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Emily Jorgenson


Course Reflection

They say that the first step in solving a problem is to be aware there is a problem.

One of the things we had talked about in class in our chapter on psychological

development was the different types of attachment styles, which I found to be very

interesting. A short time after I actually found a quiz on attachment styles, and both my

boyfriend and I took it. The results weren’t surprising to me, and made a lot of sense:

my main attachment style was fearful avoidant, while my boyfriend’s was a mix of

secure and dismissive avoidant. Although the terms were slightly different than what

was used in the textbook, I was able to explain to my boyfriend what they meant and we

were able to understand our relationship dynamic better. Because I know my

attachment style, I can better understand my behaviors and be more aware of those

that are counterproductive (secure attachment is the goal)!

Another thing, maybe my favorite, that I took away from this course was the

science behind dreaming. In our last unit we talked about the different stages of sleep,

REM sleep, and dreaming. I’m more often than not able to remember my dreams after

waking up, so dreaming and sleep has been something that has always been

interesting and relevant to me. One thing that pertains to my life right now more

specifically, and probably most peoples’ lives currently, are nightmares. I don’t usually

have them, but I’ve been having a lot recently. Our textbook described nightmares

peaking in young children, then weaning off as we get older. It also said that the main
reason adults have nightmares is usually after something stressful happens, such as

losing a job. It would make perfect sense why I and so many other people would be

having nightmares right now: we’re experiencing a pandemic, which can and has been

very stressful.

There are probably more concepts I could list that I have taken away from this

course and have talked about in my everyday life, but that might take up a few more

pages. I’ve really enjoyed this course, and I’m excited to possibly be majoring in


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