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ID 497466
cutting trees for more than necessary has to be moderate
since we can lose our oxygen generators and there will be
no trees
for global warming We're not going to have enough water
and it is one of the most precious resources we should save
Garbage should not bounce since There's
going to be more pollution in the rivers

the animals we must take care of since they are our
friends and if we continue finishing the fauna There's
not going to be animals like nowadays
 If we stop throwing rubbish in the street, air
pollution will decrease.
If you start using electric cars more, you will
help solving the problem with cars' fumes
 Many species will disappear if that company
doesn't stop throwing garbage in the river.
 I will start to go to the university by bicycle if
you do so we can avoid the pollution of
vehicle gases
 If people get informed about contamination's
consecuences, they will care a bit more.
 If people like you keep on using paper for no
reason, forest will be in big danger

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