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CHM256 Tutorial Class WEEK7

Chapter 4

1. What is sampling

: Sampling is the act of collecting sample to produce meaningful information.

2. What is representative sample

: Representative sample is the content of analytical sample reflects content of bulk sample.

3. How to store sample

: For liquids samples, make sure that it is kept in bottles with stoppers.

: Acidic liquid samples can be stored in glass container.

: Basic liquid samples can be stored in plastic container.

: Solid samples is easier to keep and have less chance to be adulterated by foreign matters. Sometimes it

can also get absorbed to the wall of the container.

4. Why need to store sample

: Because there is a time gap between when the sample is taken and the actual analysis is being carried

5. What is dry ashing

: Dry ashing is the sample that is slowly combusted at a high temperature (400-700°C) in a muffle
furnace. Atmospheric O₂ serves as the oxidant, that is organic matter is burned off, leaving behind
inorganic residue that is soluble in dilute acid. Oxidizing aids may be employed.

6. What is wet ashing

: Wet ashing is a method for the decomposition of an organic material, such as resins or fibers, into an
ash by treatment with boiling oxidizing acid or mixture of acids. The acids oxidize organic matter to
CO₂, H₂O and other volatile products, which are driven off, leaving behind salts or acids of the inorganic

7. Adv and disadv of dry ashing

: Advantages of dry ashing are simplicity and free from contaminations since few or no reagents are
added. Disadvantages of dry ashing are volatilization of elements and losses by retention on the walls
of the vessels, absorbed metals on the vessels may in turn contaminate future samples and needs 2-4
hours for dry ashing.

8. Adv and disadv of wet ashing

: Advantages of wet ashing are superior in terms of rapidity and freedom from loss by retention.
DIsadvantage of wet ashing is the introduction of impurities from the reagent necessary for the

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