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1. What do you think of Ethics in the workplace ?

I think ethics in workplace are the set of values, moral principles, and standards that need
to be followed by both employers and employees in the workplace. It is the set of rules
and regulations that need to be followed by all staff of the workplace.

These ethics are implemented by employers to foster both employee-employee

relationship and employee-customer relationships. An organization may decide to put
these ethics into writing or not—they are however meant to be followed.

There are some common workplace ethics that do not need to be defined by the
employer, but general ethical behavior needs to be demonstrated by employees. ethics,
values, morals, integrity, inner character can form the foundation of trust that is the basis
of ethical business practices.

2. Could you explain what the benefit of ethics in the workplace?

I think the code of ethics helps employees achieve a balance between the goals and the
means used to obtain them. This balance can be one of the most challenging aspects of
being an ethical organization.
The Federal Sentencing Guidelines for Organizations provide an additional incentive for
having corporate codes of ethics and ethics training. Companies that have made a bona
fide effort to prevent unethical and illegal behavior are likely to receive less severe
punishment should an employee be found guilty of breaking the law. The unethical
conduct of just a few employees can affect an entire corporation.

3. How to make a Successful Implementation of ethics in the workplace?

in my opinion senior employees in the company must give an example to their juniors,
this will help the implementation of good ethics in the company. It is very important for
managers and executives to:
• act consistently with the company's ethical standards
• applying those standards in dealing with employees
Recognizing and rewarding those whose behavior is consistent with the company's code
of ethics tells everyone that ethical behavior is truly valued. On the other hand, promoting
and giving bonuses to employees whose success is partly due to unethical behavior sends
unwanted messages.
The remaining ethics is not a static problem. Reviews and evaluations are needed.
Companies need to review their priorities regularly and make adjustments as needed.
Otherwise, their standards and training become obsolete.

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