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Running head: Disaster Recovery Plan Paper

Disaster Recovery Plan Paper

Venkateswara Reddy Allu

February 26, 2019

Disaster Recovery Plan Paper


 Summary

 Disaster Recovery Planning

 DR Phases

 DR Plan document

 References
Disaster Recovery Plan Paper

The main aim of this research paper is to create a good disaster recovery plan for an

organization. Specifically, the rules are pretty common and generic in nature so, anybody can

use it within their organization. Every organization should have their disaster recovery

mechanism to secure their data in the organization. For example, I would like to talk about

the organization which has a disaster recovery plan. If there is any issue with the process,

they can apply this plan to success the mission. So, this paper discusses about the disaster

recovery plan.

Every organization will have so many effects and causes. These are

very common by human or mechanical. The example events such as software or hardware.

Suppose the component malfunctioning events such as earthquakes and floods. These are

ranging from small to big disasters. As a result, entire business will be shut down for days or

months or even for so many years. So, this entire process is prepared with help of causes and

effects. Based on the effect, we prioritize the plan. If suppose there is bigger impact, we will

evaluate the plan quickly to resolve the issue. The results are ultimate and a committee will

be responsible to asses all these issues. If there are any strikes in any organization all the

operations suspended and replaced with Disaster recovery plan. The following figure has

cycle of stages that can lead to sate of normalcy.

Disaster Recovery Plan Paper

Figure: Enterprise operations cycle of Disaster Recovery

The above figure represents the enterprise operations cycle of

Disaster Recovery. From the figure, we can clearly see that the disaster recovery plan is

capable of running the process to normal operations if there is any issue occur in the process

of life cycle of disaster recovery. In summary, the disaster recovery plan is to identify the

threats that can lead to disaster and the second one is the reconstitution mechanism to get the
Disaster Recovery Plan Paper

business in track and final step is disaster mechanism that can function the process to normal


This paper also explains the methods and procedures that are

involved in the disaster recovery plan. There are different phases involved in the disaster

recovery plan. The main aim this process to maintain the disaster recovery plan. The first one

is here is Disaster recovery planning; this will explain various methods that are involved in

the process. The first step of this process is to indenting the disaster risks/threats that are

involved in the process. After that, identifying the factors that are useful to solve the issue.

There are several risks associated with the process.

While evaluating the risks it is very important that we have to follow

the attributes of the risk. The risk analysis process begins with lot of functions addressing the

risks. For example, the telecom service provider has both billing operations and

CRM/helpdesk operations. CRM operations are very important than trhe billing operations.

Hence, risks are that can affect billing operations given priority to CRM/helpdesk operations.

So, It is also very important that consider the attributes of risk that are associated in this

process. The following diagram explains the risk attributes.

Disaster Recovery Plan Paper

Figure: Risk Attributes

The scope of a risk is usually is predicted by the outcome of damage. The important attribute

here is predictability, it is not easy to predict and identifying the causes after the risk. Time of

day is also another important attribute. After the assessment we have analyze the impact how

is going affect the organization in terms of cost and human power. Risk location is very

useful to identify the risk that has been affected. For example, if there are any risks that are

happened in any organization first we obtain the basic information what was the risk and

impacts of the risk.

Building the Risk Assessment:

Disaster Recovery Plan Paper

Once the evaluation of risk categories is completed. It is very important that score and sort

out all of them by category in terms of impact. This entire process is calculated by using the

table. Which is shown in below.

Table 1. Risk Assessment Form

Risk Assessment Form

External risks

Date: Likelihood Impact Restoration Time Score

Grouping Risk 0 – 10 0 – 10 1 – 10

Natural disasters

Earthquake 1 9 10 90

Tornado 0 0 10 0

Severe 0


Hail 8 3 9 216

Snow/ice/blizzard 9 5 8 360

The above form represents the risk assessment form. Mainly, groups are categoriz3ed into the

main risk category. Risks are individual and it can affect the same business group.

Likelihood, impact and restoration time is on a scale from 0 to 10 expect for restoration time

which is on a scale from 1 to 10.

Determining the Effects of Disasters:

Disaster Recovery Plan Paper

Once we assess the disaster risks and the decision has been made to cover the most the

critical risks. The next process is to identify and asses the effects of each disaster. All these

effects are covered by the disaster recovery process.

Figure 3: Disaster effects diagram:

It is important to know that multiple causes can produce same effects and some other cases

affects themselves cause some other effects.

Disaster Recovery Phases:

Disaster recovery phases that are happen in three 3 ways that are explained in below.
Disaster Recovery Plan Paper

Activation phase: Disaster effects are assessed and announced in this phase.

Execution phase: Actual procedures to recover each of the disaster and operations are


Reconstitution phase: original system is restored and executed in this phase.

The disaster Recovery plan document:

The disaster recovery plan document is the output of the disaster recovery planning process.

This document is primary source if there is any emergency. There are some of the contents

needs to be in this document. Document information, purpose, scope, Assumptions,

exclusions, system description, roles and responsibilities, contact details, activation

procedures, execution procedures, reconstitution procedures.

Disaster Recovery Plan Paper


1. "Disaster Recovery & Business Continuity Plans". Stone Crossing Solutions. 2012.

Archived from the original on 23 August 2012. Retrieved 9 August 2012.

2. Hazardous Materials. Archived October 11, 2012, at the Wayback Machine.

Tennessee Emergency Management Office. Retrieved 7 September 2012.

3. The Disaster Recovery Plan. Chad Bahan. GSEC Practical Assignment version 1.4b.

SANS Institute InfoSec Reading Room. June 2003. Retrieved 24 August 2012.

4. Abram, Bill (14 June 2012). "5 Tips to Build an Effective Disaster Recovery Plan".

Small Business Computing. Retrieved 9 August 2012.

5. Wold, Geoffrey H. (1997). "Disaster Recovery Planning Process". Disaster Recovery

Journal. Adapted from Volume 5 #1. Disaster Recovery World. Retrieved 8 August

Disaster Recovery Plan Paper

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