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Hi my name is Alison Martinez, I am twenty years old, I’m from Colombia, I

live in cajica, my birthday is on twenty four of February, my nineteen ninety

nine, I’m a student at nurse, my favourite subject is exercise, my favourite
sport is biker, there are people in my family four, they are my mother, my
sister, my grandmother, my father is a pharmacist, and my mother a nurse, I
would like to be a chief of nursing or professional in pharmaceutical
chemistry it call me the attention to create, my hobby is watch novels to
sleep, in my free time, I also like, go out, I do the mess, my favorite food is
the chicken roasted, my favourite drink is the chocolate, my favourite day of
the week is on Friday because is when I see to my boyfriend my favourite
month is march because it was when I decided to be wich my boyfriend

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