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JUNE 8, 2018
BSCE-III GIS 421G SAT 1:30-3:00

1. What is the difference between location errors and topological errors?


What are the primary sources for digitizing?

There are many different types of digital collections online, both freely available on the
web, and via subscription databases available through libraries. These include:

Databases at NYU Libraries. Primary sources may be found in the following databases:
Digital National Security Archive, Digital Sanborn Maps, Congressional Publications,
Ancestry Library Edition (genealogical databases, Census Records, etc.), Making of Modern
Law: Primary Sources 1620-1920, The Sixties: Primary Sources and Personal Narratives,
1960-1974, Archives Unbound, and many others. Check the Databases by Subject page to
find digitized primary sources on your topic.

Digitized books and serials on the Web in the Internet Archive, Making of America
(Cornell), Making of America (Michigan), Google Books, Hathi Trust, and other digital
repositories. Some sites, such as the Marxists Internet Archive, AMDOCS Documents for
the Study of American History, and the Avalon Project: Documents in Law, History and
Diplomacy, provide transcriptions of documents.

Highlights from a library's holdings, often displayed as an online exhibit, such as the NYU
Archives' Timeline of University History, 1831-2006, the New-York Historical Society's
Slavery in New York and New York African Free School Collection, The Tamiment
Library's Labor & The Holocaust: The Jewish Labor Committee and the Anti-Nazi Struggle
and Cornell University Library's Triangle Factory Fire exhibit.

Library and Archival Exhibitions on the Web is a public service of the Smithsonian
Institution Libraries that links to more than 3,000 online exhibits of library and archival
materials posted by non-commercial institutions. This resource is keyword-searchable by
title, subject, and the name of the sponsoring institution.

One-of-a-kind resources like the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade Database, a fully searchable
database containing a wealth of information on the voyages, the captives, and the places
from which slave ships sailed and landed. It contains maps, a timeline, images, and essays
that place the data in context. There are reams of statistics in tables, timelines, and maps,
and researchers can search the data and create custom xy graphs, bar graphs, and pie-charts.
This online database and the accompanying printed Atlas of the Transatlantic Slave Trade
are the "culmination of several decades of independent and collaborative research."

Regionally-oriented digital projects such as Peel's Prairie Provinces (Western Canada),

Documenting the American South, Alaska's Digital Archives, State Digital Resources from
the Library of Congress, the World Digital Library, and the New York Heritage Digital
Collections, among many others.

Complete collections, often with transcriptions of documents and searchable databases.

Examples of freely available collections include the University of California Berkeley's
Mark Twain Papers Project, the Library of Congress's American Memory Project, the Andre
Studios Fashion Drawings & Sketches from the Fashion Institute of Technology and the
New York Public Library, and the New-York Historical Society's Digital Collections.
Museums also offer online editions of their collections. See the Louvre's Atlas database,
which includes all the works exhibited in the museum, ca. 30,000 items.

One category of digitized texts on the web is early printed books. The German blog
Archivalia maintains a comprehensive list of digital libraries of Pre-1800 Printed Books in
Western Languages.

Complete runs of newspapers and journals, both scanned in PDF (and showing
illustrations), and full text. The vast majority of full text newspapers and journals online are
found within subscription databases made available through commercial vendors in
libraries, but there are also some stellar free resources, such as the Brooklyn Daily Eagle
online, 1841-1902, the Library of Congress's Chronicling America: Historic American
Newspapers, Fulton History: Old New York Newspapers, and the Nineteenth-Century in
Print: Periodicals.

Government documents, including books, pamphlets, reports, statistics, serials, maps, and
other items published by local, state, and federal government agencies represent a rich
source of information for researchers on a vast range of topics. Much of the information is
availalbe online. Consult the U.S. federal government's GPO Access gateway site, along
with federal, state and local government websites to find materials. Visit the US
Government Documents Center on the 6th floor of Bobst Library for assistance. Also look
for government documents in the Internet Archive.
3. Edgematching requires a source layer and a target layer. Explain the difference between these
two types of layers.
Ans: The target layer is the one having selections performed on it. The source layer is the
one being used to determine what features in the target layer will be selected.
4. Describe ways of editing existing features.
5. What is topological editing?
Ans: Geodatabase topologies model spatial relationships by representing features as
topological primitives. When you validate a topology, an alternative rules-based topological
view of your feature geometry is generated as group layers. You can fix errors using
predefined fixes or common editing tools.
6. Describe ways of creating features from existing feautures.

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