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Van alles wat, Band I, Eenvoudige liederen van kleinen toonomvang, Veldkamp - ca. 1920 Noordhoff, Groningen 2007 Long,long ago. JOM, RAYLY, Moderato 4. Tell me thetales that fo ime. were 0 doar Tong, Wag a go, 2 Don't you re mem. ber the paths where we met Jong, Iona a BO, t 1, long, long a . Bo. Sing me thesong I de. igh. ted to hear 2 long a. go. Ah! then you told me you” never would for. get = + —¥ = - long, Kong &- go, lone a. go, Now you are here, 1 ay £ Tong long a! £0, long a 1 ao, Then _“to_all 0 thers my setts 4. grief is removed, 2 smile you prp. fer el Jong you have noed, charm “to each word, It the forget tit & oxe_shen yun spoke gave a wie elise that foa love a 3b Tongitig ego, longa - av. stl mybiarttresies the pral-cex I heard: longlonga. go, lone & » go : fear 3. Tho! by yonr kindness my fond hopes were raised, Long, long ago, long, long ago You by more eloquent lips have been praised, Long, long ago, long, long ago, But, by long absence your truth has been tried, Still to your accents I listen with pride, Blessed as I was when I sat by your side. Long, long ago, long ago.

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