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Lesson Plan in Science 3

I. Objectives
After a 30 minutes discussion with the aid of the worksheet, illustration and boiled
egg, 100% of the Grade 3-St. Mathew pupils, will be able to:
1. Describe what Earth looks like
2. Label the layers of the Earth
3. Share what they know about the layers of the Earth
4. Model the layers of the Earth (by placing the names in the correct part/layer)
II. Subject Matter
Topic: Layers of the Earth
Materials: Illustration, Video, Worksheet and Boiled Egg
Reference: Science Links for Grade 3 pages 65-67
Values/s: Accuracy in labeling the layers
Patience in listening to their classmates sharing
Skill/s: Labeling and learning what the layers of the Earth are.
III. Procedure

Teacher’s Activity Pupil’s Activity

A. Preparation
1. Prayer
o Before we start may I ask Jade to please lead the -Angel of God my guardian dear……….
2. Greetings
o Good morning my dear Grade 3 pupils -Good morning Teacher Rev, Good
o Okay you may now take your seats morning classmates
-Thank you Teacher Rev
Checking of Attendance
oIs anyone absent today? -none Teacher
oMy dear pupils before we start with our lesson for
today let us first sing a song which is going to all
about our topic for today.
-Now I want you all to stand and sing along with
the video. -pupils sing along with the song in the
B. Presentation video
o Impressive singing my dear, please settle down
o Now let us proceed to our discussion -pupils sits down
o I have here an illustration, what do you think is
o Very good the illustration shows the Earth. Now I -The EARTH
want you to share within the class how you
describe our dear planet Earth -pupils participate and share their
o All of your answers are correct, give yourselves a answers
pat in the back for a job well done.
o As what you have said that Earth is where we all
live in and it is also the home of many plants and
o Now everything has its parts or layers and our -Listens to the discussion
earth is not an exception. This time let us all
recognize the layers or our Earth.

o This layer of the earth is where we all are standing

on. This layer is the CRUST. It is the thin rocky -Participate/answer when asked
layer of the Earth.
o The second layer is the MANTLE. Mantle is made
of magma and rocks and it causes the land to
o The third layer is the OUTER CORE. It is where the
melted metals are found. It moves around the
inner core.
o Lastly the inner most layer of the earth is the
INNER CORE. The inner core is the hottest layer of
the earth because it is located at the center of the
C. Processing
o Now I have here a boiled egg I want you to think
of it as the earth.
o (Cuts the egg in half)
-volunteer pupils will then participate
o I want 4 volunteers to label the egg as how you
label the layers of the earth.
o Very good you have correctly labelled the layers
of the earth into the egg.
o (Explains the relation of the egg to the layers of
the earth)
o Now that you have labeled and understand the
layers of the earth let us have a short quiz to
assess if you really learned all the things in our
topic today.
o (Distributes the Worksheet)
-Answers the worksheet

1. Mantle
2. Outer Core
3. Inner Core
4. Crust

1. is made of magma and rocks.

2. The is where the 1. Mantle
melted rocks are formed. 2. Outer Core
3. is the thin rocky layer that where 3. Crust
we all live. 4. Inner Core
4. is the hottest layer of
the earth.

IV. Evaluation
o Checking and Discussing the Worksheet
V. Assignment
o Bring pictures of the things found in each layer of the earth.

Prepared by:

Regina Vera L. Oracion

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