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Week 7 English 10

1. Read p. 596, ​Reading Focus​ and ​Building Background​; Meet both authors. 1. A. Summarize
Building Background i​ n a 6 sentence paragraph. 1. B. Give biographical information for each
author in two well-developed sentences for Johnson and Ting.

2. Read p. 597, “The Glory of the Day Was in Her Face” and “Missing You” as a continuation of
Theme 7’s ​Loves and Losses​. 1. Describe how the absence of someone loved has affected the
speakers in these two poems. 1 A. Are these perceptions of the world typically altered when a
loved one is lost--explain? 2. In Johnson’s first stanza, what qualities does the speaker want to
make clear through the comparison in these lines? 3. A. Figures of Speech. Metaphor: List the
adjectives that describe the things named in the first stanza of Ting’s poem. 3. B. What effect of
the loss does this building up of comparisons suggest?

3. Analyzing Literature, p. 598 - ​“The Glory of the Day Was in Her Face” Respond to #1-5. Use
complete sentences. 

4. ​Analyzing Literature, p. 598 -​ “Missing You” Respond to #6-10.

5. Literary Elements, Metaphor, p. 599. Read and respond to #1-2.

6. Read p. 599 “Extending Your Response / ​Interdisciplinary Activity​” ​Science: The Language
of Loss;​ (this ​entire​ paragraph on p. 599 is the ​prompt​). How is a person’s body affected by
sadness and grief? Read the article: ​​.
Respond to the ​two​ questions in your ​report​; read the article provided from “Kidshealth” for the
research part. No other article from the internet will be accepted. Create a short ​report​, write
TWO paragraphs​, 6-7 sentences each, ​paraphrase​ information based on the article; include
strong ​Topic Sentences​, Google Doc, MLA format/in-text citations. Add a diagram or visual aid.  
MLA In-Text Citation Format for Poetry:​ When using short (fewer than three lines of verse) quotations from poetry,
mark breaks in verse with a slash, ( / ), at the end of each line of verse (a space should precede and follow the slash).
If a stanza break occurs during the quotation, use a double slash ( // ).*

Ex. 1​ Cullen concludes, "Of all the things that happened there / That's all I remember" (11-12).
Example 1 begins with an introduction of the poetry lines by using the author’s name. In this case, the author’s name
is omitted from the parenthetical citation. ​Choose the correct format for your work.*
Ex. 2​ "Of all the things that happened there / That's all I remember" (Cullen 11-12).
Example 2 has no introduction to the poetry lines. In this case, the author’s name must be included in the
parenthetical citation. ​Choose the correct format for your work.*

7. ​Creative Writing​. Listen to the performance of James Weldon Johnson’s poem at this YouTube link:​ 1. A. How does the audio version of this poem change
your interpretation of the meaning? 1. B. Write a message to the ​speaker ​of Johnson’s poem. Explain
what you particularly like about the poem (in either the written or performed version) and what your
favorite metaphor is in the poem. Write a 6-7 sentence response.  

Complete Week 7 activities. Use the numbers in the margin of your electronic paper provided
here to organize each activity. Use an MLA formatted Google Document; double space between
each activity; Times New Roman, 12-point font. Title the work: ​Week 7 Unit Three Poetry:
Theme 7.​ Due Friday 5/8, by 3:30 p.m. ​Worth 75 points​. Late work will not be accepted. 

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