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Just in case you need a TL;DW of the video!

This is assuming you're on firmware


This package contains:

PSP Infinity Firmware Maker/Dumper 1.00 for 6.61 Firmware

PSP Infinity Firmware Config 0.39
PSP OFW 6.31 for 1000/2000/3000 Models
PSP OFW 6.61 for Go Models
PSP CFW 6.61 LME 2.3
PSP CFW 6.61 PRO-C2 (I exclusded cIPL Flasher for safety reasons)

0. Backup current PSP data you care about, I'd also recommend formatting your
Memory Stick.
1. Copy "PSP" folder over to your Memory Stick.
2. Go to the OFW folder then navigate to the folder respective to your model. Copy
the 631.PBP and 661.PBP files to your Memory Stick in the PSP\GAME\MAKER directory.
2a. If you are doing this on a PSP Go, you will have to rename each of those files
from 631go.PBP to 631.PBP, and do the same respectively to 661go.PBP
3. Go to the CFW folder and choose which CFW you wish to use. Both really do the
same thing, if you're torn between them - I use LME.
4. Enter the folder with the CFW you've chosen, copy out all of these files to your
Memory Stick.
5. On your PSP under Game > Memory Stick, load up your CFW's Installer package.
6. Once rebooted, run your CFW's Launcher package.
7. Once you're back at the XMB, run the Infinity Firmware Builder. Follow the
8. Once this process is complete, navigate back to your PC so we can copy a file on
our Memory Stick.
9. Navigate to PSP\GAME\MAKER on your Memory Stick and copy out the DATA.MFC file
10. Go back to your PSP. If you have restarted your console, launch the CFW
Launcher again, then run Infinity Flasher. Wait for this to finish.
11. When your PSP restarts you will get a BSOD - this is normal! Press X or O and
wait for the system to restart. Finish initializing your console.
12. Go to Game > Memory Stick and run your CFW's Installer again.
13. After your system reboots, run your CFW's Launcher again.
14. After you're back on your XMB - run Infinity Configuration, navigate to the
left when it opens, and select what CFW you're using.
15. Exit the app, restart your console, when it boots up again press the Select
button the the XMB to verify the VSH menu pops up.

At this point you should have a coldbooting CFW enabled PSP 1000/2000/3000/Go on
6.61 firmware!
Optionally, you can also reformat your PSP's storage to get rid of the homebrew
apps and create CFW specific folders.
Have fun!

- Mario <3

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