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A Date with Myself

Waking up from the alarm clock way too early, throwing yourself into the
shower and getting dressed in 2 seconds, waking up the kids, preparing
sandwiches to school, waking up the kids trial number two (and hopefully the
last one), helping them get out of bed, changing diapers, preparing clothes,
making sure they brushed their teeth and hair, serving breakfast, loading
everyone in the car and making sure the amount of kids match the amount of
school bags, dropping them off at school and / or kindergarten.

Breathe pause for 1 second…

Working, preparing lunch, laundry, grocery shopping, after school activities,

play dates, homework, dinner, supporting your partner, helping a friend, etc…
etc… etc…

Sound familiar?

How come we have time for everything and everyone but ourselves?

We are used to putting others first. It's hard to prioritize ourselves, especially
as a parent, and not feel guilty about it however it's a not a luxury, it's a must
which we shouldn't feel guilty about.

So what is a date with myself? Well it's NOT tidying the kids' bedrooms or
going through emails. It means different things to different people. It could be
going for a run, a trip to the cinema, a night at the pub with friends or having a
massage, anything you enjoy.

It's important to take time for yourself even if it's only half an hour a week. It
could be catching up with something that's a treat, like having a long bath,
reading a book, or taking a walk.

To help us focus on what exactly is missing in my "me time" at the moment

and how I could fill it, Points of You developed The Coaching Game, Faces and
Punctum. All three games fit the following process:
Choose 3 cards.
There are two options for working with the cards. The first option is Face Up
meaning we can choose the cards we wish to work with. This option on the
one hand, neutralizes resistance from the unknown however is more time
consuming since we put thought into which card we would like to work with. In
addition, the act of choosing in face-up mode is a conscious decision and
usually does not enable topics of which the participant is not consciously
aware of to rise to the surface.

The second option is Face Down meaning the cards are unseen and therefore
randomly picked. This option enables us to open up to another perspective on
our life that did not previously lie in our field of vision however, may be less
effective for those whom randomness clashes with their logical tendencies and
can therefore generate resistance.

Both options work great! It is up to you to decide which one you prefer.

Back to the process -

1. Ask yourself what works in my life right now. When we talk about what
works in your life, we're actually asking you to take a moment to look only at
the half filled glass. Look at the things we usually take for granted and forget,
things we no longer notice when we get up each morning (for example: what a
beautiful sunrise, my children are healthy, I have the best boss…)

What works in my life right now

2. What isn't working in my life right now? What holds me back? What
prevents me from being happy, content and fulfilled?

What isn't working in my life right now

3. If anything is possible – what should I wish for my life right now? It could be
in any aspect, big or small, short term or long term. What would give you the
pause you need, the battery recharge you long for?

If anything's possible – what should I wish for my life right now?

Write down your main insight from the process on a ticket and make it a
priority. Understand that in order for you to give to others you must give to
yourself. If you give yourself a break you'll feel refreshed and happier and will
be able to help and support your surrounding much more effectively and


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