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Karla Antounian

Dr. Santosh Khadka

English 113B

06 May 2020

Course Evaluation

This semester has been a challenge for every student that has attended California

State University, Northridge. I have taken Dr. Santosh Khadka’s english class for 2

semesters already and I have learned so much within this year. Both semesters were focused

on different aspects of writing and it helped me understand there are so many ways to write,

informate others about a crisis, and there are different styles of finding sources. It gave me

the confidence a writer needs to write fourteen page essay, which I never thought i would

ever right a semi-long essay.

Within this semester I understood that there are many different ways to spread

information since every individual has their own style of gathering and comprehending the

information presented to them. When I started writing the project text essay with the topic of

being a global crisis, Dr. Khadka wanted us to present the information on a website. When

given my website to other peers for advice on what to edit, either the individual wanted less

writing put on the website, or they prefered more. This helped me understand that if wanting

the attention of the audience it's needed to space out the information in different formats

such as videos, pictures, fun facts and etcetera.

Antounian 2

This semester taught me more than I would have anticipated, looking back I

realized within every project or essay there was a lesson to be learned. Dr. Khadka has

taught all of us something which will help us grow within our college experience. Even

with the entire crisis, the information was presented to us and which also the help of Mrs.

Balian I learned new things as well as sustain a high grade in this class.

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