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Leidy Carolina Velásquez Castro

Universidad Militar Nueva Granada
Juan Manuel González Guzmán
TEACHING TOOLS: Should we teach microeconomics principles before macroeconomic
Microeconommic is the theoric basic of the most models of macroeconomic.
1. The civil engineering is aplicated from the microeconomic and macroeconomic because
this is the one help us to front problems about of business on the projects individuals as
group, for example in the moment that they sall us the plane or maps about of building it
does a deal microeconomic but thinking in a project macroeconomic so that it’s a project
for many people that who are going living there.
2. For the civil engineering the microeconomic is first to difference to the macroeconomic
about starting a deal it´s need have start by a little deal before to build something big, for
example in the moment in the that it´s does a deal with a person for build a house, this is a
microeconomic about is deal with a person but if us does a deal with a person for build a set
with tenty-five towers and each tower with hundred apartments is a deal with one person
but involucre more persons in a future.
3. If we do reference about de engineering civil as employees us first goal it´s enter to a big
company or little company in this moment nosotros pensamos of a little form but with the
objective of pensar to grow engineering, so that in the moment in the that it does a deal
microeconomic but in the moment in the that entered to the company se piensa in more
persons wich they are part of the company in this moment work for this people but in the
moment in the enter to company se pensaba solo en uno mismo.
4. In the politic is a macroeconomic but in the home is a microeconomic,
but the politicians to arrive at a macroeconomia had to go through a home first, which
taught them how to grow and learn first to manage something small to move on to handle
something big.
5. Microeconomics is needed first that macroeconomics since it is like a baby first needs to
learn to crawl and then to walk but if he learns to walk without crawling it is more possible
that he does not have stability in it that happens with the micro and macro economy in our
Lives, for example, of teenagers, learn first to sell sweets to know how a business is
managed, how they will make the losses with respect to profits, and then invest in
something bigger than selling a bag of sweets.

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