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Directions: Utilize this worksheet to help evaluate yourself and your project. Be as complete
and descriptive as possible. This self-evaluation should give the scoring team a clear picture of
what you accomplished in your project.

Name - Kaitlin W. Paasch Project Start Date – Second Semester, 2020

Title of Project - Serving Those Who Served Project Completion Date - March 20th, 2020

1. In 40 words or more describe who your project benefited and how. In other words, what was
the impact of your project?

My project benefited my community and homeless veterans within it. My project brought
attention to the topic of homeless veterans as well as directly helped them. My podcast aimed to inform
people, while my drive aimed to help the homeless veteran community around me. My drive gave much
needed items to homeless veterans.

2. In at least 40 words explain how the project challenged you. How was this a stretch for you?

This project was a big stretch for me. I had never coordinated a drive, nor have I ever made a podcast. I
had to find out first how to make a podcast, edit it, and ensure that it was easy accessible to the public. I
had never planned a drive either, and it was difficult to find a place to start. Drives may seem easy, but it
was difficult to find places to set up. I also had to go directly to many people and ask for donations.

3. List and then describe 5-8 fundamental ideas/concepts/skills of your project, which you
learned/enhanced during your project.

● Writing scripts- I had to write a comprehensive script in order to record my podcast. I had to
make sure I hit every single point I wanted to make without rambling or not explaining enough.
● Editing a podcast- I walked into this only having listened to true crime podcasts. I had
never listened to a podcast regarding homeless veterans. I had to start exploring how to
create and edit a podcast. It was challenging, but it has become a new hobby of mine!
● Communication- I have had to communicate a lot with the community throughout this
process. I have always been kind of to myself, so it was difficult breaking out of my shell
to ask for help or to discuss my project. I had to ask VetsHouse what items they needed,
I also had to discuss with businesses if I could place my donation box there, I individually
reached out to people for donations, and I had to discuss with my advisor and teacher
about my project quite often. This project has helped me build confidence in myself and
talking to people!
● Designing- I had to create a flyer that was appealing for my audience to look at, all while
ensuring I had the necessary information I needed on it. It was quite difficult to do, I
spent 3 hours working on my flyer. I needed the perfect balance of text to ensure it
wasn’t overwhelming.
● Marketing- It was so important to market appropriately for my drive and for my
podcast. I wanted to get word out there that I was open to taking donations personally
or through my boxes. My consultant even marketed my project for me, which I am so
thankful for! She advertised it through schoology and by word of mouth. I also
advertised on social media, and some people even reposted it. I was thankful because
this boosted my audience for my podcast as well as the amount of donations i’ve gotten.

4. List and describe 4-8 problems/obstacles/issues you encountered in your project, and briefly
describe how you solved each.

● Responses- I first called VetsHouse, and the owner of the organization hung up on me in the
middle of my introduction. This was so discouraging, and I felt like I was doing something wrong.
I waited a day, and I called back. He was still frustrated with me calling, but he transferred me to
the head of donations. She was very receptive, and she totally understood where I was coming
from! I just had to have perseverance through my whole situation, and I did not want to give up!
● Podcast app- I originally wanted to use Soundcloud as my platform for my podcast. After looking
into it, I just didn’t think it was the right app for me to use. I couldn’t see any statistics, and it
was overall very confusing for me. After attempting to make my podcast a few times, I went to
Mrs. V. to discuss my options. She told me it would be okay for me to change my app. I then
changed to a great app called Anchor! Anchor was easy for new podcasters to gently ease
themselves into learning how podcasts work.
● Donations- It was difficult at first to receive donations. I was a little uncomfortable asking people
for donations, but then I started to warm up. It was easier to explain to people as time went on.
● Audience- It was also difficult to get people to listen to my podcast. I figured it would be best to
push out the link to as many people as possible. I could not expect anyone to listen, but it was a
great effort to push out the link. People eventually listened, it just took some time and patience!

5. List materials used.

● Phone- I used my phone to record my podcast. I also contacted people using my phone.
● Headphones with microphone- I used my headphones to record my podcast to ensure a
greater sound quality.
● Anchor app- I was able to edit my podcast using the editor within the app. I also used
the app to publish.
● Cardboard boxes- I used these boxes to collect donations in three different spots-
Albano Cleaners on Pleasure House Road, MassMutual Commonwealth, and Mrs.
Cross’s room at First Colonial.
● Paint- I painted my boxes.
● Flyers- I utilized flyers to spread the word about what was happening with my project
and to encourage people to donate!

6. List all people who helped you on the project and briefly describe the help given.

● Mrs. Cross- Mrs. Cross was my consultant, and she was always available to give advice or just
talk if I needed it! She also allowed me to place a box in my room for donations.
● Mrs. V. - Mrs. V. is the senior project teacher. She was always there to discuss my project and
talk about any problems i’ve encountered.
● Kelly Olson- She allowed me to place a box for donations at MassMutual Commonwealth.
● Tina Jones- She allowed me to place a box for donations at Albano Cleaners.

7. How does your completed project compare to the picture you had in mind when you started the
project? Explain the reason behind any changes from your proposal.

My project pretty much fulfills the exact picture I had in my head. I worked so hard in order to accurately
reflect what I had within my proposal. I only had minor changes from my proposal. I originally planned
on having a longer podcast, but I cut it a few minutes short. I felt like the amount of time I had was
adequate and conveyed the perfect amount of information. Other than that, my project was fulfilled
perfectly, and I am so proud of the outcome.

8. If given the opportunity, explain what you would have done differently now that you speak from

I would have put boxes in more places. I think it would have been helpful to encourage more places
within our community to donate. I also would have made posters that advertise my podcast to get more
listens. It was difficult to put out my podcast to the community because pretty much as soon as I
finished COVID-19 hit. I would just try to advertise more overall.

9. Beyond the project itself, what did you learn about yourself?

I learned that I am so capable of doing anything I set my mind to. It just takes time and a plan. I have to
work hard within that time as well as stick to the plan I lay out for myself. I also learned how to create a
timely plan in order to get exactly what I need to, complete.

10. What grade would you give yourself on the project? Justify the evaluation of your grade in at
least 25 words.

Grade: A (93)

Justification: I would give myself this grade because I worked so hard on my project; however, it wasn’t
above and beyond like my peers’ projects. I believe I worked hard and completed my project to the best
of my ability.

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