland
Department of Pediatric Respiratory Diseases, Center for Lung Diseases Treatment and Rehabilitation, Łódź, Poland
Pediatric Pulmonology Clinic, University Hospital of Lord’s Transfiguration, Poznań, Poland
Department of Allergy and Lung Diseases, Children’s Hospital Polanki, Gdańsk, Poland
Department of Health Prophylaxis, Poznań University of Medical Sciences and Infectious Diseases Ward, Specialized Mother and
Child Healthcare Centre in Poznań, Poland
Department of Pneumonology, Tuberculosis and Lung Diseases Research Institute, Regional Department in Rabka-Zdrój, Poland
Prof. Anna Bręborowicz, Department of Pediatric Pneumonology, Allergy and Clinical Immunology University of Medical Sciences
Poznań Poland
Prof. Grzegorz Lis, Department of Pediatrics, Chair of Pediatrics, Jagiellonian University Medical College, Krakow, Poland
All authors, except the first and the last one are listed in alphabetic order.

Recommendations for the management of tuberculosis in children

— KOMPASS TB. Part 1: Tuberculosis prevention
The authors declare no financial disclosure.

Since the second half of the 20th century the incidence of tuberculosis has been declining in Poland. Despite this, current epidemi-
ological data still support the need for the continued mass BCG vaccination in Poland in the near future. Apart from the protection
against severe hematogenous forms of tuberculosis, vaccination lowers the risk of infection with Mycobacterium tuberculosis.
Primary and acquired immunodeficiency, including immunity disorders associated with an ongoing treatment, are contraindica-
tions to BCG vaccination. The most common adverse effects following BCG vaccination are reactions at the site of injection and
in regional lymph nodes, which usually does not require treatment.
Methods of tuberculosis prevention, particularly recommended in low-incidence countries, include: diagnostic investigations of
patients who had contacts with pulmonary tuberculosis as well as an active detection and treatment of latent Mycobacterium
tuberculosis infection. Latent tuberculosis infection can be identified on the basis of positive results of the tuberculin skin test or
interferon-gamma release assays after the active disease has been ruled out. This condition does require prophylactic treatment.

Key words: BCG vaccination, tuberculosis contact investigation, latent tuberculosis infection
Adv Respir Med. 2018; 86: 149–157

The recommendations were developed on be- The chairperson of the Team: Zbigniew
half of the Polish Society of Pediatric Pulmonology Doniec — National Consultant of Pediatric Pul-
and National Consultant of Pediatric Pulmonology monology.
by the group of experts — TB Team. The Team coordinator: Marek Popielarz

Address for correspondence: Katarzyna Krenke, e-mail: tel./fax +48 223179419
DOI: 10.5603/ARM.2018.0023
Received: 12.03.2018
Copyright © 2018 PTChP
ISSN 2451–4934 149
Advances in Respiratory Medicine 2018, vol. 86, no. 3, pages 149–157

List of abbreviations: According to the recommendations of the

AAP — American Academy of Pediatrics International Union Against Tuberculosis and
AFB — acid fast bacilli Lung Diseases (IUATLD) [8], mass BCG vaccina-
BCG — baciilus Calmette-Guerin tion is recommended in countries with sputum
CDC — Centers for Disease Control smear-positive pulmonary tuberculosis inci-
and Prevention dence equal to or greater than 5/100,000 in the
EMB — ethambutol past 3 years. Despite a continuously improving
HIV — human immunodeficiency virus situation in Poland, this value reached 7.3–
IGRA — interferon gamma release assay 7.1–6.8/100,000/year in the years 2014–2016,
INH — isoniazid respectively [1].
IUATLD — International Union Against As all other compulsory vaccination pro-
Tuberculosis and Lung Disease grams, BCG vaccination is mandatory, and any
LTBI — latent tuberculosis infection refusal should be reported in writing to the local
PZA — pyrazinamide public health inspector [9].
RMP — rifampicin Contraindications to BCG vaccination (apart
TBnet — Tuberculosis Network from those generally acknowledged for all vac-
TNF-alpha — tumor necrosis factor alpha cines) include the following [10, 11]:
VAE — vaccine adverse event • body mass ≤ 2,000 g,
WHO — World Health Organization • congenital impairment of cell-mediated im-
munity or its suspicion,
Since the 1950s, the incidence of tuberculosis • impairment of cell-mediated immunity in the
has been systematically declining in Poland [1]. family until their exclusion in the child,
In 2010, Poland has become a low-incidence • HIV infection (children of HIV-positive moth-
country, where the role of tuberculosis prevention ers can be vaccinated after HIV infection in
is particularly emphasized [2]. the child has been ruled out),
Basic tuberculosis prevention methods • immunosuppression (e.g. steroid therapy,
include the following: cytostatic drugs, treatment with TNF-alpha
• BCG vaccination; antagonists, radiotherapy),
• detection of latent tuberculosis infection • immunosuppressive treatment of the mother
(prophylactic and preventive treatment in in the third trimester of gestation (vaccina-
risk groups); tion should be postponed; in the case of treat-
• active tuberculosis detection in risk groups; ment with TNF-alpha antagonists in the third
• isolation and immediate treatment of infec- trimester of pregnancy, the concentrations of
tious patients [2]. the above mentioned drugs in the blood of
This article presents current guidelines con- infants have been detected up to the 6th, or
cerning BCG vaccination, tuberculosis contact even 12th month of life) [12, 13],
investigation as well as the diagnostic workup and • leukemia, lymphoma, disseminated cancer,
preventive treatment of latent tuberculosis infection. • generalized skin infections (until their re-
BCG vaccination • pregnancy,
• history of tuberculosis or infection with My-
The BCG vaccine contains the attenuated live cobacterium tuberculosis,
strain of bovine tuberculosis bacillus (M. bovis). • ongoing anti-tuberculosis treatment (e.g.
The vaccine has been named after its creators: preventive).
Albert Calmette and Camille Guerin: M. bovis BCG
(Bacillus Calmette- Guerin). Its implementation in BCG vaccination program
the 1920s significantly decreased the incidence
of severe hematogenous forms of tuberculosis I. General principles
(miliary tuberculosis and tuberculous meningitis) 1. According to the WHO recommendations
among infants and young children and reduced concerning countries where the epidemiolog-
mortality associated with this disease [2, 3]. Cur- ical situation requires immunization, a BCG
rent data indicate that BCG vaccination also lowers vaccine should be administered once in a
the risk of infection with Mycobacterium tubercu- lifetime, as soon as possible after birth [14].
losis by approximately 19% and decreases the risk 2. According to the Polish preventive vaccina-
of progression to active tuberculosis by 71% [4–7]. tion program, the BCG vaccine is obligatory

Teresa Bielecka et al., Tuberculosis prevention

up to 15 years of age if the child has not been diagnostic tests (TST and/or IGRA) be-
vaccinated after birth [15]. fore BCG vaccination and about the risk
3. As the lack of revaccination efficacy has of a local accelerated reaction in persons
been documented, it is no longer performed with tuberculosis infection [18];
[16]. — vaccinate after obtaining consent from
II. Detailed principles the parent or de facto carer;
1. Vaccination of neonates — up to the age of 6 years, vaccinate in the
— a vaccine can be administered after col- presence of the parent, legal guardian or
lecting the family history of congenital de facto carer;
immunodeficiency. The diagnostic procedures before BCG vac-
— in children of HIV-positive mothers, vac- cination of children suspected of having had
cination should be postponed until the a contact with a person with pulmonary tuber-
infection in the child has been ruled out. culosis are not dictated by vaccination safety but
— a vaccine is administered following the by epidemiological reasons, and their aim is to
consent and in the presence of a parent detect infected individuals early. There are no
or legal guardian. data about an increased risk of severe vaccination
2. Vaccination after the neonatal period reactions after administering the vaccine to a pa-
The procedures to be performed before vac- tient infected with M. tuberculosis. However, the
cination: risk of the Koch’s phenomenon, i.e. accelerated
— collect the family history of congenital local reaction, is increased [18].
immunodeficiency; 3. Immunization of children and adolescents
— basing on the history and physical ex- without vaccination records (e.g. immigrants,
amination, determine whether the child refugees)
manifests typical signs of immunodefi- If vaccination records are not available,
ciency (e.g. failure to thrive, recurring children up to the age of 15 should undergo BCG
severe infections, chronic diarrhea, re- vaccination after a prior exclusion of infection, in
current bacterial or fungal infections accordance with the principles explained above.
of the skin and mucous membranes,
abscesses in the skin or organs) [17]; Normal local reaction after BCG
— basing on the history, estimate the risk of vaccination
M. tuberculosis infection and determine A natural, local reaction after BCG vacci-
whether a child has been or is in close nation involves redness appearing 2–3 weeks
contact with a tuberculosis patient or after the injection. Several weeks later, a nodule
has a close contact with a person with evolving to a pustule develops. It then ruptures
chronic cough that has not been diag- to form a slight ulceration, and then crusts. The
nosed; crust usually falls off after 8–10 weeks, leaving
— if the child has been or is in contact with a slight scar measuring 6–8 mm in diameter [10].
an infected individual, tests have to be The diameter of the pustule and ulceration should
ordered in accordance with diagnostic not exceed 10 mm in children vaccinated in the
principles presented below regarding first year of life, and 20 mm in children vaccinated
the children who have come into contact at an older age. A greater ulceration is considered
with a tuberculosis patient; a vaccine adverse event (VAE). The total healing
— in the case of chronic coughing of an time does not usually exceed 3 months [10]. The
undiagnosed individual in the house- skin reaction at the site of BCG injection is usually
hold settings, a plain chest radiograph accompanied by slightly enlarged (to 15 mm in
for this person has to be ordered. If diameter) lymph nodes (axillary, supraclavicular,
the results do not indicate tuberculo- subclavicular) [10].
sis, the child can be vaccinated. If the
diagnosis of the coughing person is Adverse events after BCG vaccination
impossible, test the child with the TST The risk of VAEs is associated with the dosage,
and/or IGRA; substrain (reactogenicity) of bacteria included in
— when in doubt as to the risk of exposure the vaccine and the manner of administration [5].
to M. tuberculosis (e.g. in the school Differences between individual substrains have
settings), inform the parents and the appeared as a result of passages in different labo-
patient about a possibility to perform ratory settings over many years [19]. The Danish 151
Advances in Respiratory Medicine 2018, vol. 86, no. 3, pages 149–157

and French Pasteur substrains induce more ad- • skin changes (ulcerating, lichenoid, nodular)
verse effects than the Tokyo and Glaxo substrains beyond the injection site, erythema nodo-
or the Brazilian Moreau substrain commonly used sum,
in Poland [5]. • iritis, conjunctivitis, optic neuritis,
VAEs after BCG vaccine include local and • osteomyelitis [5].
nodal reactions (usually mild) as well as distant
and generalized effects. The most severe VAEs Osteomyelitis
(distant reactions and disseminated M. bovis In Poland, it usually develops in individu-
infection after BCG vaccination) mainly develop als with cell-mediated immunity impairment.
in severely immunocompromised individuals. However, this complication is also observed in
Management of VAEs after BCG vaccination: immunocompetent individuals [25] in countries
1. Local reactions where more reactogenic BCG substrains (Pasteur
• Ulcerations and abscesses > 10 mm in and Danish) are used [5].
diameter (in infants vaccinated in the first It manifests as a bone defect, soft tissue ede-
year of life) or > 20 mm (in children vacci- ma, pain, restricted mobility and sparing of the
nated later) are usually of self-limiting nature affected area [25].
[5, 20]. Observation and protection against If this complication develops, the patient must
superinfection are recommended. be diagnosed with immunodeficiency (cell-mediat-
• A local accelerated reaction (Koch’s pheno­ ed immunity disorders, severe immunodeficiency,
menon) is an inflammatory reaction (redness, HIV infection), and the etiology of infection must
pustule and ulceration), which develops be confirmed (bacteriological tests for M. bovis
within 6 days after vaccination, usually af- BCG in the referential tuberculosis laboratory). The
ter 24–48 hours. It occurs in persons with a treatment consists in combined anti-tuberculosis
tuberculosis infection [5], which necessitates therapy without pyrazinamide (PZA) as M. bovis
a diagnostic process to confirm the infection BCG is naturally resistant to this drug. Certain
(IGRA). cases do require surgical intervention.
• A keloid, a raised nodular lesion of an ir- If multiple changes are observed, the patient
regular shape, at the BCG injection site is should be diagnosed with systemic BCG dissem-
associated with pathological healing of the ination.
vaccination site. A consultation with a der- Disseminated and systemic tuberculosis
matologist or plastic surgeon is recommend- (BCG-itis) develops very rarely, usually in persons
ed [21]. with a more severe impairment of cell-mediated
2. Nodal reactions: enlarged (> 15 mm) regional immunity [26–28].
lymph nodes (axillary, supraclavicular, sub- BCG-itis is manifested by general signs: fever
clavicular), on the side of vaccination. or subfebrile temperature, failure to thrive, and
The symptoms can develop within a week to distant tuberculosis changes beyond the injection
even a dozen weeks after vaccination. In lymph- site (in the skin, lymph nodes, lungs, liver, spleen,
adenopathy without accompanying purulent re- bones and soft tissues) [28]. When BCG-itis is
actions, observation is sufficient. In suppurative suspected or there are distant reactions after
lymphadenitis, the following are recommended: BCG vaccination, the patient requires urgent di-
— slight reactions: observation only, agnosis and treatment in a specialist center with
— signs suggesting a fistula (fluctuation of the diagnostic facilities enabling the identification
purulent content, skin thinning over the of immunodeficiency (cell-mediated immunity
affected node): aspiration puncture and deficits, severe complex immunodeficiency) and
collection of the material for bacteriological confirmation of the etiology of infection. The
examination for the concomitant infection. treatment involves first-line antituberculous
The puncture shortens the duration of the agents excluding PZA: isoniazid (INH), rifampicin
reaction, lowers the risk of spontaneous (RMP) and ethambutol (EMB). When the suspi-
perforation and formation of a disfiguring cion of BCG-itis is justified, treatment should be
scar [22–24]. implemented instantaneously before bacteriolog-
Lymph node removal is not recommended ical confirmation arrives. The prognosis is grave.
as it is the last resort in persisting purulent in-
flammation. General guidelines for VAEs after BCG vaccination
3. Distant reactions Obligatory procedures to be performed in all
Distant reactions include: children with a VAE after BCG vaccination:

Teresa Bielecka et al., Tuberculosis prevention

• collect the family history of immunodefi- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC),
ciency, published in 2014, and of the American Acade-
• collect the history concerning the occur- my of Pediatrics (Red Book 2015) are different.
rence of the following symptoms: subfebrile Their experts believe that long-term steroid or
temperature, appetite disorders, failure to immunosuppressive therapy is an indication for
thrive, apathy LTBI tests [30, 31].
• conduct a careful physical examination with Some authors suggest that both steroid ther-
particular attention paid to: skin reactions, apy and other immunosuppressants increase the
peripheral lymph nodes, percussion signs risk of developing tuberculosis, but to a lower
over the lung fields as well as the size of the degree than TNF-alpha antagonists [32, 33].
liver and spleen, It therefore seems justified to screen for LTBI
• assess complete blood count (with the em- before the implementation of any prolonged
phasis on the absolute lymphocyte count), immunosuppressive treatment in children and
• report VAEs to the local public health inspector. especially in the following situations:
Local and nodal reactions after BCG vacci- • in patients at a high risk of tuberculosis
nation are not contraindications to the continu- infection (positive family history of tuber-
ation of the remaining immunization programs culosis, origin from a country with high
in accordance with the Preventive Vaccination incidence of tuberculosis),
Program. • if treatment with TNF-alpha antagonists is
planned as the next step of therapy (this
Diagnostic workup for latent tuberculosis is because the TST and IGRA do not yield
infection (LTBI) reliable outcomes after implementation of
steroids or other immunomodulatory drugs).
Latent tuberculosis infection can be identi- Before performing diagnostic tests for latent
fied basing on positive immunological tests: the M. tuberculosis infection, typical signs of active
tuberculin skin test and/or IGRA in the absence tuberculosis must be ruled out (persisting cough,
of clinical and radiological signs of tuberculosis. subfebrile temperature, weight loss or failure to
As stated in the WHO guidelines from 2015, thrive, night sweats, weakness, chest pain, he-
systematic screening for and proper treatment of moptysis). When active tuberculosis is suspected,
LTBI in countries with annual incidence of tuber- the diagnostic process should be extended: a plain
culosis < 100/100,000 and with a good economic chest radiography and bacteriological tests for
status should be conducted in: tuberculosis should be ordered.
• HIV-infected individuals, In order to identify M. tuberculosis infection
• children and adults who have come into in accordance with the WHO guidelines, the tu-
contact with a person with pulmonary tu- berculin skin test or IGRA have to be performed.
berculosis, According to the guidelines of the Tubercu-
• patients with planned treatment with losis Network (TBnet), both tests should be used
TNF-alpha antagonists, simultaneously in children before the transplan-
• organ or bone marrow transplant recipients, tation of solid organs and bone marrow and prior
• patients on dialysis, to treatment with TNF-alpha antagonists [34, 35].
• patients with silicosis. Furthermore, due to a higher diagnostic
Screening for LTBI should also be considered sensitivity with both tests, their simultaneous ap-
in: plication should be considered in the remaining
• immigrants or refugees from countries with patients with a high risk of developing tubercu-
widespread tuberculosis, losis (Table 1).
• drug addicts, In children with a low risk of TB disease, TST
• the homeless, or IGRA may be used.
• prisoners, When any of these tests are positive, a plain
• health care personnel [29]. chest radiography should be performed. The
The quoted WHO guidelines do not indicate presence of abnormalities compatible with tu-
the need for LTBI screening before the implemen- berculosis forces an extended diagnostic process
tation of long-term immunosuppressive treat- (including bacteriological tests for tuberculosis).
ment (except for organ and bone marrow trans- Positive TST or IGRA (after ruling out active
plant recipients and candidates for TNF-alpha tuberculosis) is an indication for LTBI diagnosis
antagonist therapy). However, the opinion of the and implementation of treatment. The aim of 153
Advances in Respiratory Medicine 2018, vol. 86, no. 3, pages 149–157

The remaining patients treated for LTBI

Table 1. Factors that increase the risk of disease progres-
should be regularly examined by a physician
sion after infection [36]
(clinical assessment, motivation to continue treat-
Age < 5 years ment, adverse effects monitoring). Patients and
HIV infection or other congenital or acquired immunodeficiency their parents should be familiar with potential
adverse effects in order to report to the doctor
Disorders of the IFN-g–Il-12 axis
immediately if they develop. The most common
adverse effects are as follows: loss of appetite,
Prolonged steroid therapy (> 4 weeks, prednisone 1 mg/kg per nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, fatigue, weak-
day or > 15 mg per day)
ness, dark urine, pale stool and jaundice. If these
Immunosuppressive treatment, treatment with TNF-a antago- symptoms develop and medical consultation is
not possible, the treatment should be stopped.
Hematologic diseases or diseases of the reticuloendothelial
Tuberculosis contact investigation
Severe chronic renal failure
Chronic absorption disorders In accordance with the Act of 5 December
Smoking 2008 on Prevention and Treatment of Infections
Underweight and Infectious Diseases in Humans, individuals
who come into contact with a tuberculosis patient
should be under epidemiological surveillance,
LTBI treatment is to lower the risk of developing should undergo clinical examination and diag-
active tuberculosis. The following LTBI treatment nostic tests or if needed, a preventive pharmaco-
regimens are proposed by WHO: logical treatment [9].
• INH once daily for 6 to 9 months, Contact with tuberculosis patient (necessitat-
• INH + RMP once daily for 3–4 months, ing diagnostic measures) is defined as:
• RMP once daily for 3–4 months, — staying in one room with a sputum smear-pos-
• INH + Rifapentine (not yet registered in itive individual (acid fast bacilli+, AFB+) for
Poland) once a week for 3 months. a total of 8 hours for up to 3 months before
There are no studies that would show the diagnosis;
superiority of any of the 6- or 9-month INH thera- — staying with a sputum smear-negative (AFB-)
py; WHO indicates equivalence of both regimens. but sputum culture-positive individual for
The American Academy of Pediatrics suggests cumulative 40 hours for up to a month before
9 months [31], while the 6-month regimen is diagnosis;
recommended in Poland. — a brief intensive face-to-face contact (e.g.
The dosage in LTBI is consistent with that during a laryngological examination or dental
used in the treatment of active tuberculosis: treatment) with a patient with pulmonary
• INH in children: 10 mg/kg (7–15 mg/kg), in tuberculosis [33].
adults: 5 mg/kg (a maximum daily dose 300 mg), NOTE: The presence of a cavity on chest
• RMP in children: 10 mg/kg (10–20 mg/kg), radiography or a cough increases the degree of
in adults: 10 mg/kg (a maximum daily dose infectiousness.
600 mg) [14, 29]. A tuberculosis patient stops being infec-
It must be remembered that only INH is regis- tious approximately 2 weeks after the treatment
tered for preventive treatment in Poland. Parental implementation (when bacterial sensitivity to
consent must be acquired for off-label use of RMP. the treatment is presumed or confirmed, and the
Prior to the initiation of treatment, baseline clinical improvement is noted).
values of transaminases and bilirubin should be Diagnostic tests should be conducted in
determined in: individuals exposed to an index case of bacte-
• patients with an earlier or current liver disease, riologically confirmed pulmonary tuberculosis
• patients abusing alcohol, (with positive sputum cultures or smears when
• HIV-infected individuals, the molecular tests have revealed that the bacte-
• pregnant women or in the first 3 months ria do belong to the M. tuberculosis complex). In
after childbirth. the case of individuals with a very high risk of
If baseline transaminase values are slightly tuberculosis (e.g. severely immunocompromised
increased, they must be systematically monitored patients, neonates) coming into contact with a
during the treatment. patient with tuberculosis which has not been

Teresa Bielecka et al., Tuberculosis prevention

Table 2. Time and manner of tuberculosis contact investigation

Time of examination

Urgent: < 1 week after diagnosis or as soon as 8 weeks after the last contact with
possible the index case during the period of
Children from the close contact group1 TST, IGRA and chest radiography TST, IGRA and chest radiography
at high risk of tuberculosis2 or with clini-
cal signs of tuberculosis
The remaining children from the close TST or IGRA3 TST or IGRA
contact group
Children from the casual contact group4 TST, IGRA and chest radiography TST and IGRA
at high risk of tuberculosis
The remaining children from the casual — If infection transmission has been
contact group confirmed in children from the close
contact group: TST or IGRA
Children from the community contact — If significant6 infection transmission has
group5 been confirmed in children from the ca-
sual contact group: TST and/or IGRA
Close contact: household or long-term contact in confined space or close face-to-face contact, e.g. during medical procedures (e.g. dental treatment)
High risk of tuberculosis: see Table 1.
Urgent examinations are indicated only when transmission has been documented among children at high risk of developing tuberculosis
Casual contact: frequent contact e.g. frequent visitors at home, class mates or those who spend free time together
Community contact e.g. at school or sports club
Significant infection transmission: when proved that more than 1 person has been infected in casual contact group

bacteriologically confirmed, indications to a fur-

ther diagnosis may be considered individually. Table 3. Indications for chest radiography in tuberculosis
According to the European consensus, in the
case of suspected tuberculosis with a negative Clinical sings compatible with tuberculosis:
sputum smear (and when the culture results persisting cough, night sweats, failure to thrive, subfebrile tem-
have not yet arrived), the presence of a cavity in perature, auscultatory changes over the lung fields
the chest radiography is an indication to pursue HIV infection, immunodeficiency either congenital or associated
the source’s contacts investigation (particularly with ongoing treatment
children < 5 years of age or other high-risk indi- Age < 5 years
viduals with conditions listed in Table 1). Positive TST or IGRA
An overview of organization and timing of
tuberculosis contact investigations is presented
in Table 2. If TST or IGRA are positive, but there are
no clinical or radiological signs, LTBI should be
Urgent examinations identified and the prophylactic treatment started.
Indications for a chest radiography in tuber-
Children with an increased risk of developing culosis contacts are listed in Table 3.
tuberculosis (Table 1) who have come into contact When in doubts about the results of the chest
with an index case should be examined first as radiography (e.g. suspicion of lung hilar lymph
soon as possible. nodes enlargement), contrast-enhanced computed
This group should preferably undergo both tomography of the chest should be conducted.
TST and IGRA (if available) as well as a chest ra- When TST and IGRA are negative and there
diography. Children with clinical or radiological are no clinical or radiological signs in children
signs suggestive of tuberculosis should undergo with a high risk of developing tuberculosis (< 5
bacteriological tests. years of age, HIV-positive, receiving immunosup-
When conducting TST, the site of tuberculin pressive treatment), preventive treatment with
injection must be documented in the patient’s INH should be initiated.
records (the first TST should be performed on The remaining children from the close contact
the inner aspect of the left mid-forearm; so-called group may also be optionally tested urgently. This
first field). is even more justified with confirmed transmission 155
Advances in Respiratory Medicine 2018, vol. 86, no. 3, pages 149–157

Table 4. The criteria for interpretation of a positive TST in investigated tuberculosis contacts (according to the European

Risk of tuberculosis Factors affecting the risk of tuber- Non-BCG-vaccinated or BCG-vac- BCG-vaccinated after the first
infection culosis cinated in the first year of life year of life

High (close contact Immunocompetent ≥ 10 mm ≥ 15 mm

with a smear-positive
tuberculosis patient)
HIV infection Negative TST does not exclude Negative TST does not exclude
infection infection
Other factors of high risk of develo- ≥ 5 mm ≥ 5 mm
ping tuberculosis

Low (other contacts Immunocompetent ≥ 15 mm TST not recommended

of tuberculosis pa-
HIV infection Negative TST does not exclude Negative TST does not exclude
infection infection
Other factors of increased risk of
developing tuberculosis ≥ 10 mm ≥ 10 mm

among children with a high risk evaluated in the ities or clinical signs, bacteriological tests must
first place. Preventive treatment is not applied be ordered.
in immunocompetent children > 5 years of age. If TST or IGRA are positive but there are no
clinical or radiological signs of tuberculosis, LTBI
Tests after an 8-week window should be identified and preventive treatment
started (according to regimens presented above).
Eight weeks after the last contact with an The criteria for interpretation of a positive TST
infectious individual, children previously ex- in investigated tuberculosis contacts, as provided
amined urgently are re-examined, and all other in the European consensus, are shown in Table 4.
contact children undergo tests. As for pulmonary tuberculosis contacts in
Children with a high risk of developing the school settings, screening should start with
tuberculosis undergo repeated TST, IGRA and a high-risk individuals and those who have had the
chest radiography. closest and the longest contact with the patient
When conducting a repeated tuberculin skin (e.g. class mates, so-called “first circle”). If the
test within a short period of time, one must remem- infection transmission is confirmed in the first
ber about changing the site of tuberculin injection circle, diagnostic tests should also be conducted
(the second field: the inner aspect of the right in occasional contacts (“second circle”).
mid-forearm) so as to reduce the risk of a booster
effect, which results in an increased skin reaction. Acknowledgments
If there are radiological abnormalities or clinical
signs, bacteriological tests should be conducted. The authors wish to thank Prof. Ewa Berna-
In children > 6 months of age and < 5 years towska for her motivation to prepare the guide-
of age treated preventively with INH, the treat- lines, and support in terms of content.
ment can be discontinued once the repeated TST
and IGRA are negative and there are no clinical/ Conflict of interest
/radiological signs of the disease.
In children < 6 months of age, HIV-infected The authors declare no conflict of interest.
or severely immunosuppressed, the preventive
treatment with INH should be continued for References:
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