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Prophecy reflects the revelation from God to humans through prophets and is the full function of

the office of the prophets (1 Corinthians 12:28). The office of the prophet spiritually clothed with
the authority to see the things to come as God revealed them to him and has the grace to heal and
deliver God’s people through the power of God. Discernment of spirit is important for Christians
of today as many false prophets and diviners arose. This office highly spiritual and one must
fully be disciplined spiritually.

Many reliable prophets of the Old Testament called by God. Their predictions were fulfilled as
they were spoken. Some of these Biblical figures mentioned below. Isiah foretold that Babylon
could be overthrown by the Medes (Isiah 13:17-22). Ezekiel prophesied the permanent
destruction of Tyre (Ezekiel 26:3-14). Malachi prophesied that God would send Elijah before the
great and dreadful days of the Lord in which the world will be consumed by fire (Malachi 4:5).
Most of the Old Testament prophets were misunderstood and afflicted with loneliness and slept
in deserts. 1  To be an Old Testament Prophet, you must be called to that office because when a
prophet was proven wrong, he was put to death (Deuteronomy 18:20). Their work to re-enforced
the Old Covenant before Kings and Countries and pointed to the coming of the Messiah. They
pointed out God’s judgment to come upon disobedient nations. Their prophecies were
occasional. They spoke truth to power those days. 2
Prophetic preaching today is practiced differently from that of ancient practices. Prophetic
preaching is now being celebrated in African Christianity as the leading preaching with just a
little emphasis being placed on salvation, with greater emphasis placed on prosperity. More
prophets in Africa, only prophesize against witchcraft practices and poverty. Many of these
prophets use psychology to predict the destiny of their members, and some are diviners. These
prophets are not called to this office, but using this means to make money (Matthew 7:15-20).
God does not accept this kind of prophecy (Jeremiah 29:8-9). Many of these prophets use the
less fortunate people to connect them with demonic attacks. Some of these prophets charge
members a good sum of money for deliverance after predicting them. Some of their prophecies
incite others and divides the brethren. Prophecies today in African Christianity is almost every
service activity. They do not say the truth to power as they receive the revelation of God.
Some prophets are called to this office today and are fully discharging their duties while others
are called but join the false prophets for the love of money. The prophetic ministry today is for
the reinforcing of the New Covenant in the light of Christ’s ministry (Heb 1:1-2). The New
Testament prophecy contains mostly comfort and edification of the church focusing on the
fulfillment of God’s redemptive plan for mankind (1 Cor 14:3).
Some New Testament prophets mentioned below Agabus He Predicts Paul’s Capture in
Jerusalem (Acts 20:22-23). Jesus predicted that his word will never pass away ( Matthew 24:35)
and He also predicted His betrayal by one of His disciples ( Matthew 26:21-22) 3
Jesus emphasizes that many prophets could come after Him (Matthew 23:34). This led to the
continuation of the prophetic ministry after the crucifixion of Jesus in the early church. Prophecy
is a gift of the spirit (Romans 12:6)
2. Fee, Gordon D. pp. 85
3. PPT-Introduction:What is Prophecy…

1. Fee, Gordon D. How to Read the Bible for All Its Worth. Zondervan Academic. Kindle
3. PPT-Introduction:What is Prophecy…
4. The King James Version Bible

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