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1)Can you edit the payment at reception end after appointment is made?

2)How can we see the payment bifurcation of a day in Dr Tab? Steps.

3)How to add any services, treatment in a scanner system?

4)Is it possible to keep patient on hold and take another patient in diagnose?At a time how
many patients can be put on hold?

5)If some baby’s vaccine is scheduled for 15 May, on what dates they will receive sms for
reminder? Will the status of vaccination status changes automatically like complete, missed

6)If once a EDD is set and after that some examinations are done for a person, then is it
possible to again change the EDD? Discuss the cases.

7)Is it possible that doctor can see all his expected appointment, revisit for a month or week
in a single dashboard? how can be it possible?

8)Is it possible that a receptionist can add any new services or charges from his end? If
know, how to do so?

9)If any doctor wants to see whether the patient came for which purpose like general visit,
revisit, or any procedure , will it be possible to see before opening the buttom sheet ?
Discuss how? What receptionist needs to do?

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