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s drawn after 1 a3? Kf6! 2 Ke4 Ke6 3 Ke3 Kf6. White intended 4 g4
(but it must be played WITH CHECK or Black is not forced to
capture) and saw too late that it loses to 4...h4! 5 Kf2 Kg5 6 Kg2 e4
7 fxe4 Kxg4.
(b) White will never get another chance for 1 g4 WITH CHECK
forcing Black to capture by 1 . . . hxg4 2 fxg4+ Kxg4 3 Ke4 and the
rest is a matter of simple arithmetic (3...Kg3 4 Kxe5 Kf3 5 Kd5 Ke3
6 Kc5 Kd3 7 Kxb5 Kc2 8 Kxc4 Kxb2 9 a4 Ka3 10 Kb5 Kxc3 11 Kxa5
and the pawn will queen.
CARDOZA PUBLISHING • LARRY EVANS (c) 1 Kf2? e4 2 Ke3 exf3 3
Kxf3 1eads to a Mexican standoff.
46. C is the correct answer.
Choices: (a) Kf7 (b) Kg? (c) Ke8
(a) On 1 Kf7? Kd7 2 Kf6 Kd6= holds the opposition (for 3 Kg7 see
(b) White can't extricate his king from the corner after 1 Kg7? Ke7 2
Kxh7 Kf7 3 Kh8 Kf8=.
(c) A finesse is required to shatter Black's resistance: 1 Ke8! Ke6 (if
1...Kc6 2 Ke7! Kc5 3 Ke6; or 1...Ke5 2 Kd7! Kf4 3 Kd6! Kf3 4 Ke5) 2
Kd8 Kd6 3 Kc8 Kc6 4 Kb8 Kb5 5 Kxb7 Kxa5 6 Kc6 Ka6 7 Kd5 Kb6 8
Kxe4, etc.
47. A is the correct answer.
Choices: (a) g4 (b) h4 (c) Ka5
(a) Curiously, all moves except 1 g4! lose for White. On 1 . . . h4! (not
1 ...hxg4? 2 hxg4 Kc5 3 Ka5 Kc4 4 Kb6 wins) 2 Ka5 Kc5! 3 Ka4 Kc4
repeats moves.
(b) Black queens too fast after 1 h4? g4! 2 Ka5 b3 3 axb3+ Kxb3 4
Kb5 Kc3 5 Kd5 Kd3 6 Ke5 Ke3 7 Kf5 Kf3 (as in "c").
(c) Hopeless is 1 Ka5? g4! 2 hxg4 hxg4 3 Ka4 Kc3 4 Kb5 b3 5 axb3
Kxb3 6 Kc5 Kc3 7 Kd5 Kd3 8 Ke5 Ke3 9 Kf5 Kf3 gobbling the pawn
on g3 next.
48. A is the correct answer.
Choices: (a) Kg3 (b) Kg2 (c) Kh2
(a) The tricky solution is 1 Kg3! Ke4 2 Kg2! Ke3 (another pretty
variation is 2...Kf4 3 Kf2 Kg4 4 Ke3! Kxh4 5 Kf4 Kh3 6 e4 h4 7 e5
Kg2 8 e6 h3 9 e7 h2 10 e8/Q h1Q 11 Qe2+ Kg1 12 Kg3! and White is
helpless despite his queen) 3 Kf1 Ke4 4Ke1 Ke35Kd1
Kf46Kd2Ke4(againif6...Kg47Ke3Kxh4 8 Kf4 wins) 7 e3 Kf3 8 Kd3
Kg3 9 Ke4! (not 9 e4? Kxh4) Kg4
1 0 KeS Kxh4 1 1 Kf4 Kh3 1 2 e4 Kg2 1 3 eS! h4 1 4 e6 winning as
shown above.
(b) If 1 Kg2 Ke4 2 Kf2 Kf4! draws. White could win here were Black
on move!
(c) Black holds against 1 Kh2 Kd4! 2 Kg2 Ke4! 3 Kf2 Kf4= and again
White finds himself on the move and thus can make no progress (4
Kf1 Kg4).
49. B is the correct answer.

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