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¢ ae , wih Hope This Meets You — in Good Health — The Newsletter of the ISKCON Health and Welfare Ministry Issue No. 17 ee ® e ‘The Minister's Message Jn many couate es especially tm the Western world, great zmphasis is put on nutrition bt lite on tae consciousness ofthe person wh ho is eating and how the food is prepared ‘Oue consciousnessis extremely important fora healthy lie When we oer our food tothe Supreme Lord, our eating ‘becomes an act of devotion, and we wll naturally become snore appreciative of and respectful othe food. Such food then becomes “prasad” orthe mercy ofthe Sypreme Lord. By eating such prasad with devotion, our body, rind, in telligence, and contamination, iy asa servant tncludes careful ‘onsclousness become purified of material ‘and our soul i aakened to its tue iden ofthe Supreme, Eating with devotion aso ly chewing the food and giving the entire process of eating the proper concentration necessary for the foods proper digestion, assimilation, and elim ‘This willelp to Prablads create true material and epirital health jananda Swami ISKCON Minister for Health and Welfare Disclaimer earls of theeditors. ‘The magazine thie magazine donot necetsaily represen the wows or the Heath and Wallace Ministry ‘snot intended to neat, dlagnoss any lees o ds ase, dor prescbe any remedy o meine. {Te informat subst professional Credits alors Layout Miastrations Subscriptions 2 Hope The Mes on costed herein i in no way to be considered te for consultation with « daly licensed health-care is Holiness Prabladanands Swart Rapa Sanatana Dasa Kancata-vali Devi Das ‘Yadarani Devi Dash ‘Mangala-ati Devi Das Mangala-vati Devi Das, Swananda Dasa ts You n Good Hsieh Hope This Meets You — in Good Health — The Neer BKCON al od ef Cotes fom Sia Prabhapada Ayurveda 103 Pratadannda Swart Fie Pillars of Health ga Manjari asi Das} Vogt and Ayurveda Canndrakantt Dev Das llssful Body Therapies Caroline Robertson News Front cover: Lord Krsna takes tnch amongst is chr end ‘The Minister Subscriptions “The subscription cos foe two Ise of hs rowsletteris USs 0. Pease senda money oder in US dollars along with your rare and address. to the ISKCON Health and Welfare Mistry: ISKCON Health and Welfare Mi lo ISKCON Radhadesh, Ghiteau de Petite Somme 5 40 Septon (Dusbay) gan Hae send al correspon to thi adres, We welcome contributions for future newsletters ease wis the ISKCON Health aa Welfare Ministry Webste, where you can download previous issues of thismagazine or read news shout health matters seworishcon.netaslikconbealth (© Bhaktivedants Book Trust Intereatonal, Ine, e (QUOTES FROM SRILA PRABHUPADA f= There ae five kinds of ais, vay When the ars are not controled in old age, ac- cording to Ayurvedic system, itt called vayusogah, The muscles become slack ‘ened, old man, Because the alr contol (Fair circulation is not proper. Theve are many medicines, many practice of yoga So the real purpose is, yous practice means, to control the senses. Indrani! porary ahur indryebhyah param manah, ‘manasas tu para buddhir buddies tv yoh pra sah (Bg 3.43) This the study ofthe ‘whole structure. Grossy, ourbody means the senses. We are, everyone, animal and laze inteligent men, they are busy only {for sense gratification, Indriyan porary. “They thinkthesense gratification, “This ‘enjoyment, this is happiness.” But actual Iy that is not happiness. Sulfiam atyant kar yot tad atincyar (2g. 6.22) What ‘actual happiness, aiyantkar, thats atin. dey. Atindyameans beyond the senses But because we have no such knowledge, because we are in the bodily concept of Ife, “Lain this body"so am interested in the matterof gratifying my senses. — Seis Praonuga, lecureoe Bhagavad. ga, Bomd2y, 35 894, 375 18 So krishna has to satisfy every one of them. ThatisnotdifficultforHim. Yeyatha main prapadyante tans tavhaiva bhejmny ‘aham (Grea. g33). There are so many mil- lions and trillions of devotees. They are surendering to Krishna and desiting to ‘erve Him in his decent propensity, and Krishna fulfils everyone's desire. Soto un- derstand Krishna, hsna-vpadesa, 1 know about Krishna, that is Krishna conscious- ress movement. Caitanya Mahaprabhu's ‘mission slike that, Yare dekha, tare kaha “esna-ypadesa (Ce. Madhya 7228). if yu study just lke here, analytical study of fire... Dyotanam, illumination; paca ‘nam, digesting; panar, ineeasing thirst IF you don't fee thirsty, that means the ‘agnor the fire element within the stom= ‘ach, is not working. Agni-mandya. Man 60, the word comes rom manda, Manda means slow So the Ayurvedic treatment they say it, egn-mandya So when theres cagné-mandya, theres medicine how toig- nite the fire again, There is fire within the stomach, within the abdomen, Sin rabhupac lect on imac hagavatry, Bombay, 45 rear, 385, 18 So youcannotstop the natural course ofthis body. You must meet the process ‘ofthe body, namely, birth, death old age, and disease, So Bhagavatasays therefore, _yasyatma-buddnhh kurape t-ahatuke (SB. 10.84.33) This body is made of three primary elements: mucus, ble, and air That is the Vedic version and Ayurvedic ‘yestment. Tis body is 4 bag of mucus, bile, and ai In old age the acrculation becomes disturbed, Therefore old man becomes rheumatic, so many bodily all ments, So Bhagavata says, “One whe hat ‘accepted thiscombination of bile, mucus, and air as self, he isan ass. "Yes. Actually, this isthe fact. I we accept this combina- tion efile, mucus, and airas myself..50 inteligent person, a very great philoso- pes, very great scientist, does it mean thathe's combinationof bile, mucusand aie? No. This isthe mistake. He's lfferent ‘rom ths bile or mucus oF ai, He's soul ‘And according ta his kerma, he's exhibit: ing, manifesting his talent, Srl Prabhupad, gnarl acre, Lesage a4 Mey. 1970 = We can perceive the action ofthe air \whenthe branches of atree moveor when dry leaves on the ground collect together, Similarly, itis only by the action ofthe ar that a body moves, and when the air cite ‘ationis impeded, many diseases result. Paralysis, nervous breakdowns, madness, land many other diseases are actually dve 10 an insufficient circulation of ar. In the ‘Ayurvedic system these diseases are treated on the basis of air cxculation. If are eee Seen erriees Berea aie eset ai eee eae ra ianesteateer anon Pee leet Ferdeey area aa Tolisccotle ler He bey Sa, seta deyectbiah pe oe eee Eostasde bo beadayof eas Tiwacrston bled me camot pee eee Peeavieaer tata ae Feareee bael eaeea ete eee cee ibeipeeime res eee eer ability to detect odors is also due to the ® Shove = sumna-tbagnvnam 3.267, purport ‘= If rivers are not polluted and are al> lowed to flow in their own way, or some- times allowed to flood the land, the land will come very fertile and able to pro- duce al Kinds of vegetables, ees, and plants, The word rasa meane “taste.” Ace ‘wally all sas are tastes within the earth, land a8 soon a6 seeds are sown in the ground, various tees sprout up to satisfy ‘0 diferent tastes, For instance, sugar- cane provides itsjucestosatisfy our taste for sweetness, and oranges provide their juices to satisfy our taste for a mixture of the sour and the sweet. Similarly, there ‘xe pineapples and other fruits. At the came time, there ae chilies to satisfy our taste for pungency. Although the earth’ ground is the same, diferent tastes aise veto diferent kinds of seeds Sra Bhaganatom 4.398, purport ‘Hope The Mets You In Good Health 3 ® a AYURVEDA we Me eh Ye he eee Se ee i ee Se + previously mentioned (coe: Hope This Meets You in Good Health, Issue 16, 2020), food Ledergoes different kinds of digestive processesbefoveit sassimilated land becomes a part of the dhatus, the bodily tissues or structures. OF coure, it ‘important for these processes what we feat, but it even more important what sve can actualy digest. ‘Our digestion begins in our mouth when the tongue taste the rasa (tate, flavor of the food and sends messages to the brain 10 what kind of substance the digestive system should prepare fer. When foed en- tersthe stomach, the kind of vityaeneray) ‘ofthe food is determined by whether the taste ofthe food adds tothe fre of diges- tion or whether further eneray is required {rom the body. Thus viya may be hot or ‘old, Hot viyo adds to the digestive fe, while cold viya needs addtional energy from the digestive system, “The food is Further digested inthe colon in a process called vpaka, or digestion ‘conversion of food intoa state for assimi= lation, Heve the tastes are transformed, so that they have an effect on the mafas {excreta}, namely, stool, urine, and sweat. But the tastes can also be used as nuti- ton by both the ces and the dhatus. The following table shows how different tastes are transformed into the different voakas: TASTE RNY cos Po a ea ea Cn Pungent Biter era ‘The sweet vpoka tends to enhance bodily huteition and helps eliminating the malas, ‘while the sour woaka enhances digestion fon the cellular level and increares the acidity of the bodily secretions (it may make the stools loose), Pungent vpaka in creases the vaca dosha and can cause con stipation, fort impedes the low of bodily Prabhava When different substances with the same rasa, via, and visaka have differ= lent properties this Is called peabhava, In his book Ayurvaic Textbook Part One, Va santa Lad mentions that two teaspoons of ghee added to mile a laxative, but ghee added in smaller quantities such as half # teaspoon is constipatng, Tiss de to prabhava, He gives another example: Rock salt and sea salt both have a salty taste, heating virya, and sweet vipaka However, sea salt increases kapha dosha ‘more and is not good for hypertension, ‘while rock ak willnot cause hypertension. Some suggestions for good eating habits Good eating habits wll abo help vs digest food more easily. Out of all the eating habits, not eating more then we can digest is essential. f you are an elephant, youshouideat lke an elephant ifyou are an ant, you should eat like an ant. How- ever if an ant eats like and elephant 0° ifan elephant eat like an ant, there will surely be difficulties, Furthermore, locally row food that ripe and in season is ‘more digestible than eanned food that is ovtof season or shipped in from some distant place Here are some other suggestions: (One should not eat again before the last mealhas been completely digested, Undigested food in the diges: tive tract Gtomach and intestines) can be ascertained in the morning by examining the tongue, feces, and urine. Ifthe tongue 's thickly coated, itis asign of accumula tion of toxins inthe digestive tract. Urine should be beercolored. Turbid derk-col- ‘red fouksmelling urine and feces full of undigested food are other signs of toxins inthe digestive tact When there are signe of indiges- = tion, including lack of appetite and heaviness of the limbs, one should fast for a meal or a day and give the di- gestive system a chance to recover and Process the toxin, Youcould also sip atea prepared from gingerand water. Actually, the real sign of your body being prepared 10 process. new food is when you are genuinely hungry. Mental hunger for new stimulation i not the real hunger that ‘one experiences when the body isheslthy and the digestive frei veady to consume new food. Ifyou are notable to recognize what is hunger, fast fora day or tno and you willbe able to perceive what genuine hangers. Ae onsen cere = Constitution, Robert Svoboda suggests this: "Never eat when angry, de pressed, bored, or otherwise emotionally Unstable, or immediately after any physi calexertion.” A, Reps food a an offering tothe = Supreme Person. Inthe Bhagavad: gita, Lord Krishna states that one should Drepare food for the satisfaction of the Supreme, otherwise one will be infected by lower states of consciousness and mast subsequently suffer the reactions of karmic activities. As spiritual souls, we have come to the material world with the desire to dominate the material nature ‘and each other, This bullying tendency is especially prominent in our deste to dominate other creatures by consuming ‘them in the form of food. By preparing the food desired by the Supreme Lord, such as fruit, vegetables, and grains and ‘offering them to Him For His satisfaction, gradually the desive to dominate mate Fal resources diminishes. Eating with this consciousness will bring us closer to the Supreme Person and more in harmony sth His multifaceted enesgies ‘One should eatin a clean, peace- = fu, pleasant environment, 0 that ‘one will nt be distracted in the media ton of eating, ‘Hope The Mets You In Good Heaith 5 e 2 When possible, eat with your hands. Before eating take a shower or at least wash face, hands, and feet. Concentrate on eating and chew- ing the food. Food that is not chewed will not be digested and wil suit imama, or toxic accumulation inthe diges- tive tract that will eventualy emer into the vitallorgane and cause chronic diseases, Talking shovld be avoided while tating, so that you can chev the focd properly and concentrate on the foods tarte. The taste of the food con- tains prana and thus energizes the body and mind; it also provides clues as tothe digestive juices needed for proper diges- tion, Too much talking also tends to mix ‘excessive air with the food and thus in- ‘creases the ikelhood of poor digestion, Wile eating, try to Face east the ection of the rising sun, the source ofthe Earth's heat and fire Eat with people you know and trust. Est with appreciation and gratitude, Before you eat, its best if your right ost is Function- ing propery. Ths in turn will enhance the functioning of the digestion system. To test which nostil functions bette, hold your hand in front of your nostils and breathe into the palm. The right nosti will ako become prominent by hooking ‘yout left armpit around the arm of a chair 1 by in- and exhaling from the right nos trilby covering the left one \Wyouhave aweak digestive fire, uy chewing asice or woot gins ger with a sprinkle of lemon juice from a ‘reshlemon; it wll help kindle the fi. When possible, eat with your hhands The hands sense the heat 6 Hope Ths Mest You in Good Heth of the food and give subtle clues to the brain to aid in the digestive process Robert Svoboda suggests: "After eating, drinking a mixture of yo gurtand water will help the digestive fire, “Those with weak digestion can use non- fat yogutt and a 2:3 proportion of yogurt to water; those with stronger digestion ‘may use normal yogurt ina proportion of ‘pto33 yogurt to water.” After the meal, you could take ‘a short walk. Rising the eyes with water will cool down some of the fire inthe eyes that comes from the eyes! connection with the digestive fie in the stomach, Defecation should not be en- ‘couraged, but passing urine after eatingis sign of good health, Avoid reading and doing any other activity such as looking ata computer ortelevsion sreen, within two houts of eating. These activities will strain the eyes. Also avoid exercise or any strenvous activity within an hour after eating you are physically weakorhave eaten 190 much, he on your let side for twenty minutes to increase the di gestive fire —but donot sleep, ‘Avoid eating after sunset; if you have (0 eat at night, eat baht. ‘The biggest meal ofthe day is ideally take lent noon, when the digestive fre isthe strongest, Insome climates such as India, sometimes itis better not to consume large qualities of food during the hottest ‘ime ofthe day asthe body's fre of diges- tion weakens when the body is cooled thiough cooling mechanisms, such as _sveating, to protect the body from exces: sive heat No matter how strong your di- gestive fire i, allow at least two hours between meals if we take the most important five aspects of daily routine, we end up with the following list: 2. REST (NIDRA), 2. RELATIONSHIP (MAITHUNAM), 3. EXERCISE (VYAAYAAMA), 4. NUTRITION OT AAA ToL LAAN Sleep isthe process through which we rejuvenate, repair, and revive our system. This is the time our body and mind goss through repair and rebuilding. est time: Sleep between g and 20 p:m. gives maximum quality. To Improvesleep a gentle exer {ise is good before an early dinner. Foot massage inthe evening abo aids deep sleep. Direction of the head: Head should be d= rected to east or south to optimize sleep. This isto do with the ‘magnetic fields of our body and thatof the earth. Position of the bedioom This should be decided based on Vastu Shastea prin ples. Feng Shuiis the Chinese version of Indian Vastu Shasta, ‘Signs of good sleep: One feels refreshed and energized after good sleep, Sleep is peaceful, and one is mostly unaware of dreams, One feels positive and happy after a good sleep, There ‘won't be puffy eyes, headaches, sinus congestion, heaviness of| the body, tiredness, aches and pains inthe morning, Eee (Our relationship with nature, society, family, colleagues, and ‘ourselves i important in building a healthy lif. The fist two limbs of yoga (yama and niyama) discuss this. Sexual rela- tionship Is also given importance in Ayurveda treatises as it is the most physical and intimate act of a relationship. The most important of alli how you relate to yourself. This includes how much you value, respect, and love yourself, and how you talk toyourself When: Exercise is best performed before eating, This prevents the formation of toxins inthe system, tis never done soon after esting nd just before eating or sleeping. Itshould be 2~3 hours Hope This Meets You i Good Health 7 after eating a normal meal. How much; Exercise is done until halFone'sstrength is used, Ovevsexerciseresuitsin depletion and permanent damage of the body. Reduce the intensity and dura- tion during summer, but you may perform itto your maximum ‘capacity dixing cold seasons. What type: Strengthening and stretching in symmetry in te right combination for your bodily requirements, Here we wil discuss the scientific way of eating, Are you jut ‘what you eat? In Ayurveda the proper transformation of food into healthy tissues based on the stenath of the digestive fre {ogni The assimilation of ntients and elimination of wastes is largely dependent on the efciency of the digestive fre. So, Ayacveda believes you ace what you assinlate Perfect diges- tion cretes radiant health and strong immunity. Unbalanced Aigstve fie lads tothe improper trensformation of fod into toxins, the basis of ll Perfect digestion jr oo ees creates radiant health ae ae Ps a and strong immunity. alanced moods, 1egu- ler and healthy appetite, absence of gastric disturbances and other diseases; glossy hai; light, flexible body; dep, refreshing steep; abundant energy and, vitality, positive attitude and ifestyke habit, BNE ete tour Cee aR ay Ce ere cs eet net me ene? ee acne eter eat Cee eee nal Cee HOW DID | GET POOR DIGESTION? ‘The following ave some ofthe factors that contribute towards 8 sveak digestion, By guarding against these you can prevent and ‘reat most illnesses. + Taking the wrong foods at the wrong time, in the wong) amount, in the wrong way, or in negative mental or physi- ‘al environment. The most common dietary indiscretion in developed counties is overeating causing @ phenomenon own asthe undesnutrition of overconsumption.” + Premature stimulation, suppression, oF fale to attend to the body's natural urges, such as thirst, hunger, urination, defecation, sleep, passing flats, and sneezing, + Taking cold drinks or foods ike e-cream. + Taking synthetic prescriptionirecreational drugs + Exposure to external toxins, such a air pollstants, chemical beauty products, and perfumes. + Prolonged emotional stain, such asstress, grief anges, anc denial =| | rsn-207 Masacerinae OPTIMIZE YOUR NUTRITION Practice the following tips and create perfect digestion. And rememberto eat your liquids and drink your solids! Before Eating: Ar! really hungry? Itisbest to estonly when you are really hungry and when the previous meal has been fully di- (gested (roughly five hours) Do I need to go to the toll fist? Tis ‘recommended to empty one's bowel and bladder before eating isa sign of il heakh to empty one's bowels immediately after «ting. Did | wash my hands, face, and feet? Simple hygiene isim- portant to avoid loess, Avo taking afllshower or sim within {three hoursatter eating ait draws the ciculaion avay trom the cigestion, During Eating: Amin congenial suwroundings? Good company, Comersation, and suroundings are conducive to a contented ‘mind, which asists proper digestion. Dd express my gratitude? “This may be inthe form ofa prayer to @ higher power or at east tothe people who helped to provide the meal. Am | rushing? Eat ‘ata moderate speed, taking care to chev each mouthful atleast 10-20 times, Am lapprecating this mel? Take time to appreciate the sound, the aroma, the texture, appearance, and the taste of {he food. Do | need a dink? Small quantities of wan drinks en courage effisent absorption, simination, and the action of the cligestive fire ‘After Eating: Am |satisfied?itisimportant torememberthatthe stomach is only the size ofa fist. To avoid overeating, make ita practice to fill your stomach half with solid feod, 2 quarter with liquids and leave the remaining one quarter empty for space to ‘iicslate toaid digestion, One should avoid heavy labor, exercice, ‘ormental workfor at least thity minutes aftereating.Aslow walk fox five minutes is advised. Sleep isbest avoided for three hours after eating as ths causes the formation of toxins. However, one may le on the left side for up to fifteen minutes. yoga pose known as vejasana sa good stting posture to aid digestion, ‘An Ideal Ayurvedic Meal Ideal Ayurvedic nutition has all the following qualities + Fresh locally grown, seasonal, and organicinarecients Consists of dishes withallthe six flavors + Consists of fouror more textures ‘+ Hasa good balance between heavy and light, moistand dry, cooked and ram, cooling end heating foods, Suitable tothe climate, the constitution ofthe eater, fe style, and the condition of the body. ‘Appears, tastes, and smells delicious Prepared lovingly in hygienicconltions ‘There are complementary proteins, such asrice and dha Heavier foods should beeaten earlerin the meal and lighter foods towards the end ‘Cooking in healthy earthen, ceramic, bronze, copper, or es steel vessels +n general avoid alcohol, meat, yeast, carbonated drinks, caffeinated drinks, tobacco, refined sugar, white flowy addi- tives, preservatives, and canned food. + Eaten with fll awareness, + Big meals only eaten before 6 pm. e BOOSTINGYOUR DIGESTIVE FIRE your digestion is sluggish boost it by the following. Before Eating: Try the following recipe fiteen minutes before «eating: Mix half teaspoon of grated ginger with half ateaspoon lemon jice ana pinch of wock salt. After Eating: Chew one teaspoonof equal partsoffennel seeds, ‘cumin seeds, cardamom seeds, black pepper, and cock sugar, Fasting: Fasting is often the most effective way to purify your body of toxins. In Ayurveda, fasts are tailored according to the individuars degree of toxic accumulation, their strength, and specific imbalance. To maintain health, one is advised to have ‘a cleansing tea fast or a warm water fast one day a fortnight in ‘order to give the digestive system ares, to ve-establish proper ‘eating habits and to expel accumulated toxins, complet fast ing s successfully done only in a stress Fre environment. ‘A mental puification i Followed at the same time, which ine volves silence, other than prayers or affirmations, avoidance of exposure to television, radi, or noise, and adherence to the inciples of honesty, celibacy, cleanliness, and service to oth- 1s, Heavy mental and physical exertion & avoided at this time, butshort walksin natureand selimassage are considered high Iybenefcil EATTO LIVE ‘Once you have purified your body and established healthy eat- ing habits, ntition should be e357 te maintain. Obsessvely worrying about your diet or _ Weare not feeling remorse after dietary “living to eat,” iniscietion sets wp 9 seer byt we also have fo. svi is) neve be careful that we.) i to be careful that we don't feed don’t feed disease. ssease.By slowly incorporating these Ayurvedic principles into ‘your life, the benefits experienced should be incentive enough to olow them with ease ‘Work s based on your constitution, Eat (rectangulay, heavy boned, solid looking) people are natural hands on, manage- tial, admin people, designed to do repetitive style of work ‘Water types (soft, rounded, curvaceous, large eyed) ones are HR managers, listeners, cares, nurses, hospitable people, Fire types (angulay, triangular, muscular) people are designed 10 challenging, radically transformative, fast, precice, competitive jobs. Air types (smal light, thin, small in shape) are perform= fers, teachers, pop musicians, mult-taskers, quicklearmers, and ‘communicators Ether types (al, slender, thin long ibs and fingersftoes) are thinkers, philosophers, scientists, guides, and meditators Copyright © Pye lemons 2030 HOW MUCHCAN I IMPROVE? Seay tae om notataline often gerheadeches 2 feo! heavyrecwhen wakeup 3. fe slepyteed aera mel {gee snabylertaolenred frase mea! 5. lgetgeso.oatec wich some od ©. getaanreateonsipaton 2. igettees nthestamoon 8. Inevenegatvelupsttng reersinmy seep 9. Igesoejonisybackneck 40. Ihaveweght problems assigaey 1, Thoogh ea fay wel my energy om 12, igetmouth vested sores 43. getsnushayfeerinwinter 1a. Mysexipstenyy nals arenicged 45. lgetsufinghe ts 126. My rafaleos, xpecalyandarstrees 17. Inevecificuty making decisions 2 getpanyblod wth my bowel movement 2. gerashesitchy senpsonesseceers 20, ink the word ea ry ae place Tota: ean emprove another on DGESTION 1 Ident get hungry perosealy 2 Inver fee! satife stra rel 3 don felenergizedandrelsedaters mes 4. cravesuparsaearbohyrateateremes| 5 Many tier on seer areal 6. Itakea ng tmetorecoverromames 3._\fe!hyposyetemic fares eceleyee 8. igethendaches fares! missed or delsyed 9. igethenaaches dunno stg 2s, lamina hry ane dort hewn food 33 22. worry #lotcuning ating 2 taka la curr eating a4. lumen Tire book news pape while etn 5 Igetgaufaming oan Total: ean emprove another on 1 ont sleep wel > ltossenotum ao lgeerghesimats A getrightnare SMysleapit ight — any ian can ctu ne 6. eemarnberny arses 1 ® . lama atengn person Iori wake upceirestes, raged ne postive lame, sup and eraney nthe moening 10. feel Hhehavng ore slap tthe orig Tota: can mproveanather 96 Hops Tle Meets You In Good Health 9 Me caged Yoga means linking with the Supreme, with God. How can we connect with God? Ree er erie ees Cer rem er es ee SF ee iM Sets Se ee) eR en eee ae eee ee inteligence and false ego), and the two spiritual elements {the soul (atmay and the Supersou, (pacamatnna). The gross ee ee eee eee See ea Se ee ee ces sets of prop “This means yoge systems are designed differently depending Cor oer ier re ars Pree eee All the Vedic sciences are supportive of yoga. Vastu sastra is sed to organize one's immediate physical envionment <0 ‘that it helps us be peaceful so we can connect with God — this ‘an be considered a kind of yoga of ow environment or outer pace, When we organize the outside world in a conducive way that supports the body and mind in our spitual developmen ‘Ayurveda can be called the yoga of nutrition — or the yoga of intesnal space, Ayurveda enables us to improve the absorption ‘of the ingredients that make the body stiong and healthy. ‘Hatho-yoga and pranayama improve the health our gross body ‘and aur peace of mind through physical exercises and improv- ing our breathing. i the yoga of the mind or the more subtle material elements, Mantra yoga, oF atma yoga, is 2 spiritual ‘yoga ofthe individual sou (atma)in relation with the Supersoul Agararmatra), wo reside in the heart. ‘The words mantra, Is composed of two terms, manes — mind, and trayate—to free. This means that mantra meditation is ine tended to free the mind. Free the mind from what? Free the ‘mind from material conditioning which & unnecessary for our =pirtual progress things. Hovis this done in practice? Since the rmindis@ simple machine, it must be controlled. Thisis so we use the mind, not the According to the Vedas, rinjwnesss the everything related — st emowro toGod is spiritualized 720 sean or attains peifection. °9, my Peo sonalty of Godhead, ofr You my ost humble obeleances” “This mantra connects us dvetly with the Supreme. According to the Vedas, everything lated to God fs sprtuaied o attains perfection. By practicing the repetition ofthis mantra, ou ind attains lib- ‘eration rom material bewilderment through direct contact with the Supreme. This contact i direct because mantras are not o= dinary sound vibrations, They are transcendental. f we use an ‘oxdinary sound vibration from mundane lif, we wll not achieve spiritual success, Mantras are the basis fr the creation ofthe universe, The Ve= dasexplain that space arises from the primordial transcendental ‘sound coming from God. The idea behind mantra yogasto spi= itualize our existence, so that at no time are we disconnected {rom God. This isthe meaning ofthe great science of yoga —to ‘connect with God continuously and forever, Therefore, biakte _yoga ss considered the crown of the yoga system. Bhaktyoga recommends the chanting of the Hare krshna mantra, the most appropriate method of self-realization inthis age “The Vedic sciences are complete and perfect in themselves. IF ‘one practices all these methods to connect the ata with para- ‘mate, one fe willbe successful. And whatie # successfull Successful life means that at the moment of death, we willbe able to discontinue the path of sornsara (the endless repetition ‘ofbirth and death inthe material world) and go backto the spi ‘wal world, back to Godhead, the place where we trly belong, “To understand what this means, we need to examine death {rom the perspective of Ayurveda, ‘According to Ayurveds, when death touches the element earth, a sense of stability and strength af the body starts to gradually ‘decrease. Then one’s body becomes very heavy, its boundaries Unclear and insubstantial, One's perception o ving inthe body ‘weakens along with sersitivty tothe outside world. Then one is ‘no longer able to move ones limbs. The Function ofthe internal brgans begins to fade, The element earth more and move dis- solved inthe water element. This creates a sense of liquefaction of the body. Then, the water element begins to dissolve into the clement fre and the feeling of liquefaction pazzes into asensa- ‘Yon of heat and haze. The flow af bodily fluids slows, and the eyes and lips become dry Thecirculation slows down, and blood pressure reduces, With the suspension of circulation, blood settles inthe legs and 2 sense of lightness develops. When the fire element dissolves inthe element as, gradually the feeling of heat oF cold disappears and the well-being of the body loses its meaning, Bodily temperature decreases and the body starts to become pale and cold The digestive process stops. Predom) rants the Feeling of eaze and infinity When the air element dissolves in the subtle body (the mind, Inteligence, and ego) a sense of boundlessness arises. When ‘exhalation becomes longer than inhalation, one no longer feels the bodily forms and functions and has an expanding sense of ariness, Then the soul makes its way through one of the nadis (energy holes) indicated bythe Supersoul glowing at the end of the tunnel to ournext destination: rebirth in the material world ‘orreturn backhome, backtothe spiritual world, Our destination depend on hat we have done during ou life Since this moment is 2 completely new feeling for our body, itis especialy difficult to control our senses and perform our practice for perfection. The best thing to dois imply repeat the ternal mantra for liberation, the Hare Krishna maha-mantra, escibed inthe Vedas as the most sutable practice forthe age ‘we now live in. This maha-mantra embodies the meaning of all the Vedas and isnon-iferent from God Himsel. ‘What isthe purpose ofthe Vedas, according tothe Vedas thern- selves? Athato brahimaj asa —nom isthe time to inquire about Brahman, This human body i the most suitable among the ma- terial world's 8.4 milion life forms for sel-vealization. Pranayama means controle breathing. Pranais the cosmic en fexgy, the divine force that maintains our body. It connects the {10 body, mind, and consciousness, moving within the body and carrying our sensations, thoughts, feelings, and emotions “The physical manifestation of prana is breathing, According to Ayurveda our whole field experience and being — the gross body, the subtle body, and the soul —is associated with breath ing, Breathing is seen as the physical part of thinking, and think- ing as the mental part of breathing. Every thought, and feeling thatit causes, i affecting the respiratory rhythm. Silay, dit ferent types of breathing change the éhythm oft types of feelings i causes, These isa big diference, for example, in our expetience when we breath either thiough the left oF the right nostril. Every 45-go minutes the nestrl through which we primarily breathe i alternated, Breathing thiough the right nostril manages the loft hemisphere of the brain and through the left nostril —the ‘Hops Tals Meets You In Good Heth 0. ight hemisphere, The left hemisphere is associated with mak ‘eneigy, aed ight with female, These energies exist in al of us. ‘Asa, the left hemisphere ofthe brain controls the right side of the body and the right hemisphere contol: the lft side. Thus precominantly breathing through the right nostil activates the left hemisphere (associated with male energy) and vice versa = the left nostrl activates the right hemisphere (associated ‘wth fesminine energy), The left hemisphere is vesponsible for logical thinking, learning, research, aggressiveness, competi- tion, and reasoning. When we study or examine something we bveathe primarily with the When both male rr sn and female energies jreriyscive are balanced, the practitioner Gril. wen Wn can more easily veisminan the. agit Meditate on God. temisphere is working and ‘we manifest feminine en- 1g. This energy s associated with lve, compassion, intuition, ‘at, poetry, and religion, ‘When we breathe through the left nostil we increase the inf ‘ence of the moon and cool down the body and whan we use the fight nostril the sun increases the heat in our body. Thus if we siton our left foot and lean on our lft hand, we reduce the in fvence ofthe moon, warming the body and strengthening the digestive process, When both male and female energies are balanced, the practi= tioner can move easily meditate on God, The nad (the subtle channels ofthe nervous system) are also puted, and the mind ‘an be controlled and go beyond matter, and # is simpler to meditate on the Absolute “There are many different types of pranayama. Sitali pranayama is performed as follows: Sit in the lots, oF ‘semiiotus, posture, bend your tongue like a tube and slowly breathe from the hole formed, exhaling through the nose with ‘mouth dosed. This method is useful for reducing pitta and has | postive influence in all ptiadisordere and is designed to cool the body, [Bhastrka pranayama (breath of fre) is performed as follows: Breathe calmly through the nose and exhale more actively with slight effort. Start slowly and gradually increase the speed Make a cycle of tity breaths, gradually intensifying asa steam locomotive, and then rest for one minute. You can perform up 1 five cycles in the morning and in the evening, This exercise swarms the body, and heals the lange by enlarging their active size. This is helpflin allergies and asthma, _Bhromaxipransyama (humming breath) is parformed as follows: Inhale deeply with your stomach by straining the cartilage cap of the larynx eigltts, casing asound similar to resonant ex pression of amazement, pronouncing something lke the sound of "Ty ta produce a high sound like the buzzing of bees ‘When you breathe out, rleasea deep sound, like the hamming ‘ofthe dione, During the Bhramariexercise slighty touch the tip AZ Hope Ths ects You in Good Heal =| | sn. z0r Meant 2 ‘of the tongue tothe palate, near the thioat. This sound i ike a ‘sound therapy forthe brain. tis useful for the thyroid and para thyroid glands, Make up to ten such cyclesat once {ay pranayama breath of vitor) is performed as follows Sit in padmasana ovrasana, placing hands on the knees, palms vp. Keep your chest head, and nec in ine 20 thatthe backbone i upright Wildly move the chin closer tothe ches, pulling your head back, snutaneouslyceaxing. Focus om the throat, With ‘ut actully swallowing, begin the swalloning movement to ft up the thoat. At the same time stetch the epglotts forse delivery ofthe letter" and with slow and deep breathing wth yourstomach, lease agente babbling sod Ding inhalation, sallow ard hod fora short time, then slowly exhale, string the epiglots, making a babbling sound. Practice of ay breath: ing brags great satisfaction. The mind calms down, the muscles telax and one actually experiences sense of victory. This breath- ing exercise works beneficial for all thee doshas, contributing to courlongevity. Make upto twelve sch eydesat once, “Surya hed pranayama is performed as follows: Breath with the right nostri. To perform inhalation and exhalation only through the sight nostri, youean block he let with cattoncr-with the 4th ‘and sth fingers of your right hand, Inhale and exhale through the right nostril This helps digestion and activates the male aspect of| ‘the body and mind, Make upto ten such cycles at once, TNT Here are some yoga asanas which prevent or heal various diseases: oe Ne ee sy er ie? Pe ete ate ean nee ec ec peers ee ae ee eo ee eet ene Ce ca cd recommended: heaestene er ets oo Soe eet ee ee eae ey Oe ee ee ees ices Coors See Cee ees eee) Beating Jet Lag and Associated Travel Ills By Kancana-valli Devi Dasi Recently | travelled to India to attend ‘an Ayurvedic clinic for some treatment. | was apprehensive as ever about the journey, since every time | visit India, | have trouble with jet lag — both going ‘and especially coming back, Last time | ‘ame back from Indi, | was in bed for a week, ‘Thistimelheededtheadvieeofafriendto luy EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique), 2 form of acupressure described in previous edition of Hope Thi Meets Yu in Good Health (Issue 14, 2008) | wes aided in using EFT by my travel comparion who suffers from tenible ‘ravelsickness. Having a queasy stomach myself was well motivated not to have someone throwing up next 10 me! So helped her with her travel sickness, ‘whilst | as reminded simultaneously to ‘work on my eta, For those unfamiliar wth the technique, the basic method to foas on the problem eitherin the mindorby speaking ‘about it outloud), and then touching oF tapping on easily accessible acupressure points. works itike Bowling, Fitst you place the pinsin the alley (by invoking the ‘energy of the problem, then you expel that energy out of the body by activating the bodys enevay system vis acupressure points. W's a simple enough practice, and my personal experience with it is that itis extremely effective. Thus we had a positive start, and with a pressing need to getit right —for the immediate comfort of my compari set to work dme—we > Bay aes MAO ALU Pes = — 2 aX NY Ay 4 4 4 APRA AA AY ==> ‘We worked on the tavel sickness during “/hate throwing up in public.” takeoft, landing, turbulence, and any —“|wish this feeling would go away.” ‘other time she started feeling queasy. “fee eally sick" Meanwhile, | focused on the changing time (four and a half hours more on the vay ovt four and a half hours lesson the ‘way back) by tapping every two hours {end whenever remembered in between as weld, Jam happy to report that the experiment was a success. My companion, although certainly feeling unwell, did not throw pa fst for her And Ididn’thave any pevceivable jet lag. When we arrived at | decided to use "stream-of-conscious- ov destination, | went straight to bad, ness” phrases thats just said whatever awakening seven hows later was up ‘ame to mind about the issue at hand. and perky during the day, going to bed For the jet ag this included: ae ‘earonable time, This was a considerable *Oh my God, don't believe ts 23 p.m. thought it was 7-30 p.m." Why on earth am lawale at this time of right?" “Thope we get there soon, because | really need to sleep.” asleep-three-hours-awake routine that usually greets me in India. Other bodily improve ye usual three-hours- functions were also more or less normal Lanived in Viindavan ready to appreciate Forthetravelsickness we folowedasiilar 2nd participate in all the wonderful spiritual approach, but with adifferent focus: ‘activities there, What a wonderful result! hls Meets You in Good Heath 33 THERAPIES Ayurveda, Indian natural healing, honours the body as a eee temple —a vehicle for the divine spirit within. ‘There's a beautiful metaphor for this. Our body with its nine ocficessHkened to the nine-holed flute played by Lord Kishna. ‘Whee the flow of breath through the fate Isuneven the sound s distorted. Similarly when we are disconnected from our energetic source the flow of spirit through ‘our bodies is impeded, manifesting as the disharmony of dseave. Ayurvedic therapists are _medico-musicians able 1 attune their awareness to the body's vibration, decipher our beings! expressive song andl conduct a state shift whereby 14 Hope This Mest You iv Good Heath malady is transformed intomelody. Oursweet symphony of heath s restored as the spirit flows freely through a balanced instrument of mind and body, Beautifel music resounds inside all of Us as Yehudi Menuhin expressed, “deep vathin us fs the never silent sound of our ‘ow vibration, which we may ignore but isthe musical core within us all, Modern living Fosters deafness tothe sound of our inner voices. Constant external stimuli, foveremphasis on mental abiities, and reduced physical activity leaves usin @ fragmented state ‘Our mind is overactive and stressed to breaking point whilst the neglected body remains sedentary and stagnant. ‘The relaxed and receptive state induced during bedy therapies. reconnects. us with ourselves so we can pause to hear ‘ur guiding cellular yearnings, From this heightened awareness we recognise and rectify destructive pattems, progressing towards greater selF-love and wisdom, e ‘TRANSFERENCE DYNAMICS ‘Why i bodywork o popular? Put simply, touch touches us at the deepest level Ike the voice of feeling, expressing @ language beyond words. Apaton the back ‘an be more meaningful than a thousand reassuring words. Sometimes we need to bypass the intellect and mind, as with bodywork, to provoke deep ‘change. Traveling through the sea of life our bodies gather basnacles of conditioning throughout diverse experiences. ‘These ‘barnacley are unconscious areas fof ‘tension that howe aur history of ‘emotional baggage such as defences ‘and wioerabiltie, Weighted down with ‘emotional toxicty, our body armours itself against attacks from past ‘ghost ‘A sereitve body therapit is able to vead ‘an indiviuat’s body map of aces, pains, lumps and bumps, fuly aware that every touch evokes certain emotions and gently facitating the letting go of unvesolved ‘wounds, During massage there Isa subtle transference of electromagnetic energy takes place between the practitioner and the clentso it isimportanttotrustand fel “good vibes" with one's chosen therapist ‘One must feel receptive and safe in order to allow the eneigy of the therapist to facilitate the healing process. In turn 4 wave of unconditional love and

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