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Summary Of “What Suffering Does”

David Brooks in “What Suffering Does”, analysis the process of how the experience of suffering leads
to re-designation of people’s characters. He explains that people usually aim and hope for happy
moments in the future but, they actually get formed through suffering. To him, unlike what happiness
does (makes people think about their benefits), suffering takes people through a completely different
path of humility; a path where they get the chance to reflect more about themselves and realize their

David further explains that in times of sufferings, people though not necessarily the cause of the
problems, cannot sit back and act helpless about them, and so they tend to become creative and as such
might come up with impactful contributions to societies afterwards. He says people do not usually come
out of suffering the same, they come out with a sense of nobility, that tends to make them create
stronger bonds and affection with families and loved ones. Conclusively, David infers that suffering
usually comes with a special gift that it leaves behind in its “prey”.

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