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Partial Univalence in n-truncated Type Theory

Christian Sattler Andrea Vezzosi

Department of Computer Science and Engineering Department of Computer Science
Chalmers University of Technology IT University of Copenhagen
Sweden Denmark
Abstract HoTT also brought attention to a classification of types
It is well known that univalence is incompatible with unique- based on the complexity of their equality type. We say that
arXiv:2005.00260v1 [cs.LO] 1 May 2020

ness of identity proofs (UIP), the axiom that all types are a type is (−2)-truncated or contractible if it is equivalent to
h-sets. This is due to finite h-sets having non-trivial auto- the unit type, we say a type A is (n + 1)-truncated when for
morphisms as soon as they are not h-propositions. any x, y : A, the equality type x =A y is n-truncated. In par-
A natural question is then whether univalence restricted ticular (−1)-truncated types are referred to as h-propositions,
to h-propositions is compatible with UIP. We answer this and are those for which any two elements are equal, while
affirmatively by constructing a model where types are ele- 0-truncated types, whose equality types are h-propositions,
ments of a closed universe defined as a higher inductive type are called h-sets.
in homotopy type theory. This universe has a path construc- The h-sets are the notion of set of homotopy type the-
tor for simultaneous "partial" univalent completion, i.e., re- ory, and where most constructions will belong when using
stricted to h-propositions. HoTT as a foundation for set-based mathematics or to rea-
More generally, we show that univalence restricted to (n− son about programs. Restricting oneself to types whose equal-
1)-types is consistent with the assumption that all types are ity type is an h-proposition also avoids having to stipulate
n-truncated. Moreover we parametrize our construction by coherence conditions between different ways of proving the
a suitably well-behaved container, to abstract from a con- same equality. Such coherence conditions might be arbitrar-
crete choice of type formers for the universe. ily complex and not necessarily expressible within HoTT
itself [22].
It would be tempting then, at least for these applications,
1 Introduction, Motivation, and Overview to assume that every type is an h-set, i.e., the uniqueness
of identity proofs (UIP). In the case of HITs, e.g. for set quo-
Martin-Löf type theory [28] (MLTT) is a formal system use-
tients, an explicit equality constructor can be included to im-
ful both for dependently typed programming and as a foun-
pose the desired truncation level. However we are forced to
dations for the development of mathematics. It is the basis
step outside the h-sets when considering them collectively
of proof assistants like Agda, Coq, Idris, Lean.
as a type, which we call the universe of h-sets, U ≤0 . In
Homotopy type theory (HoTT) is a variation born out of
fact, by univalence, equalities in U ≤0 correspond to isomor-
the observation that equality proofs in MLTT behave like
phisms between the equated h-sets, of which in general there
paths in homotopy theory [7]. A major focus is then to char-
are more than one. This is often unfortunate because of, e.g,
acterize the exact nature of equality for each type, filling
the need to define sets by induction on a set quotient, or
some gaps left underspecified by MLTT by taking inpiration
the lack of a convenient type that could take the role of
from the connection to spaces up to homotopy.
a Grothendieck universe when formalizing categorical se-
Central is Voevodsky’s univalence axiom, stating that equal-
mantics in sets or presheaves.
ities of types corresponds to equivalence of types. From uni-
The counterexample of U ≤0 however does not apply to
valence other extensionality principles follow, like function
univalence restricted to h-propositions, i.e. proposition ex-
and propositional extensionality: equality of functions cor-
tensionality, since any two proofs of logical equivalence be-
responds to pointwise equality, and equality of propositions
tween two propositions can be proven equal. Moreover re-
corresponds to logical equivalence.
sults about set-truncated HITs often rely on propositional
Another important contribution is the introduction of higher
extensionality when defining a map into h-propositions by
inductive types (HITs), which generalize inductive types by
induction. One example is effectiveness of quotients, i.e., that
not only allowing elements of the type but also equalities be-
equalities [a] =A/R [b] between two representative of an
tween them to be inductively generated. A general example
equivalence class correspond to proofs of relatedness R(a, b).
is taking the quotient of a type by a relation, other examples
are finite and countable powerset types[16, 35], ordinal nota-
tions [29], syntax of type theory up to judgemental equality
[2], other forms of colimits, and types of spaces for synthetic
homotopy theory [34].
Christian Sattler and Andrea Vezzosi

In this paper we show, for the first time, that UIP is con- 2 A 0-truncated Partially Univalent
sistent with univalence for h-propositions, and more gen- Universe of 0-types
erally that, for n ≥ 0, the assumption that every type is n-
In this section we set up some preliminary definitions and
truncated is consistent with univalence restricted to (n − 1)- notations. We then provide a simpler case of our main tech-
truncated types (Corollary 4.8). We refer to this as partial nical result Theorem 3.13, to exemplify the reasoning neces-
univalence. We note that the result cannot be improved to
include univalence for n-truncated types, as that would im- When reasoning internally in type theory, we write ≡ for
ply univalence for all types, and then we could prove that
judgmental equality and = for internal equality using the
the n-th universe is not an n-type by the main result of [23].
identity type. Given a type A, we also write the latter as
We stress that existing truncated models such as the set A(−, −). Given p : a 0 =A a 1 and a family B over A, the de-
model or groupoid model [19] do not model partial univa-
pendent equality b0 =B(p) b1 of b0 and b1 over p is short-
lence. Although the set model contains a univalent universe hand for the identity type p∗ (b0 ) =B(a1 ) b1 , where p∗ (b0 ) is
of propositions, it is not the case that the set of small sets the transport of b0 : B(a 0 ) to B(a 1 ) along p. Given a type
is univalent when restricted to propositions. Similarly, the
A and n ≥ −2, we write typen (A) for the type that A is
groupoid model contains a univalent universe of sets, but n-truncated. For n = −2, −1, 0, we have the usual special
the groupoid of small groupoids is not univalent when re-
cases isContr(A), isProp(A), isSet(A) of A being contractible,
stricted to h-sets, i.e. groupoids with propositional sets of
propositional, and a set, respectively. All of these types are
morphisms. propositions.
The main challenge will thus be how to interpret the uni-
We recall the notion of a univalent family.
verses of such a theory. For a fixed collection of type for-
mers, we show how to overcome this in Section 2, where
we construct a partially univalent universe through a in- Definition 2.1 (Univalence). A family Y over a type X is
dexed higher inductive type. In Section 3 we generalize the univalent if the canonical map X (x 0, x 1 ) → Y (x 0 ) ≃ Y (x 1 ) is
construction by a signature of type formers given as an in- an equivalence for all x 0 , x 1 : X .
dexed container [1]. We then prove the consistency of a par-
tially univalent n-truncated type theory in Section 4. The We relativize this notion with respect to a property P on
proof uses a model of HoTT capable of interpreting indexed types. This is supposed to be an extensional property, in the
higher inductive types to derive a model for our theory. sense that it should depend only on Y (x), not on the “code”
The viability of MLTT as a programming language relies x : X . To make this precise, we let Y be a valued in a universe
on the canonicity property: every closed term is equal to one U and express P as a propositional family over U.
in canonical form. While univalence as an axiom interferes We use the word universe in a rather weak sense: until we
with canonicity, cubical type theory [11] has remedied this add closure under some type formers, it can refer to an arbi-
by representing equality proofs as paths from an abstract trary type family. Notationwise, universes are distinguished
interval type, and made univalence no longer an axiom. We in that we leave the decoding function from elements of U
formulate a partially univalent 0-truncated cubical type the- to types implicit.
ory in Section 5. There we also prove that the theory sat-
isfies homotopy canonicity, the property that every closed Definition 2.2 (Partial univalence). Let X be a type and
term is path equal to one in canonical form. We believe that Y : X → U for some universe U. Let P be a propositional
this result establishes an important first step towards a com- family over U. We say that (X , Y ) is P-univalent if the re-
putational interpretation of the theory. In Section 6 we dis- striction of the family Y to the subtype Σx :X P(Y (x)) is uni-
cuss related works and conclude. valent.

We also say that X is partially univalent or univalent for P,

leaving Y implicit. For P ≡ typen , we say that X is univalent
for n-types. In particular, for P ≡ isProp, we say that X is
univalent for propositions.
Of particular importance is the case where Y is the iden-
1.1 Formalization tity function. In that case, we say that the universe U is P-
We have formalized the main construction, the subject of univalent.
Sections 2 and 3, in Cubical Agda. Separately, we have for-
malized Appendix A in Agda with univalence as a postulate. Lemma 2.3. Let the universe U be P-univalent. Then Y : X →
The formalizations are available as supplementary material U is P-univalent exactly if its restriction to x : X with P(Y (x))
to this article. is an embedding.
Proof. Let x 1 , x 2 : X with P(Y (x 1 )) and P(Y (x 2 )). Consider induction. Thus, we do not wish to assume it in our
the commuting diagram ambient type theory.
Given a type I , recall that types X with a map X → I
X (x 1, x●2 ) / U(Y (x 1 ), Y (x 2 ))
●● are equivalent to families over I : in the forward direction,
●● ✇✇✇ one takes fibers; in the backward direction, one takes the

●# {✇✇ total type. Exploiting this correspondence, the above induc-
Y (x 1 ) ≃ Y (x 2 ). tive-recursive definition of V (without path constructor for
Since U is P-univalent, the right map is an equivalence. By partial univalence) can be turned into an indexed inductive
2-out-of-3, the left map is invertible exactly if the top map is definition of a family inV over U ≤0 . The translation of the
invertible. Quantifying over x 1 , x 2 , we obtain the claim.  constructors for Π-types and M is given in (i) and (ii) of Defi-
nition 2.4. The path constructor for partial univalence corre-
2.1 Partially Univalent Type V of (Small) Sets sponds to the following: given propositions Ai : U ≤0 with
w Ai : inV(Ai ) for i ∈ {0, 1} and an equality p : U ≤0 (A0 , A1 ),
Let now U ≤0 be a univalent universe of sets, meaning its
we have a path ua(e) in the family inV betwen w A0 and w A1
elements decode to 0-truncated types. We wish to define a
over p. We contract the path p with one of its endpoints and
“closed” 0-truncated universe V with a decoding function
arrive at the definition below.
ElV : V → U ≤0 that is univalent for propositions in the
sense of Definition 2.2. We illustrate the essential features Definition 2.4. The family inV over U ≤0 is defined as the
of our construction by requiring that: following higher indexed inductive type:
• V contains codes for a fixed family N : M → U ≤0 of (i) given m : M, a constructor w N (m) : inV(N (m)),
elements of U ≤0 where M is a set. (ii) given w A : inV(A) and w B (a) : inV(B(a)) for a : A
• V is closed under Π-types (assuming that U ≤0 is), (with implicit A : U ≤0 and B : A → U ≤0 ), a construc-
tor w Π (w A, w B ) : inV( (a:A) B(a)),
The former family can for example include codes for the
empty type or the type of Booleans. (iii) given a proposition X : U ≤0 with w 0 , w 1 : inV(X ), a
Closed universes are typically defined by induction-recur- path constructor ua(w 0 , w 1 ) : w 0 = w 1 .
sion, simultaneously defining the type V and the function We recover V as the total type V = (X :U ≤0 ) inV(X ), with
ElV : V → U ≤0 . To model the above closure conditions, ElV given by the first projection.
one takes: We may regard inV as a conditionally or partially proposi-
• given m : M, a constructor N (m) : V and a clause tionally truncated indexed inductive type (see Appendix B).
ElV (N (m)) ≡ N (m). In this form, it becomes clear that the constructor ua indeed
• given A : V and B : ElV (A) → V , a constructor suffices for partial univalence and does not introduce coher-
Π(A, B) : V and a clause ence problems: it exactly enforces that the restriction of the
Î family inV to elements decoding to propositions is valued
ElV (Π(A, B)) ≡ (a:ElV (A)) ElV (B(a)), in propositions.
In order to make V univalent for propositions, one could Lemma 2.5. The type V with ElV : V → U ≤0 is univalent
imagine turning this into a higher inductive-recursive defini- for propositions.
tion. Given Ai : V with ElV (Ai ) a proposition for i ∈ {0, 1}
Proof. Using Lemma 2.3, we have to show that the restric-
and an equality p : U ≤0 (ElV (A0 ), ElV (A1 )), one would add a
tion of ElV : V → U ≤0 to X : V with ElV (X ) a proposition
path constructor ua(e) : V (A0 , A1 ) with a clause giving an
is an embedding. Unfolding to inV, this says that inV(X ) is
identification of the action of ElV on the path ua(e) with p.1
propositional for X : U ≤0 a proposition. This is exactly en-
This is the right idea, but there are problems.
forced by the path constructor (iii) in Definition 2.4. 
• While syntax and semantics of higher inductive types
have been analyzed to a certain extent [21, 26] this It remains to show that V is 0-truncated. For this, we
analysis does not yet extend to the case of induction- adapt the encode-decode method to characterize the depen-
recursion. As such, the rules for higher inductive-re- dent equalities in inV over an equality in U ≤0 .
cursive types have not yet been established and none
2.2 Dependent Equalities in inV
of the known models of homotopy type theory have
been shown to admit them. In the following, we make use of (homotopy) pushouts. Re-
• Induction-recursion is known to increase the proof- call [34, Section 6.8] that the pushout of a span f : A → B
theoretic strength of the type theory over just (indexed) and д : A → C of types is the (non-recursive) higher induc-
tive type B +A C with points constructors inl(b) : B +A C
1 In this particular case, the clause of ElV for the path constructor amounts for b : B and inr(c) : B +A C for c : C and path constructor
to nothing as it is an identification in a propositional type. glue(a) : (B +A C)(inl(f (b)), inr(д(c))) for a : A.
Christian Sattler and Andrea Vezzosi

As in [31, Lecture 13], we do not require judgmental β- Proof. For the purpose of this proof, it will be convenient
laws even for point constructors. Thus, pushout types are to work with a different, but equivalent definition of the ex-
simply a particular choice of pushout squares, (homotopy) pression E in the construction of Problem 2.6 in the case
initial cocones under the span B ← A → C. We refer to w i ≡ w Π (w Ai , w Bi ) with w Ai : inV(Ai ) and w Bi (ai ) : inV(Bi (ai ))
Appendix A for some key properties of pushouts used in for ai : Ai , all for i ∈ {0, 1}. Namely, we let E consist of pairs
our development. (q, r ) as follows.
An important special case is the join X ⋆Y of types X and • The component q isÍan equality (A0 , B 0 ) = (A1 , B 1 ) in
Y , the pushout of X and Y under X × Y . For a proposition the dependent sum (A:U ≤0 ) A → U ≤0 .
P, the operation P ⋆ − is also known as the closed modality • Inducting on the equality q, we may suppose A ≡def
associated with P [32, Example 1.8]. We will only use the A0 ≡ A1 and B ≡def B 0 ≡ B 1 . The component r is then
join in this form. Recall that X ⋆ Y is contractible if X or Y a triple (e A , e B , c) where
is contractible. In particular, P ⋆ X is contractible if P holds. – e A : EqinV (reflA , w A0 , w A1 ),
Problem 2.6. Given an equality p : U ≤0 (X 0 , X 1 ) and w i : – e B (a) : EqinV (reflB(a) , w B0 (a), w B1 (a)) for a : A,
inV(X i ) for i ∈ {0, 1}, we wish to define: – c : p = refl.
• a type EqinV (p, w 0, w 1 ) of codes of equalities over p be- The equivalence between this choice of E and the previous
tween w 0 and w 1 one is a staightforward consequence of structural equiva-
• such that EqinV (p, w 0, w 1 ) is contractible if X 0 (or equiv- lences, splitting up the equality q into components for A and
alently X 1 ) is a proposition. B and distributing them over the components of r .
Construction. By univalence for contractible types, the type We follow the encode-decode method as described in Sub-
of contractible types is contractible. Thus, the goal is con- appendix B.3. To define
tractible if X 0 or X 1 is a proposition.
encodep,w0 ,w1
We perform double induction, first on w 0 : inV(X 0 ) and
inV (p, w 0 , w 1 ),
w 0 =inV(p) w 1 / Eq
then on w 1 : inV(X 1 ). In all path constructor cases, we know
that X 0 or X 1 is a proposition. By the above, the goal be- we use equality induction on p and the argument, reducing
comes an equality in a contractible type, so there is nothing the goal to encode′ (w) : EqinV (reflX , w, w) for w : inV(X ).
to show. We induct on x : inV(X ).
In all point constructor cases, we define
• For w ≡ w N (m) : inV(N (m)), we take
EqinV (u, w 0 , w 1 ) ≡def isProp(X 0 ) ⋆ E
where E is an abbreviation for an expression that varies de- encode′ (x) ≡ inr(reflm , refl).
pending on the case. Note that this makes EqinV (u, w 0 , w 1 )
• For w ≡ w Π (w A , w B ) : inV( (a:A) B(a)), we take
contractible when X 0 is a proposition. The expression E codes
structural equality of the top-level constructors.
encode′ (x) ≡ inr
• For w 0 ≡ w N (m 0 ) and w 1 ≡ w N (m 1 ), we let E consist
(refl(A, B), (encode′(w A ), λa. encode′ (w B (a)), refl)).
of pairs (pm , c) where pm : M(m 0 , m 1 ) and c is a proof
that p : U ≤0 (N (m 0 ), N (m 1 )) is equal to the action of • In the path constructor case, we have that X is a propo-
M on pm . sition. Then the goal is a dependent equality in a con-
• For w i ≡ w Π (w Ai , w Bi ) with w Ai : inV(Ai ) and w Bi (ai ) : tractible type.
inV(Bi (ai )) for ai : Ai , all for i ∈ {0, 1}, we let E con-
sist of tuples (pA, e A , p B , e B , c) where: We now show encodep,w 0,w 1
(e) for e : EqinV (p, w 0, w 1 ).
– pA : U ≤0 (A0 , A1 ) with e A : EqinV (pA, w A0 , w A1 ), We use double induction on w 0 and w 1 . In all path construc-
– for a 0 : A0 , a 1 : A1 , and a dependent equality pa over tor cases, we know that X 0 or X 1 is a proposition (hence
pA between a 0 and a 1 , we have p B : U ≤0 (B 0 (a 0 ), B 1 (a 1 )) both are). Thus, both source and target of encodep,w 0,w 1 are
with e B : EqinV (p B , w B0 (a 0 ), w B1 (a 1 )). contractible, so the goal becomes contractible. In all point
– c witnesses that constructor cases, we have e : isProp(X 0 ) ⋆ E where E de-
pends on the particular case. We induct on e. In the case for
p : U ≤0 ( (a0 :A0 ) B 0 (a 0 ), (a1 :A1 ) B 1 (a 1 ))
inl or glue, we have isProp(X 0 ), and the goal becomes con-
is equal to the action of the type forming operation tractible. For e ≡ inr(z), we proceed with z according to the
Π on pA and p B . point constructor case for w 0 and w 1 .
• In the remaining “mixed” cases, we let E be empty. 
• For w 0 ≡ w N (m 0 ) and w 1 ≡ w N (m 1 ), we have z =
Proposition 2.7. Given p : U ≤0 (X 0, X 1 ) and w i : inV(X i ) (pm , c). By equality induction on pm : M(m 0 , m 1 ), we
for i ∈ {0, 1}, there is an equivalence between dependent equal- may suppose m ≡def m 0 ≡ m 1 and pm ≡ reflm . By
ities in inV over p between w 0 and w 1 and EqinV (p, w 0, w 1 ). equality induction on c, we may then suppose p ≡ refl
and c ≡ refl. We have Proposition 2.9. The type V is 0-truncated.
e ≡ inr(reflm , refl) Proof. Given X i ≡ (X i , w i ) : V for i ∈ {0, 1}, we wish to
≡ encode′(w N (m)) show V (X 0 , X 1 ) propositional. By Corollary 2.8, this amounts
≡ encodereflN (m),w N (m),w N (m) (refl), to showing EqV (X 0 , X 1 ) propositional. This we show by dou-
ble induction, first on w 0 : inV(X 0 ) and then on w 1 : inV(X 1 ).
showing encodep,w 0,w 1
(e). Since the goal is propositional, there is nothing to show in
• For w i ≡ w Π (w Ai , w Bi ) with w Ai : inV(Ai ) and w Bi (ai ) : the path constructor cases.
inV(Bi (ai )) for ai : Ai , all for i ∈ {0, 1}, we have In all point constructor cases, we have
z = (q, r ) as described at the beginning of this proof. Õ
By equality induction on q : (A0 , B 0 ) = (A1 , B 1 ), we EqV (X 0 , X 1 ) = isProp(X 0 ) ⋆ E(p) (1)
may suppose A ≡def A0 ≡ A1 , B ≡def B 0 ≡ B 1 , and p:U ≤0 (X 0, X 1 )
q ≡def refl. Then r = (e A , e B , c). By equality induc- where E(p) is as in the construction for Problem 2.6, abbrevi-
tion c, we may suppose that p ≡ refl and c ≡ refl. By ating an expression depending on the point constructor case
induction hypothesis, we have (for clarity, we have made the dependency on p explicit). By
encode−1 (e A ), definition, this join forms a pushout square
reflA,w A 0 ,w A1

encode−1 (e B (a)) for a : A. isProp(X 0 ) × E(p) / isProp(X 0 )

reflB(a),w B 0 (a),w B 1 (a)

By equality induction and function extensionality, we (2)

may thus suppose that  
/ isProp(X 0 ) ⋆ E(p).
e A ≡ encodereflA ,w A0 ,w A1 (q A ),
The dependent sum over a fixed type preserves pushout squares
e B ≡ λa. encodereflB(a),w B0 (a),w B1 (a) (q B (a))
in its remaining argument (abstractly, because it is a higher
for some q A : w A0 = w A1 and q B (a) : w B0 (a) = w B1 (a) functor left adjoint to weakening). From (1) and (2), we thus
for a : A. By equality induction on q A and q B (after obtain the following pushout square:
using function extensionality), we may suppose that Í / Í(p:U ≤0 (X , X )) isProp(X 0 )
(p:U ≤0 (X 0, X 1 )) isProp(X 0 ) × E(p)
w A ≡def w A0 ≡ w A1 and q A ≡ refl as well as w B ≡def _ 0 1

w B0 ≡ w B1 and q B ≡ λa. refl. Now we have (3)

e ≡ inr(refl(A, B) , (encode′(w A ), λa. encode′ (w B (a)), refl)) Í  
(p:U ≤0 (X 0, X 1 )) E(p)
/ Eq (X 0 , X 1 ).
≡ encode′ (w Π (w A , w B )) V

≡ encodereflÎ ,w Π (w A,w B ),w Π (w A,w B ) (refl), Since U ≤0 is univalent, the type U ≤0 (X 0, X 1 ) is proposi-
(a:A) B(a)
tional if isProp(X 0 ). From this, we see that the span in (3)
showing encodep,w 0,w 1
(e). is a (homotopy) product span. By invariance of pushouts
• In all “mixed” cases, we have z : 0.  under equivalence, it follows that EqV (X 0 , X 1 ) is equivalent
For readers concerned with the length of the above argu- to the join
ment, we note the following. In Section 3, we will motivate   Õ 
U ≤0 (X 0, X 1 ) × isProp(X 0 ) ⋆ E(p) . (4)
abstraction that will allow us to reorganize the above argu- p:U ≤0 (X 0, X 1 )
ment into smaller, more general pieces.
We now apply Lemma A.9: to show that this join is propo-
2.3 V is a set sitional, it suffices to show that each of its factors is propo-
From our characterization of dependent equality in inV, we sitional.2 Since isProp(X 0 ) is propositional and U ≤0 (X 0, X 1 )
obtain a corresponding characterization of equality in V . Given is propositional if isProp(X 0 ), their product is propositional.
It remains to show that T ≡def (p:U ≤0 (X 0, X 1 )) E(p) is a
X i ≡ (X i , w i ) : V for i ∈ {0, 1}, we define
Õ proposition. For this, we argue according to the current point
EqV (X 0 , X 1 ) ≡def EqinV (p, w 0, w 1 ). constructor case, recalling the corresponding definition of
p:U ≤0 (X 0, X 1 ) E(p) from Problem 2.6.
Corollary 2.8. For X 0 , X 1 : V , we have • In the case w 0 ≡ w N (m 0 ) and w 1 ≡ w N (m 1 ), we have
V (X 0 , X 1 ) ≃ EqV (X 0 , X 1 ). T ≡ (p = apN (pm ))
(p:U ≤0 (X 0, X 1 )) (pm :M(m0 ,m1 ))
Proof. Equality types in the dependent sum V ≡ (X :U ≤0 ) inV(X )
≃ M(m 0, m 1 ),
are dependent sums of an equality in U ≤0 and a dependent
equality over it. Thus, the claim is a consequence of Propo- 2 Alternatively,
we could appeal to the fact that closed modalities are left
sition 2.7.  exact, hence preserve truncation levels [32].
Christian Sattler and Andrea Vezzosi

a proposition since M was assumed a set. In the universe construction we will use a U ≤n -indexed
• In the case w i ≡ w Π (w Ai , w Bi ) with w Ai : inV(Ai ) and container, here we demonstrate by example that they not
w Bi (ai ) : inV(Bi (ai )) for ai : Ai for i ∈ {0, 1}, recall only cover the type formers considered in Section 2, but
that T consists of tuples (p, pA, e A , p B , e B , c) with types also ones with a more complex signature like (truncated)
as in the construction of Problem 2.6. We contract the pushouts.
equality c with its endpoint p. What remains is equiv-
Example 3.3 (Nullary type formers). Given a fixed family
alent to the dependent sum of:
of types N : M → U ≤n we define a container with empty
– (pA, e A ) : EqV (A0 , A1 ) where Ai ≡def (Ai , w i ), positions:
– for a 0 : A0 , a 1 : A1 , and a dependent equality pa Í
S(X ) = (m:M) (X = N (m))
over pA between a 0 and a 1 : Pos(_, _, _) = ⊥
(p B , e B ) : EqV (B 0 (a 0 ), B 1 (a 1 )) Example 3.4 (Π-types). The signature for Π-types can be
represented by a U ≤n -indexed container where both S and
where B i (ai ) ≡def (Bi (ai ), w i (ai )).
Pos are given by indexed inductive types with constructors:
Both EqV (A0 , A1 ) and EqV (B 0 (a 0 ), B 1 (a 1 )) (the latter
for all a 0 , a 1 ) are (n − 1)-truncated by induction hy- • given A : Î U ≤n and B : A → U ≤n a constructor
pothesis. The claim now follows by closure of (n − π (A, B) : S( (x :A) B(x)).
and with s ≡ π (A, B) and X ≡ (a:A) B(a):
1)-truncated types under dependent sums and depen-
dent products (with arbitrary domain). • a constructor posA : Pos(X , s, A)
• In the remaining, “mixed” cases, we have • given a : A a constructor posB : Pos(X , s, B(a))
T ≡ ⊥ ≃ ⊥, Example 3.5 (Truncated pushouts). Pushouts truncated to
p:U ≤0 (X 0, X 1 ) be n-types can also be represented as a U ≤n -indexed con-
which is propositional. 
• given Ai : U ≤n for i ∈ {0, 1, 2} and f : A0 → A1 and
д : A0 → A2 a constructor po(f , д) : S(A1 +nA0 A2 ),
3 n-truncated Partially Univalent
• for each i ∈ {0, 1, 2} a constructor
Universes of n-types posi : Pos(A1 +nA0 A2 , po(f , д), Ai ).
To obtain the main result of this paper, we need to generalize More generally, this works for arbitrary HITs with an addi-
the constructions of the previous section to a partially univa- tional constructor ensuring n-truncatedness.
lent n-truncated universe of n-types rather than sets, and to
a universe closed under more type formers. For the sake of To establish the n-truncatedness of the universe we will
generality, we will also build a universe that is P-univalent need to know that the extension of the container ExtS, P (F , i)
for an arbitrary proposition P, although the n-truncatedness preserves the truncation level Í of the family F . We cannot
result will need P(X ) to imply type(n−1) (X ). however just ask for typen ( (i :I ) .ExtS, P (F , i)) to hold when-
ever typen ( ((i :I )) F (i)) holds, as the latter would already be
This section only makes use of univalence for (n − 1)-
types. the whole result when F ≡ inV. We extract then the follow-
ing condition from what is needed during the induction in
3.1 Indexed Containers and Preservation of the proof of Theorem 3.13.
Definition 3.6 (Retaining n-truncatedness). An I -indexed
To abstract from a particular choice of type formers, we will container (S, Pos) retains n-truncation, if for any family F
parametrize our universe by a signature of them represented over I , any ib : I and element of the extension (sb , tb ) :
by an indexed container [1], as is done for indexed W-types. , ib ) for b ∈ {0, 1} we have that
ÎS, Pos (F Î
We recall here the precise definitions of indexed container (j0 j1 :I ) (p 0 :Pos(i 0,s0, j0 ),p
and its extension that we will use in the rest of the paper. Í1 :Pos(i 1,s1, j1 ))
type(n−1) ( (q:j0 =j1 ) t j0 (p0 ) =F (q) t j1 (p1 ))
Definition 3.1 (Indexed container). Given a type I , an I -
type(n−1) ((i 0, s 0 , t 0 ) =Í(i :I ) ExtS, Pos (F ,i ) (i 1, s 1 , t 1 ))
indexed container is a pair (S,
Í Pos) of a type family S over I
and a type family Pos over (i :I ) S(i) × I . Example 3.7 (Signatures retaining n-truncatedness). Exam-
ples 3.3 to 3.5 all retain n-truncatedness. The case of nullary
Definition 3.2 (Extension of a container). Let (S, Pos) be an
type formers is trivial. As mentioned the case for Π-types
I -indexed container. Its extension ExtS, Pos takes a family F
follows the reasoning in Proposition 2.9.
Í For truncated pushouts
over I and produces Í another: we can observe that (X , (s, t)) of type (X :U ≤n ) ExtS, Pos (F , X )
ExtS, Pos (F , i) = (s:S (i )) (j:I ) Pos(i, s, j) → F (j)
is equivalent to the following data:
Given (s, t) : ExtS, Pos (F , i) we will write tY (p) for t(Y )(p). • X : U ≤n
• for i ∈ {0, 1, 2}, both Ai : U ≤n and w i : F (Ai ) is built by ua we again have by univalence that the type of
• f : A0 → A1 and д : A0 → A2 contractible types is contractible. 
• q : X = A1 +nA0 A2
then X and q form a contractible pair, the types of f and д From Subappendix B.4, we have the following result.
are n-truncated by construction, so we only have to worry
Proposition 3.11. Given p : U ≤n (X 0, X 1 ) and w i : inV(X i )
about the (Ai , w i ) pairs. But since the w i are obtained from
for i ∈ {0, 1}, there is an equivalence
t, those components are handled by the premise given to us.
Coproducts of such containers also retain n-truncatedness w 0 =inV(p) w 1 ≃ EqinV (p, w 0, w 1 ). 
as their extension will correspond to the sum of the exten-
sions, which means we can collect multiple type formers As in Section 2 we define
into a single n-truncatedness preserving indexed container. Õ
EqV (p, X 0 , X 1 ) ≡def EqinV (p, w 0 , w 1 ).
3.2 A P-univalent n-truncated Universe of p:U ≤n (X 0, X 1 )
n-truncated Types
for X i ≡ (X i , w i ) for i ∈ {0, 1} and derive its equivalence
Now we have everything in place to provide the final ver- with equality in V.
sion of our universe
inVn, P Corollary 3.12. For X 0 , X 1 : V , we have
V= S, Pos (X )
X :U ≤n
V(X 0 , X 1 ) ≃ EqV (X 0 , X 1 ). 
with ElV : V → U ≤n given by first projection. We will often
omit the sub- and sup- scripts on inV as they will be clear 3.2.1 V is n-truncated.
from context.
The family inV is defined as follows. In analogy with the Theorem 3.13. Let (S, Pos) be an n-truncatedness retaining
indexed W-type WS, Pos , which one would use for an ordi- container. If P(X ) implies typen−1 (X ) then V is n-truncated.
nary closed universe, we use the P-propositional indexed W-
type inV ≡def WS,P Pos (Definition B.3). The theory of partially Proof. Given X i ≡ (X i , w i ) : V for i ∈ {0, 1} we proceed
propositional indexed W-types is developed in Appendix B. by induction on w 0 and w 1 to prove V(X 0 , X 1 ) is (n − 1)-
For convenience, we give here the explicit definition as an truncated. By Corollary 3.12 and the same reasoning as in
indexed higher inductive type. the proof of Proposition 2.9, we have to concern ourselves
only with the following pushout square3 :
Definition 3.8. Given a U ≤n -indexed container (S, Pos), the
family inV over U ≤n is defined as the higher inductive type Í / Í(p:U ≤n (X
(p:U ≤n (X 0, X 1 )) P(X 0 ) × E(p) 0 , X 1 ))
P(X 0 )
generated by the following constructors: _
(i) given c : ExtS, Pos (inV, X ), a constructor tcon(c) : inV(X ), (5)
(ii) given X : U ≤n with P(X ), and w 0 , w 1 : inV(X ), a path Í  
(p:U ≤n (X 0, X 1 )) E(p)
/ Eq (X 0 , X 1 )
constructor ua(w 0 , w 1 ) : w 0 =inV(X ) w 1 . V

Lemma 2.5 generalizes to the new setting. where E(p) = EqinV ′

(p, (s 0, t 0 ), (s 1, t 1 )). By Proposition A.11,
Lemma 3.9. Let (S, Pos) be a U ≤n -indexed container, and P it is enough to show the top right and bottom left corners
a family of propositions over U ≤n . The type V with ElV : V → are (n − 1)-truncated to conclude that EqV (X 0 , X 1 ) is as well.
(p:U ≤n (X 0, X 1 )) P(X 0 ) is (n − 1)-truncated because P(X 0 ) is a
U ≤n is P-univalent. 
proposition and implies typen−1Í (X 0 ), so that U ≤n (X 0, X 1 ) is
We unfold here the definition of codes for equality in (n−1)-truncated by univalence. (p:U ≤n (X 0, X 1 )) E(p) is equiv-
WS,P Pos of Subappendix B.4. alent to (X 0, (s 0 , t 0 )) = (X 1, (s 1 , t 1 )) by Proposition 3.11, so
Problem 3.10. Given an equality p : U ≤n (X 0, X 1 ) and w i : we can conclude its (n−1)-trucatedness by using that (S, Pos)
inV(X i ) for i ∈ {0, 1}, we define: retains n-truncatedness, because its premise is satisfied by
• a type EqinV (p, w 0, w 1 ) of codes of equalities between the induction hypothesis. 
w 0 and w 1 over p, as in Figure 1.
• such that EqinV (p, w 0, w 1 ) is contractible if P(X 0 ). As the special case where P is constantly false, we obtain
the folklore construction of 0-truncated “closed” universes.
Construction. The definition proceeds by double induction
on w 0 and w 1 , defining the pair of EqinV (p, w 0 , w 1 ) and its Corollary 3.14. Let (S, Pos) be a 0-truncatedness retaining
conditional contractibility in one go. Given P(X 0 ) the case container. If P = λX . ⊥ then V is 0-truncated. 
when both w i are built with tcon is contractible because it’s
a join with an inhabited proposition. When either w 0 or w 1 3a variant of (3)
Christian Sattler and Andrea Vezzosi

EqinV (q, (s 0 , t 0 ), (s 1, t 1 )) ≡def Σ (qs : sÎ ).
0 =S (q) s 1Î
(et : (Y :U ≤n ) (p0,p1 ) p0 =Pos(q,qs ,Y ) p1 → EqinV (refl, t 0Y (p0 ), t 1Y (p1 )))

P(X 0 ) ⋆ EqinV (q, c 0 , c 1 ) if w 0 ≡ tcon(c 0 ), w 1 ≡ tcon(c 1 )
EqinV (q : X 0 = X 1, w 0 , w 1 ) ≡def
by contractibility if w 0 or w 1 given by ua(. . .)

Figure 1. Definition of EqinV .

4 Models of n-truncated Type Theory with Definition 4.2 ([4, Definition 2.4]). A cwf hierarchy Ty with
Univalence for (n − 1)-types. type formers T on a category C is a sequential diagram
In this section, we show that Martin-Löf type theory with Ty0 / Ty / ...
function extensionality and the assumption that all types
are n-truncated is consistent with univalence for (n − 1)- of cwf structures with type formers T on C.
Note that the lifting maps Tyi → Tyi +1 preserve type for-
Remark 4.1. The full strength of this statement is realized mers T . As before, cwf hierarchies with type formers T as-
only with a sufficiently long chain of universes U0 , . . . , Uk , semble into a category.
one included in the next. For if k < n, it is known [23, Sec-
tion 6] how to modify a model of homotopy type theory Definition 4.3 ([4, Definition 2.5]). A model of Martin-Löf
(including univalence, but no higher inductive types) to be type theory with type formers T is a category C with a cwf
n-truncated by restricting types of “size” i (classified by Ui ) hierarchy Ty with type formers T on C together with, for
to i-types (and restricting all types to the n-truncated). each i, a global section Ui with an isomorphism Eli : Tmi +1 (Γ, Ui ) ≃
Tyi (Γ) natural in Γ ∈ C.
For the reason given in the above remark, we consider
Martin-Löf type theory to come with an ω-indexed (cumu- In all uses of the above definition, we will implicitly as-
lative) hierarchy of universes U0 , U1 , . . .. Alternatively, we sume that T contains at least dependent sums, dependent
could include higher inductive types, which in the presence products, identity types, and finite coproducts. This makes
of univalence for (n−1)-types are still able to produce proper available basic concepts of homotopy type theory such as be-
n-types.4 However, a key point is still for an n-truncated uni- ing n-truncated (for an external number n). We write MLTTT
verse univalent for (n − 1)-types to be able to contain a code for the category such models, and MLTTT (C) if we wish to
for a (smaller) universe of the same kind, and at this point fix the underlying category. We say that C is n-truncated
we may as well consider a hierarchy of universes. (where n ≥ −2) if all A ∈ Tyi (Γ) are n-truncated, naturally
in Γ ∈ C, for all i. As a type former (an axiom), we denote it
We use categories with families (cwfs) [15] as our notion
of model of dependent type theory. They are models of a
We call Ui the i-th universe of C. Note that, in contrast
generalized algebraic theory [9] (as will all semantic notions
to our internal reasoning, we explicitly reference the decod-
considered here). Fixing the underlying category C, we ob-
ing natural transformation Eli . Given a generic property P of
tain a category of cwf structures on C. We refer to a cwf
types (such as being n-truncated) forming an internal propo-
structure on C by its presheaf of types∫ Ty, the presheaf Tm sition, we say that C satisfies univalence for P if the universe
of terms on its category of elements Ty left implicit. Ui is P-univalent for all i in the sense of what follows Def-
Let T stand for a choice of type formers, specified by a col- inition 2.2. We add a subscript UA(n) to MLTTT to indicate
lection of rules that are generally natural in the context (one restriction to models with univalence for n-types.
way to ensure this naturality is by demanding that these Let T be a collection of type formers. Given C ∈ MLTTT
rules be interpretable in presheaves over the category of and i ≥ 0, the type forming operations contained in T can
contexts and substitutions [5, 8]). Type formers can be stan- be encoded as internal operations on the universe Ui . As-
dard type formers such as dependent sums, dependent prod- sume that these internal operations restrict to the subuni-
ucts, or identity types, but also “axioms” such as function verse Ui≤n of n-types. For well-behaved T , it is possible to
extensionality. As before, we have categories of cwfs with find a global Ui -indexed container C of size i + 1 such that
type formers T as well as cwf structures with type formers T for any family S over Ui≤n , a lift of the given internal oper-
on a fixed category C.
ations on Ui≤n to (X :Ui≤n ) S(X ) corresponds to a C-algebra
structure on S. Lastly, assume that C retains n-truncatedness
4 For example, univalence for 0-types is sufficient to show that the circle S 1 in the sense of Definition 3.6. If all of this is the case, natu-
is a proper 1-type. We consider an n-type proper if it is not an (n − 1)-type. rally in C , we say that T is n-benign.
• Unit type: • Dependent products: • Empty type:
S = (A:U ≤n ) A → U ≤n ,
S = 1, Î S = 1,
t(A, B) = (a:A) B(a),
t(•) = 1, t(•) = 0,
Pos(A, B) = 1 + A,
Pos(A, x, y) = 0. Pos(A, x, y) = 0.
s((A, B), inl(•)) = A,
• Dependent sums: s((A, B), inr(a)) = B(a). • Binary coproducts:

(A:U ≤n ) A → U ≤n , • Identity types: S = U ≤n × U ≤n ,
t(A, B) = (a:A) B(a), S = (A:U ≤n ) A × A, t(A, B) = A + B,
Pos(A, B) = 1 + A, t(A, x, y) = A(x, y), Pos(A, B) = 1 + 1,
s((A, B), inl(•)) = A, Pos(A, x, y) = 1, s((A, B), inl(•)) = A,
s((A, B), inr(a)) = B(a). s((A, x, y), •) = A. s((A, B), inr(•)) = B.

Figure 2. U ≤n -indexed containers for basic type formers. The specifying data is given in a slightlyÎalternate form: a type of
shapes S, a target function t : S → Ui≤n , a family of positions Pos over S, and a source function s : s:S Pos(s) → Ui≤n . This
corresponds to a polynomial functor U ≤n ← S → P → U ≤n with middle arrow a fibration. The actual indexed container is
obtained by taking fibers using the identity type.

Example 4.4. The basic type formers we implicitly require Let us further assume that Ty implements some type type
for a model of Martin-Löf type theory are n-benign for any formers T . To interpret T in Ty′ such that Ty′ → Ty pre-
n ≥ 0. The associated Ui≤n -indexed containers are listed serves T , we only have to interpret the actual type form-
in Figure 2 (with the size index i omitted). Retention of n- ing operations of T in Ty′ such that they are preserved by
truncatedness in the sense of Definition 3.6 follows the scheme Ty′ → Ty; the term forming operations of T will then be
of Example 3.7. uniquely inherited from Ty.
Let us now return to the situation of Theorem 4.6. The
Example 4.5. Any type former that only has term forming
type forming operations of the type formers T in (C, Tyi )
operations is automatically n-benign. In the first place, this
can be encoded as internal operations on the universe Ui .6
applies to axiom-style type formers such as function exten-
Since T is n-benign, these internal operations further re-
strict to the subuniverse Ui≤n of n-types. We now wish to
We are now ready to state the main result. define a global type Vi of size i + 1 with a map Vi → Ui≤n .
Restricting Eli along this map, we can see Vi as a universe.
Theorem 4.6. Let n ≥ 0 and T be an n-benign choice of Defining Tyi′ (Γ) = Tm(Γ, Vi ) with Tyi′ → Tyi induced by
type formers, including function extensionality. Let (C, Ty) be Vi → Ui≤n , we then obtain the cwf structure Tyi′ with a
a model of Martin-Löf type theory with type formers T that is map Tyi′ → Tyi . Interpreting T in Tyi′ compatible with Tyi
univalent for (n −1)-types. Then there is an n-truncated model will follow from a (strict) lift of the internal type formation
Ty′ of Martin-Löf type theory with type formers T on C that is operations from Ui≤n to Vi . Finally, everything needs to be
univalent for (n − 1)-types. Furthermore, there is a morphism natural in i ∈ ω.
Ty′ → Ty of cwf hierarchies with type formers T on C. Let us start with the base i = 0. We will define V0 ≡def
≤n ≤n
(X :U0≤n ) inV0 for a family inV0 over U0 , with V0 → U0
Proof. Given a cwf structure Ty on a category C, note that a
further cwf structure Ty′ together with a morphism Ty′ → the first projection. Using that T is n-benign, we have a
Ty corresponds up to isomorphism to just a presheaf Ty′ of U0≤n -indexed container C 0 such that a lift of the internal
types with a natural transformation Ty′ → Ty.5 The terms formations operations from U0≤n to V0 corresponds to a C 0 -
of Ty′ are inherited (up to isomorphism) from those of Ty algebra structure on inV0 . We now follow Section 3 for the
since terms correspond to sections of context projections construction of inV0 from C 0 ; this means inV0 is the typen−1 -
and Ty′ → Ty should preserve context extension. Abstractly propositional indexed W-typeWC0 n−1 as per Subappendix B.5.
speaking, the forgetful functor from cwf structures on C to In particular, we obtain a C 0 -algebra structure on inV0 . Note
discrete fibrations on C is itself a discrete fibration.
5 Thisis immediate when switching from cwfs to the equivalent notion of 6 Note that this is only a bijective correspondence if we have the judgmental

categories with attributes. η-law for dependent products, but this is not required here.
Christian Sattler and Andrea Vezzosi

that V0 is univalent for (n − 1)-types by Lemma 3.9 and n- n-benign type formers implemented by a known model of ho-
truncated by Theorem 3.13. motopy type theory), it is consistent to assume that all types
For general i, we let Ci′ be the coproduct of the Ui≤n - n-truncated.
indexed container Ci given from T being n-benign with the
indexed container with shapes 0 ≤ j < i, with indexing of Proof. Apply Corollary 4.7 to a model of homotopy type
j being Vj (lifted to Tyi ), and no positions. We then define theory such as simplicial sets or cubical sets that supports
inVi from Ci′ as before. This guarantees that there are codes higher inductive families. 
for the universes below i in Vi .
To make Ty′ into a cwf hierarchy and Ty′ → Ty into a 5 A Cubical Type Theory with UIP,
morphism of cwf hierachies, we need to construct, for every Propositional Extensionality, and
i ≥ 0, a dotted morphism making the naturality square Homotopy Canonicity
Tyi′ / Ty In [14] the authors establish the homotopy canonicity prop-
erty for a cubical type theory without judgmental equations
for the box filling operations. Here we will follow that proof
  to prove homotopy canonicity for a cubical type theory with
Tyi′+1 / Ty
i +1 an axiomatic UIP principle and propositional extensionality
of presheaves of types commute. This amounts to defining given by a modified Glue-type. To keep this section brief,
internal Vi → Vi +1 making the square we closely follow their notation.

Vi / Ui 5.1 0-truncated Cubical Cwf

We take the definition of cubical cwf from [14] and adapt
  it by adding a new trunc operation and an extra argument
Vi +1 / Ui +1 to Glue-types. The definition is internal to the category of
commute strictly. In turns, this corresponds to an internal cubical sets of [11]. A minor difference to [14], following the
function previous section, we only require a sequential diagram of
inVi (X ) → inVi +1 (lift(X )) Tyi presheaves, without topmost Ty, and we do not require
the lifting map Tyi → Tyi +1 to be mono.
for X : Ui≤n . We define this by recursion for inVi , noting Given A : Tyi (Γ), we define isProp(A) and isSet(A) in
that inVi +1 restricted along lift carries a Ci′ -algebra structure, Tyi (Γ) using the Path-type former.
forgetting the code for the i-th universe in its Ci′+1 -algebra
• Glue types. Given A : Tyi (Γ), Ap : Elem(Γ, isProp(A)),
φ : F, T : [φ] → Tyi (Γ), and e : Elem(Γ, Equiv(T tt, A)),
It remains to check that the map Tyi′ → Tyo+1 ′
respects the
we have the glueing Glue(A, Ap , φ,T , e) in Tyi (Γ), equal
type forming operations of T . This follows from (6) commut-
to T tt on φ. We also have glue(a, t), unglue, and their
ing strictly with Ci -algebra structures. This follows from the
equations as described in [14, Sec. 1.3].
judgmental β-law of the higher inductive family inVi .7
• 0-truncation operation. Given A in Tyi (Γ) we have
It remains to check that Ty′ has universes as required by
trunc(A) in Elem(Γ, isSet(A)). No equations are required
Definition 4.3. Indeed, the i-th universe Ui′ is simply given
other than stability under substitution.
by Vi itself, with Eli′ the identity isomorphism. 
Corollary 4.7. Relative to Martin-Löf type theory with func- 5.2 Standard Model
tion extensionality and univalence for (n − 1)-types (and any We now work in the category of cubical sets of [11]. It sat-
further n-benign type formers), if the addition of pushouts and isfies the assumptions listed at the top of [14, Section 2.2],
propositionally truncated indexed W-types is consistent, then so we have a hierarchy of universes of fibrant types Uifib , de-
it is consistent to assume that all types are n-truncated. fined from a cumulative hierarchy of universes of presheaves
Ui for i ∈ {0, 1, . . . , ω}. Using it as a model of cubical type
Proof. Given a model for the former theory, we obtain a
theory with uniformly indexed higher inductive types, we
model (on the same category) of the latter theory by The-
replay the construction from Section 3 and obtain a family
orem 4.6. By construction, the empty type is inhabited in
inV : (Uifib ) ≤0 → Uifib
+1 . Then we take
this model exactly if it is inhabited in the old model. 
Vi ≡ (A:(Ufib )≤0 ) inV(A) : Uifib
Corollary 4.8. In Martin-Löf type theory with function ex- i +1

tensionality and univalence for (n − 1)-types (and any further with ElVi : V → (Uifib ) ≤0 .
7 This is the only place in our entire construction where judgmental β - Just as [14, Section 2.3] defines the standard model as an
laws for higher inductive types are needed. One might well regard it as an internal cwf from the universes Uifib , we define the standard
artifact of our universe hierarchy setup. model from the universes Vi :
• Con is the category with objects in Uω and functions • |Γ| ≡def Hom M (1, Γ),
between them as morphism, • |A| ρ ≡def (Elem(1, A), ⌈Aρ⌉),
• the types of size i over Γ : Uω are maps Γ → Vi , • |a| ρ ≡def aρ.
• the elements of A : Γ → Vi are Π(ρ : Γ).ElVi (A ρ). We now define the sconing model M ∗ , starting with the
We will often omit the use of ElVi to lighten the notational cwf components.
• A context (Γ, Γ ′) : Con∗ consists of Γ : Con in M and
Type formers Π, Σ, N, Path and universes are given by in-
a family Γ ′ : |Γ| → Uω .
cluding a code for them in the container (S, Pos) for Vi . The
filling operation is derived from the one for Uifib . Glue-types • A type (A, A′) : Tyi∗ (Γ, Γ ′) consists of a type A : Tyi (Γ)
in M and a family
are handled below.
5.2.1 A Code for Glue in Vi . One would think that inV A′ : Π(ρ : |Γ|)(ρ ′ : Γ ′ ρ) → |A| ρ → Vi
might need an explicit constructor for Glue. However, the
path constructor ua of inV suffices to derive one, given Glue of proof-relevant predicates over it.
for Ufib and fibrancy of inV. • An element (a, a ′ ) : Elem∗ ((Γ, Γ ′), (A, A′)) consists of
Given Γ : Uω , A : Γ → Vi , Ap : Π(ρ : Γ).isProp(A ρ), φ : F, an element a : Elem(Γ, A) in M and
T : [φ] → Γ → Vi and e : [φ] → Equiv(T tt, A), we wish to
a ′ : Π(ρ : |Γ|)(ρ ′ : Γ ′ ρ) → A(ρ, ρ ′, aρ).
define Glue(A, Ap , φ,T , e) : Γ → Vi . We take
Glue(A, Ap , φ,T , e) ρ ≡def (G, wG ) We observe that this definitions differs from the one given
in Coquand et al. [14] only by the use of Vi in place of Uifib to
where G = Glue(ElV (A ρ), φ, ElV ◦(T ρ), e ρ) : Uifib , and given define Tyi∗ . As such we will not repeat here the details about
w A ≡ A ρ.2 and wT ≡ λo.T o ρ.2, we obtain w Glue by first the rest of the cwf structure or the shared type formers and
transporting w A : inV(ElV (A ρ)) to wG′ : inV(G) by the canon- operations, and instead discuss only Glue∗ and tr∗ .
ical path between the two indices, and then composing un-
der [φ] with a path between wG′ and wT built by ua. The lat- 5.3.1 Glue-types.
ter is possible because, assuming [φ], both wG′ and wT are
codes for ElV (T tt ρ), which is propositional by Ap ρ. Note Lemma 5.1. Let (A, A′) in Tyi∗ (Γ, Γ ′). The following state-
that with this correction Glue(A, Ap , φ,T , e) ≡ T tt when ments are logically equivalent, naturally in (Γ, Γ ′):
[φ] ≡ ⊤. One then checks that the code so defined com-
mutes with the lifting maps Vi → Vi +1 . Elem∗ ((Γ, Γ ′), isProp∗ (A, A′)) (7)
Elem(Γ, isProp(A))
5.3 Sconing Model × Π(ρ : |Γ|)(ρ ′ : Γ ′ ρ).isProp(Σ(a : |A| ρ).A′(ρ, ρ ′ a))
Given a cubical cwf M (denoted by Con, Tyi , Elem, . . .), we Elem(Γ, isProp(A))
want to define a new cubical cwf M ∗ , (denoted by Con∗ , Tyi∗ , (9)
× Π(ρ : |Γ|)(ρ ′ : Γ ′ ρ)(a : |A| ρ).isProp(A′(ρ, ρ ′ a))
Elem∗ , . . .) as the Arting glueing of M along an internal
global sections functor |−|. We assume M size-compatible Proof. Given (7), we have Ap : Elem(Γ, isProp(A)) and a proof
with the universes Ui as in [14, Sec. 3]. In [14], the functor that one can fill lines in A′ over lines produced by |Ap |; that
|−| targets the standard model directly, given that Elem(1, A) is enough to fill lines in the Σ-type in (8). From there, we de-
is a fibrant type. In our case, we have to include a code for rive (9): since |A| ρ is propositional, any path from a to a is
it in inVi , as in extending the container (S, Pos), as follows: constant. Going back to (7) requires only to contract a path
• given A : Tyi (1), a constructor ⌈A⌉ : inVi (Elem(1, A)). in |A| ρ. 
Note that both Tyi (1) and Elem(1, A) are 0-truncated, be-
cause the trunc operation implies isSet(Elem(1, A)) for any Let (A, A′) in Tyi∗ (Γ, Γ ′), (Ap , Ap′ ) in Elem∗ ((Γ, Γ ′), isProp∗ (A, A′)),
A in Tyj (1), and Tyi (1) itself is equivalent to Elem(1, Ui ). φ in F, hT ,T ′ i in [φ] → Tyi∗ (Γ, Γ ′), and he, e ′ i in
This makes sure that the extended container still preserves Elem∗ ((Γ, Γ ′), Equiv∗ ((T tt,T ′ tt), (A, A′))). We follow the recipe
0-truncatedness. of [14, Sec. 3.2.6] and define
For the definition of natural numbers in M ∗ , we will also
need a code for the type family N′ : Elem(1, N) → Ufib Glue∗ ((A, A′), (Ap , Ap′ ), φ, hT ,T ′ i, he, e ′ i)
defined in [14, Appendix B]:
as (Glue(A, Ap , φ,T , e), G ′) where G ′ ρ ρ ′ (glue(a, t)) is de-
• given n : Elem(1, N), a constructor N′ (n) : inV0 (N′ n) fined as the Glue-type in Vi between A′ ρ ρ ′ a andT ′ tt ρ ρ ′ (t tt)
where N′ n can be shown to be 0-truncated by Corollary 3.14. along φ. In our case we also have to provide a proof of isProp(A′ ρ ρ ′ a),
The functor |−| is then given on contexts, types, and ele- which we obtain from (Ap , Ap′ ) by applying Lemma 5.1, go-
ments of M like so: ing from (7) to (9).
Christian Sattler and Andrea Vezzosi

5.3.2 trunc-operation. with strict canonicity without encountering similar limita-

tions. Regarding strict propositions, i.e. where any two el-
Lemma 5.2. Let (A, A′) : Tyi∗ (Γ, Γ ′). The following state-
ements are stricly equal in the model, the semantics for a
ments are logically equivalent, naturally in (Γ, Γ ′):
univalent universe of them within the cubical sets model is
Elem∗ ((Γ, Γ ′), isSet∗ (A, A′)) (10) described in [12]. However the corresponding universe of
Elem(Γ, isSet(A)) strict sets is not a strict set itself. Such semantics are used in
(11) [18] to justify the addition of a primitive universe of strict
× Π(ρ : |Γ|)(ρ ′ : Γ ′ ρ).isSet(Σ(a : |A| ρ).A′(ρ, ρ ′ a))
propositions sProp.
Elem(Γ, isSet(A))
× Π(ρ : |Γ|)(ρ ′ : Γ ′ ρ)(a : |A| ρ).isSet(A′(ρ, ρ ′ a))
6.2 Conclusion
Proof. This follows the same strategy as Lemma 5.1, except We proved consistency for a theory with n-truncatedness
this time filling and contracting squares rather than lines. and univalence for (n − 1)-types. We also showed homotopy
 canonicity for cubical variant of such a theory. The main
Let (A, A′) : Tyi∗ (Γ, Γ ′). We define technical tool used was an n-truncated universe of n-types
that is also univalent for (n − 1)-types. We would like to
trunc∗ (A, A′) : Elem∗ ((Γ, Γ ′), isSet∗ (A, A)) stress that such a universe can also be used directly in HoTT
by applying Lemma 5.2 in the direction from (10) to (12). to with indexed higher inductive types, for applications that
the pair of trunc(A) and trunc ′ where do not mind the universe being limited to a fixed set of type
trunc ′ ρ ρ ′ a : isSet(ElVi (A′(ρ, ρ ′ a)))
is given by ElVi (A′(ρ, ρ ′ a)) : (Uifib ) ≤0 . Acknowledgments
Given the above constructions, one mechanically verifies
Christian Sattler was supported by USAF grant FA9550-16-
the necessary laws to obtain the following statement.
1-0029. Andrea Vezzosi was supported by a research grant
Theorem 5.3 (Sconing). Given any 0-truncated cubical cwf (13156) from VILLUM FONDEN.
M that is size-compatible in the sense of [14, Sec. 3], the scon-
ing M ∗ is a 0-truncated cubical cwf with operations defined as
above. We further have a morphism M ∗ → M of 0-truncated
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Christian Sattler and Andrea Vezzosi

• The internal object of pullback squares (constructed Proposition A.1 (Pushout descent from classifier). Let C
using exponentials) from Y → X to univalent V → U be a locally Cartesian closed higher category. Let
is (−1)-truncated. To see this, one considers the space
of pullback squares from Z × Y → Z × X to V → U Y00 ❄ / Y01

for an arbitrary object Z . ❄ ❄❄❄ ❄❄
❄❄ p 01
 ❄ ❄
p 00 Y10 / Y11
Combining these observations, we may phrase univalence
via the generic case: in the slice over U , the internal object p 10 (13)
of pullback squares from V → U to U × V → U × U (living  
over U via the first projection) is (−1)-truncated, or equiva- X 00 ❄ / X 01
p 11
lently terminal.9 This is the univalence axiom for the “uni- ❄❄ ❄❄
verse” U and the “universal family of elements” V → U in   ❄ ❄ 
homotopy type theory: given x : U , the dependent sum of X 10 / X 11
y : U and V (x) ≃ V (y) is contractible, in turn equivalent to
be a cube in C with horizontal faces pushouts and left and
Definition 2.1. It also corresponds to the definition of univa-
back faces pullbacks (as indicated). Assume that the maps p01
lent family given in [17]. The connection between univalent
and p10 have a common classifier V → U . Then the right
universes in the original sense of Voevodsky and univalent
and front faces are pullbacks and the map p11 is classified by
maps in our sense was probably first recognized by Joyal.
V → U.
A classifier for a collection of maps Yi → X i for i ∈ I is a
univalent map V → U having Yi → X i as pullback for i ∈ I : Proof. This is a standard exercise, we give the proof for com-
Let u : V → U be the given classifier. In Ccart → , by (−1)-

truncatedness of u, we obtain a square

Yi /V
p00 / p01
Xi / U.


An object X is said to be classified if the map X → 1 is clas- . u.

sified. In homotopy type theory, a classifier for (fi )i ∈I (with
external indexing) is simply a family V over U that satisfies On codomains, we obtain an induced map
the univalence axiom and restricts (up to equivalence) to the X 00 / X 01
given families fi for i ∈ I .
As discussed in [27], classifiers are related to descent for
colimits in the sense of [30]. Here, we are interested only in  
the case of pushouts. Instead of assuming blanket classifiers X 10 / X 11
for classes of “small” maps as in a higher topos, we will keep
track of which collections of maps need to have classifiers. 
. U.

This allows us to see the bottom face of (13) as a square in

the slice over U . Pulling back along u, we obtain a cube
Y00 ❃ / Y01

❃ ❃❃❃ ❃ ❃❃❃
❃❃ p 01 ❃
 ❃ ❃
p 00 Y10 / Y′
9 11
The reverse implication proceeds as follows. Given Y → X , let us show
that the space of pullback squares from Y → X to V → U is (−1)- p 10 (14)
truncated. We may suppose that Y → X is classified by V → U via a map  
X → U . The desired space is isomorphic to the space of pullback squares X 00 ❄ / X 01
over U from Y → X to U × V → U × U . Over U , the map Y → X is the ❄❄ ❄❄
❄❄ ❄❄
product of V → U with X , so this space is the hom space over U from X ❄❄ ❄❄
to the internal object of pullback squares from V → U to U × V → U × U .   ❄ ❄ 
The target object of this hom space was assumed terminal. X 10 / X 11 .
Here, the top square is a pushout since pullback along u pre- If A → B mono, then so is C → B and the square is a pullback.
serves pushouts, a consequence of local Cartesian closure.
The cubes (13) and (14), seen from the top as squares in C → , This is standard. We give its proof so that we can translate
are pushouts of the same span p01 ← p00 → p10 . Pushouts it to the setting with limited assumptions on classifiers.
are unique up to isomorphism, so the cubes are isomorphic. Proof of Lemma A.2. Consider the cube
As the right and front faces are pullbacks in (14), so are they
′ → X is classified by V → U ,
in (13). By construction, Y11 11 A❂ /C
hence so is p11 .  ❂
❂ ❂❂❂ ❂❂
❂❂ ❂❂
Let us clarify the connection of Proposition A.1 to de-  ❂ ❂
A /C
scent. A finitely complete higher category C has descent for
a pushout square (17)
X 00 / X 01 A❂ /C
❂❂ ❂❂
(15) ❂❂ ❂❂
    ❂ ❂ 
X 10 / X 11 B / D.

if the slice functor C/− from C op to higher categories sends It is given by the functorial action on the map of arrows from
it to a pullback square A → B to C → D of the “connection operation” turning an
arrow X → Y into a square
C/X 11 / C/X 10
X /X

C/X 01 / C/X 00  
/ Y.
(morphisms are pullback functors). If this is the case, then:
The map X → Y is mono exactly if this square is a pullback.
• in any a cube (13) extending (15), the front and back Let us inspect the faces of (17). The bottom face is the
faces are pullbacks (as in Proposition A.1), original pushout. The top face is a pushout and the back
• if C has pushouts of pullbacks of X 00 → X 10 , the face is a pullback since opposite edges are invertible. The
pushout (15) is stable under pullback. left face is a pullback since A → B is mono. By descent, it
If C has pushouts of pullbacks of X 00 → X 10 , these condi- follows that the right and front faces are pullbacks. From
tions are equivalent to descent for (15). the right face, we infer that C → D is mono. From the front
Note that local Cartesian closure implies stability of all face, we infer that (16) is a pullback. 
colimits, in particular pushouts, under pullback. In that case,
Proposition A.1 shows that descent for a pushout follows Let us reprove this result starting from a classifier. Note
from the existence of classifiers for finite collections of maps the extended conclusion.
and the existence of certain pushouts. However, we eschew Lemma A.3. In a locally Cartesian closed higher category,
such a strong assumption on classifiers. let A → B be a monomorphism admitting a classifier V → U
We will directly assume descent for pushouts for a track that also classifies the terminal object. Then for any pushout
of results (Lemma A.2, Proposition A.4, Remark A.5, Lemma A.8,
Proposition A.10, and Remark A.12) which cannot easily A _ /C
be expressed in terms of classifiers for some fixed maps or
serve as inspiration for the setting using classifiers for a re-  
stricted choice of maps. B / D,
We will now prove a series of facts (some of them stan-
dard) about pushouts along monomorphisms, i.e. (−1)-truncated the map C → D is mono and classified by V → U and the
maps. These are sometimes also called embeddings. square is a pullback.

Lemma A.2. In a finitely complete higher category with de- Proof. We follow the proof of Lemma A.2. When it comes
scent for pushouts, consider a pushout to using descent in the cube (17), we apply Proposition A.1.
This uses that A → B and C → C (a pullback of 1 → 1) are
A _ /C classified by V → U and additionally gives that C → D is
(16) classified by V → U . 
B / D. Lemma A.2 has the following interesting consequence.
Christian Sattler and Andrea Vezzosi

Proposition A.4. In a finitely complete higher category with the case for n − 1 since diagonals of maps are preserved by
descent for pushouts, pushouts along monomorphisms preserve pullbacks. 
pullbacks (assuming the involved pushouts exist).
The following lemma is a simple recognition criterion for
Proof. Recall that the forgetful functor from a coslice creates truncation levels of pushouts.
pullbacks. Consider a monomorphism A → B and a pullback
square Lemma A.7. In a finitely complete higher category, let
C 00 / C 01 A /C

C 10 / C 11 B /D

under A. We consider its pushout along A → B, forming a be a pushout stable under pullback. Let n ≥ −1. Then D is
cube n-truncated exactly if the maps
C 00 ❄ / C 01
❄❄ (i) B ×D B → B × B,
❄❄ ❄❄ (ii) B ×D C → B × C,
 ❄ ❄ (iii) C ×D C → C × C
D 00 / D 01 are (n − 1)-truncated.
Proof. D is n-truncated exactly if D → D × D is (n − 1)-
  truncated. By pullback pasting, one sees that the listed maps
C 10 ❄ / C 11
❄❄ are the pullbacks of the diagonal D → D × D along the map
❄❄ ❄❄ ❄
❄❄ ❄
❄❄ ❄❄ L × R → D × D for all combinations of L and R being B or C
  ❄ ❄  (the map (ii) appears twice). Thus, they are (n −1)-truncated
D 10 / D 11 .
if D → D × D is (n − 1)-truncated. The reverse implication
Our goal is to show that its front face is a pullback. By Lemma A.2, follows from a double invocation of Lemma A.6. 
the maps from back to front are mono. By pushout pasting,
The join X ⋆ Y of objects X and Y , if it exists, is their
the faces from back to front are pushouts. By Lemma A.2,
pushout product, seen as maps X → 1 and Y → 1, i.e. the
the left face is a pullback. Hence, the front face is a pullback
by descent. 
X ×Y /X
Remark A.5. Let C be a finitely complete higher category
with descent for pushouts. Given a monomorphism A → B  
having pushouts, Proposition A.4 shows that the pushout Y / X ⋆Y.
functor C\A → C\D is almost left exact, with only the ter-
minal object not generally being preserved. We can pass to Lemma A.8. In a finitely complete higher category with de-
slices to fix this: given a pushout square as in (18), the in- scent for pushouts, assume that the pushout (21) exists and is
duced functor from the higher category of factorizations of stable under pullback. If X and Y are (−1)-truncated, then so
A → C to the higher category of factorizations of B → D is is their join X ⋆ Y .
left exact. Proof. By assumption, the left and top maps in (21) are mono.
For the following statement, note that the forgetful func- Applying Lemma A.2 twice, the square is a pullback and the
tor from a slice higher category creates truncation levels of right and bottom maps are mono. We check that X ⋆ Y is
maps. That is, the truncation level of a map does not change (−1)-truncated by instantiating Lemma A.7 to the pushout (21).
if we view regard the map as living over different objects. • Since X → X ⋆ Y is mono, (i) is the diagonal X →
X ×X . This is an equivalence since X is (−1)-truncated.
Lemma A.6. In a finitely complete higher category, let • Since (21) is a pullback, (ii) is an equivalence.
A / C • The case for (iii) is analogous to the one for (i), using
that Y → X ⋆ Y is mono and Y is (−1)-truncated. 
  We have an analogous statement in the setting with clas-
B /D
sifiers, proved using Lemma A.3 instead of Lemma A.2.
be a pushout stable under pullback. A map over D is n-truncated
Lemma A.9 (Propositional Join). In a locally Cartesian closed
exactly if its pullbacks over B and C are n-truncated.
higher category, assume objects X and Y have classifiers also
Proof. We induct on n. In the base case n = −2, this is func- classifying the terminal object. If X and Y are (−1)-truncated,
toriality of pushouts that exist. The case n ≥ −1 reduces to then so is their join X ⋆ Y if it exists. 
For the application of Lemma A.9 in the main body of the We see this as a square in the coslice under A. We take its
paper, we note that the assumptions on classifiers are satis- pushout along A → B:
fied in homotopy type theory as soon as we have univalence
for propositions. ❃❃ id
We finally come to the main result of this section. We first ❃❃
state it using descent. In this case, it has an easier proof. q1 
Q /B (24)
Proposition A.10. Consider a finitely complete higher cat-
egory with descent for pushouts. Let A → B be a monomor-  
phism having pushouts that are stable under pullback. Con- B / D.
sider a pushout
We will independently prove the following:
A /C
(i) the inner square in (24) is a pullback,
(22) (ii) the map hq 1 , q 2 i : Q → B × B is (n − 1)-truncated.
  Together, this implies the goal.
B / D.
Let us prove (i). By pushout pasting, the squares
If B and C are n-truncated for n ≥ 0, then so is D. This also
p1 p2
holds for n = −1 if we have a map B × C → A. P /A P /A

Proof. We proceed by induction on n. Of note, the inductive (25)

step will apply the claim to a slice, so the ambient category  q1   q2 
changes within the induction. (In homotopy type theory, Q /B Q /B
this simply corresponds to a use of the induction hypoth- are pushouts. By Lemma A.2, the map P → Q is mono.
esis in an extended context.) Again by Lemma A.2, the squares (25) are pullbacks. Apply-
In the base case n = −1, note that A is (−1)-truncated ing descent in the cube connecting the inner squares in (23)
since A → B is mono and B is (−1)-truncated. Since we have and (24), we see that the inner square in (24) is a pullback.
maps back and forth between A and B × C and both objects Let us prove (ii). Focus on the pushout square
are (−1)-truncated, these maps are invertible. It follows that
the span in (22) is a product span, and the claim reduces to A /P
Lemma A.8. (26)
From now on, assume n ≥ 0. By Lemma A.2, the map  
C → D is mono and (22) is a pullback. We check that D is B / Q.
n-truncated by instantiating Lemma A.7 to the pushout (22). It lives in the slice over B × B via hq 1 , q 2 i. The induced map
• Since C → D is mono, the map (iii) is the diagonal P → B × B rewrites as
C → C × C. This is (n − 1)-truncated since C is n- hp 1,p 2 i
truncated. P / A×A / B × B.
• Since (22) is a pullback, the map (ii) is A → B ×C. This As in the proof of Lemma A.7, the first factor is a pullback
factors as of the diagonal C → C × C, hence (n − 1)-truncated. The
A / A×C / B × C. second factor is mono, hence (n − 1)-truncated since n ≥ 0.
It follows that P is (n − 1)-truncated over B × B. Note that B
The first factor is a pullback of the diagonal C → C×C, is (n − 1)-truncated over B × B by assumption.
which is (n − 1)-truncated since C n-truncated. The We apply the induction hypothesis to the pushout (26) in
second factor is a pullback of A → B, which is (n − 1)- the slice over B × B. Note that the assumptions on descent
truncated since n ≥ 0 and A → B is mono. and the mono A → B all descend to the slice. We have just
The remaining case is the map (i), i.e. showing that B×D B → shown that the bottom left and top right objects of (26) are
B × B is (n − 1)-truncated. Consider the diagram producing (n − 1)-truncated over B × B. For the case n − 1 = −1, we
the diagonal of A over C: note that we have maps

A id
B ×B×B P / B ×B×B (A × A) o A
over B × B where the second map inverts as A → B is mono.
 p1  This finishes the proof of (ii). 
P /A (23)
We now state the above result in terms of classifiers. Since
  we only assume classifiers for (n − 1)-truncated maps, the
A / C. previous proof requires modification.
Christian Sattler and Andrea Vezzosi

Proposition A.11 (n-truncated Pushout Of Mono). In a lo- We already know that A → B ×C is (n −1)-truncated. The
cally Cartesian closed higher category, let m : A → B be a map Q → B × B is (n − 1)-truncated by (ii). By assumption,
monomorphism having pushouts. Consider a pushout they have a common classifier. We are thus in the position
to apply Proposition A.1 to the cube (28) and deduce that its
A /C
front face is a pullback. Pasting the pullbacks
m (27) q1
  Q /B
B / D.
hq 1,q 2 i
Let n ≥ 0. Assume a classifier for any finite collection of (n−1)-
truncated maps. If B and C are n-truncated, then so is D. This B×B / B×D
also holds for n = −1 if we have a map B × C → A and a
π2 π2
classifier for any finite collection of monomorphisms.
Proof. The proof proceeds as for Proposition A.10, using Lemma A.9 B / D,
instead of Lemma A.8 in the base case n = −1.
we get (i). 
In the situation for n ≥ 0, we use Lemma A.3 instead of
Lemma A.2 to deduce that C → D is mono and (27) is a Remark A.12. Following the idea of the proof of Proposi-
pullback. tion A.11, one may strengthen also the statement of Propo-
A divergence occurs when checking the subgoals (i) and (ii). sition A.10 by restricting descent to (n − 1)-descent (or (−1)-
The previous descent argument for (i) no longer works be- descent for n = −1). Here, n-descent in a finitely complete
cause the relevant maps in the cube considered are not (n − higher category C refers to the descent-like notion obtained
1)-truncated. Instead, we are forced to prove (i) in a way by instead considering the functor from C op to higher cat-
that will depend on (ii). The proof of (ii) proceeds as before, egories that sends Z to the full higher subcategory of C/Z
noting that the assumptions on classifiers descend to the re- on n-truncated objects.
cursive case.
Let us now prove (i). To start, we use Lemma A.3 instead Remark A.13. It is possible to state the assumption on clas-
of Lemma A.2 to derive the assertions about the squares (25). sifiers in Proposition A.11 in a form closer to current sys-
Consider the cube tems of homotopy type theory. This involves introducing a
p1 notion of universe, i.e. fixing a (not necessarily univalent)
P❉ /A
❉ map V → U whose classified maps are closed under compo-
❉ ❉❉
❉ ❉❉❉❉ ❉❉
❉❉ sition and formation of diagonals and whose classified ob-
❉" q1
❉ " jects in any slice are closed under pushouts. One then re-
hmp 1,p 2 i Q /B quires A, B, C to be classified by V → U and that the col-
(28) lection of those maps classified by V → U that are (n − 1)-
hq 1,q 2 i truncated (or (−1)-truncated for n = −1) also admits a (uni-
B × A❊ / B ×C
❊❊ valent) classifier in our sense.
❊❊ ❊❊
❊❊ Note that we are speaking here about classification in the
❊"  ❊❊ sense of higher categories, not strict classification by some
❊ " 
B ×B / B × D. universe in a model of type theory. This is the essential dif-
ference to the topic of the main body of the article where
The bottom face is the pullback of (27) along B → 1, hence
this statement is used.
a pushout by local Cartesian closure. The top face is one
of the pushouts (25). To see that the back and left faces are For the application of Proposition A.11 in the main body
pullbacks, pullback paste in the diagrams of the paper, we note that the assumptions on classifiers are
p1 satisfied in homotopy type theory as soon as we have uni-
P /A P /Q
valence for propositions.
hmp 1,p 2 i hmp 1,p 2 i hq 1,q 2 i
    B Partially Propositional Indexed W-types
B×A / B ×C B ×A / B×B
In this section, we develop the theory of partially proposi-
π2 π2 π2 π2 tional indexed W-types and characterize their equality. As
    a warm up, we recall indexed containers, the associated no-
A / C, A / B;
tion of indexed-type, and the encode-decode method used to
here, the left composite square is a pullback by construc- characterize their equality. The results developed here will
tion (23) and the right composite square is one of the pull- be used in Section 3 in the definition of an n-truncated uni-
backs (25). verse of n-types that is univalent for (n − 1)-types.
We work informally in the language of homotopy type B.3 Encode-Decode Method
theory. In particular, we have access to function extensional- The encode-decode method [25] is a general method for char-
ity. We will be explicit about universes when they are needed acterizing equality in a (higher) inductive type (or family) T .
and what kind of univalence we require of them. In our view, it decomposes into the following three steps
No result in this section depends on judgmental β-equality (here for just a single type T ).
for higher inductive types, even for point constructors. The
1. Define a binary relation EqT of equality codes on T .
β-law as an internal equality will suffice. This applies to
This uses double induction on T (with ultimate target
pushouts, the higher inductive families that will constitute
a universe) and makes use of univalence if there are
partially propositional W-types, and even ordinary indexed
any path constructors.
2. Define an “encoding” function
B.1 Indexed Containers encodex 0 , x 1
T (x 0 , x 1 ) / Eq (x 0, x 1 ). (29)
Given a type I , an I -indexed container C is a pair C = (S, Pos)
of type families as follows: This uses induction over the given equality and single
• given i : I , we have a type S(i), induction on T .
• given i, j : I , and s : S(i), we have a type Pos(s, j).10 3. Prove encode−1 (c) for each code c : EqT (x 0 , x 1 ). This is
a pair (p, q) where p : T (x 0 , x 1 ) and q : encode(p) = c.
Its extension is the endofunctor on families over I that sends This uses double induction on T as in step 1.
a family X to the family Ext(X ) given by
Step 3 makes (29) into a retraction. Summing over x 1 : T ,
the source of the retraction becomes contractible. But any
Ext(X )(i) = Pos(i, s, j) → X (j).
retraction with contractible source is an equivalence. By a
(s:S (i )) (j:I )
standard lemma about fiberwise equivalences [34, Thm 4.7.7],
B.2 Indexed W-types it follows that the original map (29) is an equivalence.
Fix an I -indexed container C as above. As in [6, 21] (the for- B.4 Equality in Indexed W-types
mer applying only to the non-indexed case), one has notions
We now apply the encode-decode method from Subsection B.3
of algebras, algebra morphisms, algebra fibrations, and alge-
to characterize equality in WC . Although we did not find
bra fibration sections for C. Here and in the following, we
this in the literature, we believe it to be folklore. We have a
omit the prefix “homotopy” for all relevant notions, this be-
choice between two viable options:
ing the default meaning for us.
• characterize equality in each fiber WC (i) for i : I ,
Definition B.1 (Indexed W-type). A W-type for the indexed • characterize dependent equalitiy in WC over a given
container C is an initial C-algebra, meaning the type of al- equality in I .
gebra morphisms to any algebra is contractible, We go for the second one.
For step 1, we define a type Eq(pi , x 0 , x 1 ) of equality codes
We denote a given, substitutionally stable choice of such
between x 0 : Wc (i 0 ) and x 1 : WC (i 1 ) over pi : I (i 0 , i 1 ). We pro-
an object by (WC , sup), although denoting the whole algebra
ceed by double induction on x 0 and x 1 into a large enough
by WC . One may characterize WC via elimination: any alge-
universe. For x 0 ≡ sup(s 0 , t 0 ) and x 1 ≡ sup(s 1 , t 1 ), we take
bra fibration over WC has an algebra section. This is known
Eq(pi , x 0 , x 1 ) equal to the type of pairs (ps , c t ) where:
as induction. Note that the β-law for the eliminator holds
only up to identity type. • ps is a dependent equality in S over pi between s 0 and
In a framework with inductive families (with or without s1 ,
judgmental β-law), one may implement WC as an inductive • c t is a dependent function, sending j : I 11 , m 0 : Pos(s 0 , j),
family with constructor sup(s, t) : WC (i) for i : I , s : S(i), and m 1 : Pos(s 1 , j), and a dependent equality pm over pi
t : (j:I ) Pos(s, j) → WC (j); when applying t, we leave its
Î and ps between m 0 and m 1 to
first argument j implicit. To keep the presentation readable, c t (pm ) : Eq(refl j , t 0 (m 0 ), t 1 (m 1 )).
we will informally use WC as if it was given as such an in-
ductive family and use pattern-matching-style notation for Steps 2 and 3 will establish the following statement.
induction; we leave the reduction to the eliminator (includ- Proposition B.2. Given p : I (i 0, i 1 ) with x 0 : WC (i 0 ) and
ing the definition of the algebra fibration corresponding to x 1 : WC (i 1 ), we have
each use of induction) to the reader.
(x 0 =WC (p) x 1 ) ≃ Eq(p, x 0, x 1 ).
10 This 11 Instead
of j : I , we could also quantify over j0, j1 : I with p j : I (j0, j1 ).
is a polynomial functor I ← E → B → I with Reedy fibrant speci-
fying data. The latter means that B → I and E → B × I are fibrations. Perhaps this would be more consistent.
Christian Sattler and Andrea Vezzosi

Proof. For step 2, we first define encode′ (x) : Eq(refli , x, x) A type A is Q-propositional if A is propositional assuming
for i : I and x : WC (i). We proceed by induction on x, letting Q, i.e., if Q → isProp(A). A family X over I is P-propositional
x ≡ sup(s, t). We let encode′ (x) be (refls , pt ), transported if X (i) is P(i)-propositional for i : I . We use analogous ter-
along the β-equality for Eq. Here, pt is defined by equality minology with being contractible.
induction from pt (j, reflm ) ≡def encode′ (t(m)). From encode′ , A C-algebra is P-propositional if the underlying family is
we obtain P-propositional.
encodepi , x 0, x 1
/ Eq(pi , x 0 , x 1 ) Definition B.3 (Partially propositional indexed W-type). A
x 0 =WC (pi ) x 1
partially propositional W-type for the propositional family P
by equality induction first on pi and then the equality be- and the indexed container C is an initial P-propositional C-
tween x 0 and x 1 in the same fiber. algebra.
For step 3, we prove encodep−1i , x 0, x 1 (c) for c : Eq(pi , x 0, x 1 ). We denote a given, substitutionally stable choice of such
Inducting on pi , we may suppose i ≡def i 0 ≡ i 1 and pi ≡ an object by WCP . We also call this the P-propositional in-
refl. We induct on x 0 and x 1 , letting x 0 ≡ sup(s 0 , t 0 ) and dexed W-type generated by by C. As before, one may char-
x 1 ≡ sup(s 1 , t 1 ). Using the β-equality for Eq, we can reduce acterize WC, P via elimination (i.e. induction): any P-propo-
to the case where c is the transport of a pair (ps , c t ) as in sitional algebra fibration over WCP has an algebra section.
step 1. Inducting on ps , we may suppose s ≡def s 0 ≡ s 1 and Here, an algebra fibration over a P-propositional algebra is
ps ≡ refl. P-propositional if the total space algebra is P-propositional.
Given j : I , note that the canonical map Equivalently, WCP is the higher inductive family [21, 26]
Pos(s, j) → (m0,m1 :Pos(s, j)) m 0 = m 1
Í with point constructor sup as for WC and path constructor
tr(c, x, y) : WCP (i)(x, y)
is an equivalence. Using function extensionality and equal-
ity induction, we may thus suppose that c t is obtained using for i : I with c : P(i) and x, y : WCP (i). As before, we do
equality induction from not assume that β-equality is judgmental. Again, to keep
the presentation readable, we will informally use induction
c t′ (m) ≡def c t (reflm ) : Eq(reflj , t 0 (m), t 1 (m)) on WCP using pattern-matching-style notation, leaving the
for j : I and m : Pos(s, j) in the same fashion that pt is de- compilation to elimination with respect to P-propositional
fined in the definition of encode′ . By induction hypothesis, algebra fibrations to the reader. The reasoning principle is
we have encode−1 ′ the same as for WC , only that we must show the target’s
reflj ,t0 (m),t1 (m) (c t (m)). Using function exten-
sionality and equality induction, we may thus suppose that fiber over i : I is propositional if P(i).
Higher inductive families have been justified in the sim-
c t′ ≡ λj. λm. encoderefl j ,t0 (m),t1 (m) (qm (m)) plicial set model [26] and various cubical sets models [10,
13] of homotopy type theory. Thus, these models support
for some qm (m) : t 0 (m) =WC (j) t 1 (m) depending on j : I
partially propositional W-types (even with judgmental β-
and m : Pos(s, j). Again using function extensionality and
equality induction, we may suppose that t ≡def t 0 ≡ t 1 and
qm ≡ λj. λm. reflt (m) . B.6 Equality in Partially Propositional Indexed
Now we have c t′ ≡ λj. λm. encode′ (t(m)), and thus W-types
c ≡ (refls , c t ) We adapt the encode-decode method from Subsection B.3 to
≡ encode′ (sup(s, t)) characterize equality in WCP . Large parts of the construction
will follow the technical development in Subsection B.4, so
≡ encoderefli , sup(s,t ), sup(s,t ) (refl). the focus will lie on the new aspect of P-propositionality.
This shows encodep−1i , x 0, x 1 (c).  In step 1, we need to define codes for equality. This relies
on the following lemma.
B.5 Partially Propositional Indexed W-types Lemma B.4. Let U be a universe univalent for contractible
Fix an I -indexed container C. In addition, fix a family P of types. Let Q be proposition. Then the subtype of U of Q-contractible
propositions over I . types is Q-contractible.
We wish to mix the inductive construction of the indexed
Proof. If Q holds, Q-contractibility means contractibility. So
W-type WC with the propositional truncation, applied only
the goal becomes: if Q holds, the subtype of U of contractible
over indices i : I with P(i). Note that indexed W-types are
types is contractible. But the latter is always contractible, us-
not merely fiberwise W-types. Thus, it would be wrong to
ing univalence. 
takeWC and simply conditionally truncate each fiber, Rather,
we want to have the truncation interleaved within the induc- Given pi : I (i 0, i 1 ) with x 0 : WcP (i 0 ) and x 1 : WCP (i 1 ), we
tive definition. define simultaneously:
• a type Eq(pi , x 0 , x 1 ) of equality codes, of using the join as in Proposition B.5, one defines Eq(pi , x 0 , x 1 )
• a witness that Eq(pi , x 0 , x 1 ) is P(i 0 )-contractible.12 as the pushout
We proceed by double elimination on x 0 and x 1 with tar- P(i 0 ) × Eq′ (pi , (s 0, t 0 ), (s 1, t 1 ))
get over i : I the type of P(i)-contractible types in a large ❳❳❳❳❳❳
enough universe U univalent for contractible types. This is P(i 0 ) × kEq′ (pi , (s 0 , t 0 ), (s 1, t 1 ))kn−1
a P-propositional algebra by Lemma B.4. For x 0 ≡ sup(s 0 , t 0 )

and x 1 ≡ sup(s 1, t 1 ), we take the join Eq′ (pi , (s 0 , t 0 ), (s 1, t 1 ))
Eq(pi , x 0 , x 1 ) = P(i 0 ) ⋆ Eq′ (pi , (s 0, t 0 ), (s 1, t 1 )).
(30) ❳❳❳❳❳
Eq(pi , x 0 , x 1 ).
Here, Eq′ (pi , (s 0 , t 0 ), (s 1, t 1 )) codes structural equality of the
top-level constructor applications. It is defined as the type of This is motivated by the equality in an n-truncation being
pairs (ps , c t ) as in the construction of Eq in Subsection B.4, the (n − 1)-truncation of the original equality. For n = −1,
with c t ultimately valued in Eq. The join (30) may also be this definition reduces to Proposition B.5. For n = −2, the
understood as a P(i 0 )-partial contractible truncation. In par- definition still makes sense if we take the (−3)-truncation to
ticular, it is contractible if P(i 0 ). mean (−2)-truncation.
Note that there is an induced map
Proposition B.5. Given p : I (i 0, i 1 ) with x 0 : WCP (i 0 ) and Eq(pi , x 0 , x 1 ) → kEq′ (pi , (s 0, t 0 ), (s 1, t 1 ))k n−1 . (31)
x 1 : WCP (i 1 ), we have
This is the pushout product of P(i 0 ) → 1 with the map
(x 0 =W P (p) x 1 ) ≃ Eq(p, x 0, x 1 ). Eq′ (pi , (s 0 , t 0 ), (s 1, t 1 )) → kEq′ (pi , (s 0 , t 0 ), (s 1, t 1 ))k n−1 (32)

Proof. It remains to adapt steps 2 and 3 of the encode-decode Thus, the fiber of (31) over an element e is given by the join
method. of P(i 0 ) and the fiber of (32) over e. Thus, the join still plays
For step 2, we first define encode′ (x) : Eq(refli , x, x) for a role, even though it is hidden in a different slice.
i : I and x : WC (i). Note that the goal is contractible if
P(i). We may thus induct on x. For x ≡ sup(s, t), we define
encode′(x) = inr(. . .) where the omitted expression is as in
the constructor case for encode′ in Proposition B.2. From
encode′, obtain
encodepi , x 0, x 1
x 0 =W P (pi ) x 1 / Eq(x 0, x 1 )

as in Proposition B.2.
For step 3, we prove encodep−1i , x 0, x 1 (c) for c : Eq(pi , x 0, x 1 ).
Inducting on pi , we may suppose i ≡def i 0 ≡ i 1 and pi ≡
refl. Note that the goal becomes contractible if P(i): source
and target of encoderefli , x 0, x 1 become contractible. Thus, we
may induct on x 0 and x 1 , letting x 0 ≡ sup(s 0 , t 0 ) and x 1 ≡
sup(s 1 , t 1 ).
Using the β-equality for Eq, we can reduce to the case
where c is the transport of an element of the join (30). We
eliminate over this element of the join. In the case for inl or
glue, we have P(i), so are done as the goal is contractible. In
the case for inr, we have that c is the transport of inr(ps , c t )
where (ps , c t ) is as in Proposition B.2. The rest of the proof
follows that proof. 

Remark B.6. An evident generaliation of partially propo-

sitional indexed W-types is partially n-truncated indexed W-
types for internal or external n ≥ −2. We expect that the
encode-decode method can also be adapted to characterize
equality in partially n-truncated indexed W-types. Instead

12 Note that P (i 0 ) ↔ P (i 1 ) given p i : I (i 0, i 1 ).

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