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TIU : Peserta didik mampu berkomunikasi tentang vitamin & suplemen dengan sesama
teman atau dosen.
 Peserta didik mampu bertanya untuk mendapatkan informasi tentang vitamin &
 Peserta didik menguasai kosa-kata yang diberikan dan mepraktekanya dalam
 Peserta didik dapat membuat pertanyaan dengan menggunakan bentuk WH-

a. Dialogue

Read the following dialogue

This time a speaker from Pontianak, Luqman talks about
vitamin supplements. The nurses are eager to know

Luqman : As we all know, for the most part, healthy,

newborns receive all the nutrients they need
whether they are being nourished on breast milk
or prepared formula. But there are few special
considerations and exceptions.
Nurse Fitri : What about the amount of vitamin D in the
first year of life?
Luqman : Some pediatricians are concerned that not all
breastfed babies are receiving adequate amount
of vitamin D. This nutrient is particularly important
in the first year of life to make sure bones are
properly calcified during this period of rapid
Nurse Dita : I understand that vitamin D is also
synthesized from sunlight?
Luqman : Yes, that's right. But many infants today are
protected from the elements parents may keep
them covered up in the summertime.
Nurse Nisa : That is very amazing.

b. Vocabularies

Newborns : bayi baru lahir pediatricians : dokter

Nutrients : nutrisi breastfed : disusui
Nourished : memberi makan adequate : cukup /
Consideration : pertimbangan particularly : terutama
sekali / sangat
Exception : pengecualian properly : sebagaimana
Infants : bayi summertime : musim panas

c. Expression

That is very amazing : luar biasa

It is so comfortable here : di sini begitu nyaman
Things will get well soon : semuanya akan baik-baik saja
You will be all right : anda akan baik-baik saja
Don’t tease her anymore : jangan menggodanya lagi
I can’t keep a straight face : saya tidak bisa menahan tawa
Lighten up! : santai saja!
Cheer up : ceria dong
His voice sounded deadly serious: suaranya terdengar
sangat serius

d. Grammar focus: WH-Questions

Where do you work ? I work in Dr.Sudarso Hospital
What ward do you work in that hospital? I work at pediatric ward
What do you do there? I am a nurse
Where does Ms.Rida work? She works at STIK Muhammadiyah Pontianak
What does she do? She is a lecturer
How old is she? She is 25 years old

e. Tasks
1. Work with your partner to practise a conversation
between a nurse and a patient about nutrition.
2. Complete the dialogue below with appropriate words
and practise it with your friend
Patient : Good afternoon!
Doctor : Good afternoon ! Please sit (1.................)! Are
you Mr.Khoir ?
Patient : Yes, I am.
Doctor :Good any complaint? `
Patient :I want to (2....................) you several questions
to add my knowledge (3................) nutrition.
Maybe I (4........................)be healthier by
doing that.
Doctor : You really will be healthier but you have
(5.........................) do what you know about
how to be healthier.


“Setiap orang di dunia ini adalah seorang tamu, dan uangnya adalah
pinjaman. Tamu itu pastilah akan pergi, cepat atau lambat, dan pinjaman
itu haruslah dikembalikan”

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