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CHS Portfolio

Career Readiness Reflection

(for Career Choices Events, Mock Interviews, Field Trips, Industry Expert One-On-Ones,
Simulations, Guest Speakers, etc.)

Date of presentation/event: 2/14/2020 Location: Makers Space

Brief description of activity (what was it?):

A guest speaker was brought in for photography students and the speaker gave us a presentation
on how to become a photographer and how to take good photos.

Why did you choose to attend this presentation?

I chose to go because doing photography as a career seems cool and fun because you get to share
experiences with other people.

What did you learn about this career/field that is appealing to you?
I learned that you can make a lot of money doing photography and you can amazing experiences
going out and taking some really good and interesting images. I learned you can even sell your
photography. It is appealing to me because you get to be your own boss and you can have some
amazing experiences.

What areas of this career/field might be difficult for you?

Finding good places to take pictures or getting connections with people so that I can branch out
and do other things.

What skills have you already developed that would help you in this career/field?
I have developed good skills like not taking critiques get to me and always listening to people if
it can help my photography.

What skills would you need to further develop (or begin to develop) to be successful in this
career/field? I would need to develop skills with camera technology and editing soft wear and
things like that.
CHS Portfolio

Do you want to continue to investigate this career/field as a possibility for your future? Why or
why not? No, not really I can see this being a hobby for me but not a career cause I have other
things in mind that interest me far more than photography.

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